Читать книгу 20 великих людей, изменивших мир - Кьяра Чони - Страница 1


20 Extraordinary Minds who Changed the World

© Moon srl on license of © Rusconi Libri Spa – Italy

© Copyright, text, design, photography and illustrations – MOON S.r.l. ®.

All rights in this publication are reserved to MOON S.r.l. ®. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of MOON S.r.l. ®.

Texts by:

Chiara Cioni: Sigmund Freud, Antoni Gaudì, Katherine Johnson, Katherine of Russia, Rita Levi Montalcini, Alan Turing

Jacopo Olivieri: Archimedes, Galileo Galilei, Leonardo da Vinci, Louis Pasteur

Rosalba Troiano: Aristotle, Albert Einstein, Elizabeth I of England, Ludwig van Beethoven, Rosalind Franklin, Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, Gabriel García Márquez, Lise Meitner, William Shakespeare

Illustrations by:

Giovanni Abeille: Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, William Shakespeare, Sigmund Freud, Galileo Galilei

Letizia Depedri: Leonardo da Vinci, Archimedes, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Lise Meitner, Alan Turing, Stephen Hawing

Marisa Vestita: Aristotle, Katherine of Russia, Louis Pasteur, Antoni Gaudì, Rita Levi Montalcini, Katherine Johnson

Marilisa Cotroneo: Elizabeth I of England, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Rosalind Franklin

Art Director: Maria de Filippo

Project: Antonia Gasparini

Graphic design: Sarah Bocconi

© ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2021

20 великих людей, изменивших мир

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