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Dear Reader,

Once upon a time, I was a very shy girl. I couldn’t speak to a boy, much less look him in the face. I didn’t go out on my first date until I was nineteen, and it was a total disaster. The guy didn’t even kiss me, and I was puckered up and ready.

The idea for Cammie Jo’s story came to me one day when I was recalling my painful youth. I would have given anything for a magic potion or a charmed amulet that would have allowed me to be brave.

So Cammie Jo is especially dear to my heart because she is a part of me. But Cammie Jo was lucky. She had the treasured wish totem to help her over her shyness. Me, I had to do it the hard way, one step at a time. But now I’m happy to say I’m far from shy and living my dreams writing romance novels for Harlequin.

I hope you enjoy reading Cammie Jo’s story. If it gives just one woman the courage to face her fears and go for her heart’s desire, I’ll be happy.

Don’t miss out on the other heroes in my BACHELORS OF BEAR CREEK miniseries. Read Jake’s story next in this very volume and coming in the fall from Blaze see what happens to Caleb and Meggie.

I love to hear from readers. Visit me at my Web site—www.loriwilde.com—or write to me at loriwilde@yahoo.com.

Happy reading!

Lori Wilde

Sexy, Single And Searching

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