Читать книгу The Princess Nobody - Lang Andrew, May Kendall - Страница 1



o all you babes at Branxholm Park,

This book I dedicate;

A book for winter evenings dark,

Too dark to ride or skate.

I made it up out of my pate,

And wasted midnight oil,

Interpreting each cut and plate —

The works of Dicky Doyle!

When weary winter comes, and hark!

The Teviot roars in “spate”;

When half you think you’ll need the Ark,

The flood’s so fierce and great;

Think of the Prince and of his mate,

Their triumph and their toil,

And mark them drawn in all their state —

The works of Dicky Doyle!

Now, if my nonsense hits the mark —

If Wynnie, Pop, and Kate,

Think tales of Fays and Giants stark,

Not wholly out of date —

Another time, perchance, I’ll prate,

And keep a merry coil,

Though ne’er I’ll match the drawings great —

The works of Dicky Doyle!


Girls, may you ne’er know fear nor hate;

Boys, field like Mr. Royle!

And, please, don’t say I desecrate

The works of Dicky Doyle!

The Princess Nobody

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