Читать книгу Introducing Anthropology - Laura Pountney - Страница 2





Title Page


Preface Who is This Book For? What Makes Us Human? Culture: Universality and Diversity Ethnographic Research How to Use This Book


1 What Makes Us Human? Key issues and debates How Did Humans Evolve? Cultural Evolution How Do Humans Vary? The Concept of Race and a Critique of the Concept Conclusion

2 Research Methods Key issues and debates Ethnography Digital Anthropology Conclusion

3 The Body Key issues and debates Body Modifications and Decorations Body Types Anthropological Theories of the Body Symbolic Classification and the Body: The Body and Society Conclusion

10  4 Ways of Thinking and Communicating Key issues and debates Classification Explaining Events Language Nonverbal Communication Human Communication before Writing: Oral Traditions How Are Modern Technologies Affecting Communication? Conclusion

11  5 Social Relations Key issues and debates Social Class, Caste, Gender, Age Kinship Marriage Patterns Kinship Relationships with Nonhuman Species and Objects The Effect of Technological Advances on Definitions of Kinship Using Objects to Express Social Relations. The Spread of Capitalism Conclusion

12  6 Engaging with Nature Key issues and debates Cultural Practices in Relation to the Environment The Nature versus Culture Debate The Relationship between Humans and Animals Anthropology and Climate Crisis Conclusion

13  7 Personhood Key issues and debates Development of the Western Philosophical Concept of Personhood Examples of Concepts of Personhood How is Personhood Expressed and Understood by Anthropologists? Personhood and Boundaries. Conclusion

14  8 Identity Key issues and debates How Do Anthropologists Understand Identification? Social Memory: ‘Folk’ Memory-Making Language Music Shaping Group Identities Conclusion

15  9 Ritual Key issues and debates Types of Ritual Functions of Rituals Anthropological Approaches to Ritual Political Rituals Rites of Passage Conclusion

16  10 Gender Key issues and debates Gender and Biology Feminism Queer Theory Gender, Relationships and Power Alternative Gender Identities Conclusion

17  11 Boundaries Key issues and debates Boundaries and Bodies Boundaries between Ethnic Groups Boundaries between Humans and Cyborgs Conclusion

18  12 Globalization Key issues and debates The History of Globalization How Do Anthropologists Study Globalization? Anthropology of Tourism The Impact of Globalization Creolization Does Globalization Lead to Homogeneity? Globalization and Migration Consequences of the Global Economy Local and Global Impacts of Globalization Conclusion

19  13 The Role of Material Culture Key issues and debates What Is Material Culture? Archaeology, Anthropology and the Role of Material Culture Are Digital Objects Material? Aesthetics: The Culturally Constructed Nature of Beauty How Do Material Objects Symbolize Relationships? Theories of Material Culture Material Objects Used to Communicate and Negotiate Identity The Representation of Material Culture Conclusion

20  14 Applied Anthropology Key issues and debates What is Applied Anthropology? Advocacy in Anthropology Applied Anthropology and Public Health Ethics and Applied Anthropology The American Anthropological Association Examples of Applied Anthropology Anthropologists’ Testimonies and Case Studies Conclusion

21  Key Terms

22  References

23  Ethnographic Films

24  Websites

25  Index

26  End User License Agreement

Introducing Anthropology

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