Читать книгу The Revenge Of The Hitmons - Ludwig Böhm - Страница 2



Dear Reader. Do you know what a hitmon is? A Hitmon is an animal-like creature that can be monster-like, big or small, and can strike violently in its own way.

A hitmon is a species of animals that can not be compared with any other on our planet, although there are certain similarities. A Hitmon can originate from different animal species. Hitmons are special breeds, which were once developed by a doctor. Most have been known, some of them even became world-famous. And this was due to a boy from Munich.

The hitmons lived almost exclusively in the American Florida. Many of them lived in the forest, others lived together with their coaches in cities like Miami or Lansdale. They had grown accustomed to life with their coaches, while the out-of-the-way hitmons, some with or without a coach, lived outside in the wilderness.

It all started about 15 years ago when the well-known researcher Dr. John Kiviat made his first attempts to produce talking animals. At first he did not know what kind of animal he was to take. He had an old tired tiger in the cage, but he did not know if it would be a good idea.

Dr. Kiviat thought for a long time. Purely theoretically the experiment should succeed. So he let his old tiger out and attached scanner cables to him. In the computer, he created a kind of tiger and stored the data on the hard disk.

With his software, he managed to create a kind of tiger. At first only on the computer, but then he succeeded the miracle, which he had waited for so long. From the test tube developed a small life form, which soon grew to a kind of tiger.

The professor was speechless, that he could do just that. Fortunately, he had saved the DNA chain. It was huge and encompassed several thousand pages. But that is exactly the secret of creating new life.

The new form of life grew until suddenly the glass was blown. The new being had grown too big. Dr, Kiviat was thrilled until the creature jumped and bite into his hand, though it had no teeth. It also played with a dice.

"You're quite aggressive," the professor said. "What do you mean? You're a real hit monster. A hitmon. How about Cubi. "

But the Hitmon hissed again and again and jumped at Dr. Kiviat several times. Nevertheless, the researcher succeeded in taming the Hitmon.

Soon Dr. Kiviat noticed, that this new animal had a special gift. It learned to speak very quickly. But it was aggressive and he attacked the professor again and again.

Dr. But Kiviat was not discouraged. He showed Hitmon a piece of bread.

"This is bread."

"Breaaaaaad!" said the creature, and bit into it. But then the bread was thrown away.

"Aaaaahhhhh!" It came as disgusting.

Then the Professor put a piece of meat at the Hitmon, as he called it. The creature bit into it.

"This is meat," Kiviat explained.

"Meaaaaaat! Greaaaat!”, said the Hitmon.

Dr. Kiviat had to grin involuntarily.

As a fan of wild animals, he went to the next experiment. It was supposed to be a snake, because an acquaintance of him had an anaconda as a pet. He immediately called him.

"Yo Frank. Can you lend me your snake for a short time? I have an experiment ongoing and could use it. "

Already in the evening Frank emerged. He was a bit younger than Dr. Kiviat. He had his little anaconda with him. Fortunately it was summer and very hot. A temperature which is perfect for snakes.

"What are you up to?" asked he.

"Do you see this little tiger-like fellow there?" asked Kiviat.

"Yes, what about that?" Frank wanted to know.

"He is the result of a fantastic experiment," explained Kiviat. "I've created it with the help of my old tiger, It took years to make this vision come true, I want you to be a witness to my new experiment."

"How long does it take?" Frank inquired.

"About half an hour." said Dr. Kiviat. "Then you can take your snake back."

Frank thought for a moment, then said,

"All right, John."

"Can we?" asked Kiviat.

"You're welcome." Frank confirmed.

Already Kivitat fixed his scanner cables to the snake, which showed no movement.

"She seems to be used to cables." he noted.

"She has to go to the doctor regularly." Frank explained. "He then hangs them on different cables to examine them."

"Aha." slipped it from Dr. Kiviat out.

Shortly afterwards, the experiment was finished and Dr. Kiviat said:

"If you have time, you can visit me tomorrow or soon, maybe it's worth it."

"I have time, then I come." replied Frank. "I need to discuss something important with you."

"Why is?" Kiviat wanted to know.

"Not today." Frank replied. He grabbed his snake and continued:

"I'll be late because I have to tell you something."

