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The data leader


Other data science professionals naturally gravitate more toward business, strategy, and product. They take their data science expertise and apply it to lead profit-forming data science projects and products. If you’re a natural data leader, then you’re gifted at leading teams and project stakeholders through the process of building successful data solutions. You’re a meticulous planner and organizer, which empowers you to show up at the right place and the right time, and hopefully keep your team members moving forward without delay.

Data leaders love data science just as much as data implementers and data entrepreneurs — you can read about them in the later section “The data entrepreneur.” The difference between most data implementers and data leaders is that leaders generally love data science for the incredible outcomes that it makes possible. They have a deep passion for using their data science expertise and leadership skills to create tangible results. Data leaders love to collaborate with smart people across the company to get the job done right. With teamwork, and some input from the data implementation team, they form brilliant plans for accomplishing any task, no matter how complex. They harness manpower, data science savvy, and serious business acumen to produce some of the most innovative technologies on the planet.

Chapters 7 through 9 and Chapters 15 through 17 in this book are dedicated to showing you the basics of the data science leadership-and-strategy skills you need in order to nail down a job as a data science leader.

That said, to lead data science projects, you should know what’s involved in implementing them — you’ll lead a team of data implementers, after all. See Part 2 — it covers all the basics on data science implementation. You also need to know prominent data science use cases, which you can explore over in Part 3.

Data Science For Dummies

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