"So, then, to overmorrow." said Kiviat.

Kiviat closely watched his creation. A worm grew in a large glass. At least the Dr. Kiviat. But the worm grew bigger until he looked like a snake.

Two days later Frank reappeared.

"I have to talk to you." he said in a hurry.

"Well, then sit down." asked Dr. Kilian.

"Thank you." Frank sat down on a chair, which Kiviat instructed him.

"So what are you doing there?" Frank began.

"Do not you want to know what has become of the clone of your snake?"

"You're cloning animals?"

"Not directly." improved Dr. Kiviat. "I try to create different creations from animals." They are supposed to be similar to the original and yet quite different. "

"I can already imagine what you mean by that." replied Frank. "Did not you mention last year that you would dare?"

"Right." confirmed Kiviat. "And now I'm the result of my research, I've already created an animal, it's a hitmon named Cubi, it can even talk."

"And now you think this serpent, or whatever it is going to be, can you teach me to speak?" asked Frank.

"I am firmly convinced of this." said Kiviat in a certain tone. "It will learn as much as Cubi.

"How do you call it?" Frank wanted to know.

"I do not know that yet." admitted Kiviat. "I want to inquire about his qualities, and I did the same with Cubi."

"Tell me about it." asked Frank.

"Well," began the professor. "It started with Cubi playing with the little dice, so I called him that.

"And the other term?" Frank continued.

"It hit and was aggressive." explained Kiviat. "Probably all creations will be that way, so I call them Hitmons.

"What I wanted to tell you before." began Frank. "I do not like what you're doing."

"Why not." Kiviat wanted to know.

"Because it's just too dangerous to mess with something like that." Frank explained. "You can not just draw life forms."

"Why not?" asked Dr. Kiviat. "I did not research for years."

"That simply does not work." replied Frank. "For the very fact that the whole thing can get out of control, and what you are doing is simply a rape of nature."

"Are you sure of that?" Kiviat asked. "Have you already tried the theory in practice?"

"No not that." confessed Frank. "But what if the animals suddenly multiply uncontrolled, what do you do then?"

"I take this risk." said Kiviat determined.

"So really, John." laughed Frank. "Do not you think of anything better?" "I do not know what you think of me, but I'm not a fool, you know, I'm a man of practice." No, the question I ask you is that you are the breeders of Hitmons, or whatever you call them, what value do they have, would they want to buy someone, and how much would they pay?

"No, I forgot that." replied Kiviat. "But I really did not want to sell them. They should live free."

"And if the whole thing gets out of control?" Frank inquired. "I just want to warn you."

"That will not happen." said Kiviat. "I keep the lid on it."

"I hope you are right." said Frank. "For my part, I wish you all the best and stay on the carpet."

"That's always me." replied Kiviat. "But you can visit me again soon, if you want."

"Why, surely." Frank replied. "I'd just like to know what's going to happen."

"Then just come over next week." said Kiviat. "Until then she has grown."

As soon as I have a gap, I'll pass, "promised Frank," Shall I call you before? "

"That never hurts." grinned Kiviat. "I'm not always in the lab."

"So then, next week." said Frank, got up and gave Kiviat his hand.

"See you." it came back from the professor.

Frank had already disappeared. Kiviat was still watching his new creation. He also wanted to teach her to speak, but the animal did not seem to understand the language. Or was it too early?

As in the first experiment, the second ended with a broken glass. The serpent might be one meter long and resembled the borrowed Anakonda. But how long would it be? After all, she had become a meter in two weeks.

Dr. Kiviat tried to teach her to speak, but he did not succeed. At least he thought so. But quickly he noticed that the snake gave him an ink-pen, when he had only thought of it.

Could she read about thoughts? Dr. Kiviat tried again, thinking of his writing pad. The serpent gave him that too.

Now the professor started his third experiment. He thought of his coffee cup. He also got the snake.

Kiviat was convinced that the snake could read thoughts. But what would she like to eat?

Kiviat had scarcely thought of the idea when the snake fell on the salad bowl and slapped the salad greedily.

This was enough for the professor to be the last proof. But what name should the Hitmon get? Kiviat thought of the ink. So he called it Tintu.

The next day he got a visit from his friend Frank. He really only wanted to see what had become of the new snake.

"She is developing magnificently." reported Dr. Kiviat. "And I've found that she can read thoughts."

"How did you find that?" asked Frank.

Kiviat reported and did not forget to place the serpent's merit in the brightest light. When he had finished, he added,

"So it's quite clear that the snake must be a special being. Do you admit that?"

"Well, I do not know." said Frank. "I still believe that the serpent is dangerous, and the matter of thinking, whether it is true or not, will be only a beginning." "What do you mean, how big can the snake be?

"Not really." admitted Kiviat. "Cubi is almost as big as a normal tiger, but that does not mean anything. After all, he's already two months old."

"Then you have to expect him to get even bigger." feared Frank. "And with the serpent it is certainly no different, who knows how great it is." By the way, what is her name? "

"Tintu." explained Kiviat. "And she will not be my last creation, I will continue."

"Think about it, John." Frank warned. "Cubi is already so aggressive. Do you still want to challenge fate?"

"Nothing will happen, I know." Kiviat reassured him. "I'll keep the animals in check."

"You can not do that now." uncheck Frank. "What if this goes on and you lose control of the animals?"

"That will not happen." Kiviat reassured him.

"You said that before." said Frank. "But I'm skeptical, and I want to bet you do not get the animals with the animals, what kind of animals do you want to make?"

"I do not know that yet." admitted Kiviat. "But I'm sure there'll be more."

"But you do not know anyone who has a pet." Frank contradicted.

"On the contrary." said Kiviat. "I know many who have a pet, and I will create more."

The time passed and the hitmons were getting more and more. Meanwhile, Kiviat had created a harmless herbivore called Krauti and also a stern-like hitmons, which he called Kuti. There was also a big, bull-like hitmon named Crusu.

Now Professor Kiviat ventured into a new experiment. As with all his predecessors, he was not confident whether he would succeed, because he was now trying with an octopus.

Here, too, he had borne such an animal, for now he wanted to create for the first time not only a male but also a female. He did not know why it had just occurred to him, but he could make up for it.

While he entered the data for the new Hitmon, he made a sensational discovery: the other hitmons were bisexual and could be both males and females. At one point in his file, he discovered an XY chromosome that turned into a YY chromosome and later returned.

Dr. Kiviat discovered that the Beings could also bear birth. Hopefully, the whole thing would not get out of control. The fact that he had just created turtle-like hitmons, which he called Bratokas, did not make the problem easier because he discovered that they could throw water.

Dr. Kiviat was careful not to get out of control because the hitmons actually increased over time. It was very slow, but it was still time.

Nevertheless, he did not lose sight of the latest experiment with the Kraken. But he got to work. He realized that the other hitmons were in the hair. It was not easy for him to finish the fight, but the hitmons finally obeyed him. But would it always go on like that?

When the new experiment with the Kraken was finished, the creature grew in the glass. But then Dr. Kiviat, that they were two Krakenwesen. How had that happened?

Hardly anyone could imagine what was going on in the Professor. Now he remembered that he had changed the XY chromosome in the DNA chain. Whether that was the reason. He did not know. The fact was that now two octopuses grew in the glass.

Dr. Kiviat was so impressed by the result that he wanted to keep animals alive.

"This is the matter of God," he said. Now he did nothing more, but took care of his creations.

But not for long. Kiviat had stalled everything until he tried to make a humpster a hitmon. Until then, he could not have guessed that this would be his biggest success.

Again the experiment was successful, but even this hitmon did not want to learn to speak. So far only Cubi was capable of speaking. In addition, Kiviat had discovered something: the new Hitmon, like Tintu, could read thoughts. He did not know why he had succeeded. Had he overlooked something in the DNA chain?

Speaking, the hitmons, apart from Cubi, did not learn at first, for the professor took little time for his creations, because he was constantly busy with the breeds. He was so obsessed with the idea that he often fell asleep in his lab. As a lonely man, he could also decide to decide whether he came home or not, for he mostly forgot not only his stomach but also his time.

The professor found out something else: Hitmons needed teenagers to train them. This could make a hitmon powerful. But which of the countless hitmons could it be? The professor had now found out a lot about his hitmons.

There was not only Cubi. The Hitmon, which once came from a tiger, could not only hiss, but also kill fast-speed. Cubi fed on meat of all kinds. It probably even fed on other hitmons. Nothing could escape him, for Cubi could even hover and blow from the air.

And there was Krauti. The harmless creature, which feeds on plants, but could fight hard. It was very resistant.

The only hitmon that had no enemy was Tintu. The snake-like hitmon, now larger than an anaconda and endowed with immense powers, had no other creature to fear, for his teeth were the strongest and could break bones. No wonder why many hitmons hid under a tank or developed other skills.

But the most celebrated hitmon was Rauruk, the hamsterlike creature. His best ability was to analyze the thoughts of other hitmons. Only Tintu had not had any success. However, it had even learned to read.

There were bratokas. They looked like turtles and could spit water, but not from the mouth but from the hands.

But there were also problems: The hitmons, first, did not come together at all. Again and again there were disputes among them. Dr. Kiviat could not reach an agreement between them because he suddenly died of a heart attack. His friend Frank found him by chance.

This was the end of the great breed. Nobody had the professor's ability and so no new hitmons could be created. A very regrettable thing, for now nothing went on.

The Hitmon Rauruk was smart. He knew Dr. Tracy, who was also busy with Hitmons. Perhaps he could make more breeds. Rauruk, who had just learned to speak, immediately sought the researcher.

"What do you want?" Asked Dr. Tracy.

"You have to help and make new hitmons," said Rauruk. "We need to talk."

"And what do you expect from me?" Asked Dr. Tracy. "I can not make any new hitmons and I can not teach them to speak. This could only be your creator and he has been dead for a month. "

"You have to do it," Rauruk demanded. "We need other hitmons."

"How am I supposed to do that?" Tracy. "I can not get any hitmons and not teach them our language. It's not working. Dr. Kiviat is dead. Only he could do that and nobody else. "

"But you must be able to do that too," said Rauruk. "You've learned so much from him."

"I have not learned anything from him," Tracy explained. "I can not make a hitmon. I've never met Dr. Kiviat worked together. "

"But we need more hitmons," cried Rauruk.

"That may be," said Dr. Tracy. "But I'm definitely the wrong man. How am I supposed to do this? I do not have the knowledge of him. "

"But maybe we can find something to help you in his papers," Rauruk said. "I ask some friends who can help me."

Rauruk did not know Tom Bailey at that time. But one of the first coaches was a certain Clifford, who knew quite well with computers. He might find something.

Rauruk rushed to Clifford. He was a quiet and somewhat timid guy, but he knew about computers.

"I should have the documents of Dr. Kiviat? "Asked the latter. "Do you know how many of them are there? I'll need countless months, if that's enough. "

"But somewhere he must have left behind, how he created Hitmons," explained Rauruk. "Perhaps he did not write this down, but stored in his computer. You have to check. We've got him back in the big room, as far as I know. "

"I want to see what I can do." Clifford said, ran to the back computer and started him. But whether he could read anything out? Finally, he did not know whether the deceased professor had ever filed any data.

An hour later, however, Clifford encountered a file that was only open by a certain software, but when he tried to open the file, only the window appeared that the software was not there. Clifford looked for a few of the existing floppy disks, but he was not allowed to charge them all. The hard drive was too small for it. But then he found, as if by chance, some disks, on which a strange program was spooled. He had never heard of it. Curious, as he always was, he spun the program on the hard drive. And then ... actually, he could now open the file. There were different numbers and numbers to be seen. Clifford could not do anything with it. Immediately he reached for his cell phone and called Dr. Tracy.

"Hello Doc, here Clifford," he said. "I have found here among the things of Professor Kiviat a software that opens files with different digits and other things. Perhaps this has to do with the breeding of the hitmons. "

"Where are you now?" Tracy asked.

"In our computer room," Clifford explained. "Come quickly."

No half an hour later, Dr. Tracy arrived in the said room.

"Look at that," said Clifford. "Perhaps these figures have something to do with the old breeding."

"You can be right," Tracy said, looking at the data. "It looks like a DNA chain, and that is huge."

Dr Tracy looked at the file. 10 minutes later he confirmed:

"These are actually these data. But I have to analyze them so I can recognize them. "

"Then do it," said Clifford. "I think we've discovered the secret now."

Tracy immediately took the disks and analyzed the data stored on them. At first he was still uncertain until he actually came across a trail that was to change his whole mind.

2 weeks later he had deciphered the data. He immediately drummed together.

All those were Clifford, who brought him on the trail, Calvin, the woman's hero, Maggie, the ever-cheerful girl with the red hair, and Rauruk.

"I've discovered how Dr. Kiviat has created the hitmons, "he reported. "Maybe I can do it, too."

He was right. With the help of the data provided by the deceased Dr. Kiviat, the doctor Tracy actually, to create the Hitmon Burny. A being that did not resemble any animal on the earth. It was spirited and consumed everything it got between the teeth. Also plastic. It could fire fire.

One day Dr. Tracy visiting a stranger. It was Frank, the friend of Dr. Kiviat.

"What can I do for you?" Tracy asked.

"My name is Frank Turner." the stranger introduced himself. "I was a friend of Dr. Kiviat, and I found him when he died."

"I'm sorry." said Tracy. "But what do you want from me?"

"I have learned that you are continuing with the breeds." Turner explained. "If I may give you a well-meaning advice, let it be. There are some who know enough about these beasts."

"I have, so to speak, the legacy of Dr. Kiviat." said Tracy. "And I will continue."

"I have already warned Dr. Kiviat." Turner explained. "What you are doing is a rape of nature."

"I would not see that." said Tracy.

"And besides, I am convinced that the whole thing will get out of control." said Turner.

"I have less impression." said Dr. Tracy. "I am much more of the opinion that I have everything under control."

"You are of the opinion." Turner replied. "It's probably better if you stop doing that."

"Until now, everything went very well." laughed Tracy. "I do not think it gets out of line."

"But I am already of the opinion." said Turner. "There are already too many of these hitmons."

"But not enough for Rauruk." replied Tracy. "There can not be enough hitmons for him."

"Rauruk is the hamster hitmon." recognized Turner. "Why do you work with the hitmons?"

"Because it just makes me happy." the professor explained. "Besides, I'm doing something good."

"I had asked you to stop." Turner repeated. "It's not like building a building, it's hitmons that are growing uncontrollably."

"But they mostly have coaches." corrected Tracy. "They show them where it's going."

"Still, I'm against it." admitted Turner. "Stop it."

Drr Professor thought for a moment and said,

"I'll think about it."

One day Professor Rauruk asked. A 9-year-old boy was with him, he wanted to be a Hitmon coach. Calvin, who was there, giggled involuntarily. Rauruk should get a coach? That was ridiculous. This hitmon was much too spirited. Nobody had been able to do it.

"Did I hear right?" Clifford asked. "Rauruk wants a coach?"

"Dr. Tracy said it, "Calvin replied. "I thought I heard wrong."

"That can not be true," said Maggie. "Rauruk does not stop anyone."

"Well, let's just go," said Clifford. "Maybe we'll find out."

No half an hour later, everyone was with Rauruk at Dr. Tracy has arrived.

"Good thing you come," the professor greeted. "It is best to have witnesses. The strange boy is in the next room, and Rauruk is quite excited. "

"I see that," Calvin confirmed. "He runs like a small tiger back and forth."

"Is he curious about the strange boy?" Maggie wanted to know.

"We'll find that," said Dr. Tracy. "It is clear that I am doing an experiment here, and this can happen only once. Because, no matter how it goes, we have to look at it. And that is why I need witnesses. "

A little pause took place, then Clifford said:

"All right, Doctor."

"Shall I open the door?"

"Yes." It came at the same time from the mouths of the friends.

Slowly and with measured steps, Dr. Tracy to the door and opened it. An about nine-year-old boy went through the door and looked at the others. But before he could say anything, Rauruk rushed toward him. He screamed. Rauruk had already overthrown the boy and littered him with morsels.

"Rauruk stop!" Maggie shouted.

But the Hitmon did not think of it. The strange boy screamed, but Rauruk continued.

"You must stop, Rauruk!" Maggie continued.

And slo ... the Hitmon was gone.

The strange boy slowly stood up. He blew in different places.

"This is Tom Bailey," Professor Tracy said.

"Are you actually 10 years old?" Asked Maggie.

"No." said the strange boy. "I'm only 9."

"Then you can not train a hitmon," said Maggie.

"Wait, I'll do it," said Tom Bailey.

"He should be physically examined and treated," said Maggie.

"That I can take over." came from Dr. Tracy back.


Time passed. In the meantime, we had the year 2013. The world of hitmons and their trainers had changed a lot. The trainer had grown older and Tom Bailey, the best of all Hitmons coaches, was very mature for his age of 10 years. There were more than 400 hitmons. 42 of them, Tom had already trained, but his little Rauruk, the most famous of all Hitmons, remained his No. 1 in every respect. In addition, the big coya league was the Hitmons coach and Tom had the intention to win.

The Coya League took place annually in a stadium, which had been abandoned years ago. There were no sports activities. But for the Coya league it was still good.

The Coya League was a competition between Hitmons and their coaches. The rules were simple: anyone who could conquer the current Coya master became the next.

Last year a certain Paul had won. He was a strong young man. But that did not matter, because it was necessary that the hitmons should fight against each other. Tom had intended to win.

Since his first encounter with Rauruk, Tom had never been attacked by him again. Rauruk was still temperamental, but now he protected the boy and helped him where he could. Last year, Rauruk lost in the Coya League, he wanted to do better this time. Now it sounded from the loudspeakers:

"All participants please to the Arenaleitung. All hitmons and their coaches must be registered and registered. "

Tom went with his whole squad to the registration office. He discovered Paul. So he was there again. No wonder: after all, he was now the arenalist and wanted to defend his title. But Tom decided to win this year.

When Tom's turn came, he said,

"My name is Tom Bailey. I was here last year. Maybe you still have the documents from then. I now have a lot of hitmons that I want to register. "

"Then call me," the man said.

Tom counted all his hitmons and then said,

"This year I will win."

"Well, there you have something to do, boy," said the man. "Let's see if you can do it. The biggest number of hitmons you already have. "

Tom sat back in his seat. He remembered a scene at the cemetery.

It was on a Friday in a cemetery of the city of Lansdale, near Philadelphia, where Tom and his mother lived. Tom had just visited the grave of his twin sister Kelly. A few years ago she had fallen victim to the mighty and elusive Martin Gordon. Tom had sworn revenge, but he did not know how to do it. He was only a boy, and Gordon's shelter resembled a fortress that could not be taken. Protected by about 80 men as well as the highest technical devices was not to be approached, but Tom wanted to reach his goal no matter how.

His friends, Casanova Calvin, the cheeky Maggie and the quiet Clifford, were present at the funeral. Next to Tom was Rauruk, who hardly moved from his side.

Although Rauruk looked completely unimpressive, it had become the most powerful of all hitmons over the years. His already mentioned ability was to be able to make contact with other hitmons telepathic. This could affect all the other hitmons so that they followed him. But it was also very spirited and even with his messy teeth could even crush bone, and not only his opponents, but also his trainer Tom himself already felt. Since then, bites were nothing special to him. His body was already full of scars. A result of her first encounter, only his face remained unharmed so far.

However, there was a hitmon that did not respond to Rauruk's telepathic abilities so far. The gigantic, snake-like creature with the name of Tintu, larger than an anaconda, and at the same time the most dangerous of all Hitmons, for it was not only invulnerable, but possessed teeth which Rauruk himself was not capable of crushing even trees dangerous like no other hitmon.

Tintu could not speak for a long time by mouth. Also his ability was telepathy. But as he was better acquainted with it than Rauruk, he had been able to defend himself against his thoughts. But Rauruk was not the hitmon, which gave up easily. Meanwhile his language skills had also improved.

Now it was with Tom at the funeral and did not dare the slightest movement.

Although Tom's friends had not known his sister Kelly, they were depressed. Tom, who was so strong, looked broken. Even Rauruk, who was always cheerful, remained unusually quiet today.

After the friends had left the cemetery, Maggie asked:

"Surely you are in the arena tomorrow, Tom."

He looked up. In his hitherto sad and expressionless eyes rose again the intrepid victory glow that his friends loved him.

"Sure," he replied firmly. "I will certainly win, because no one has as many hitmons as I do. Besides, I've also trained them very well. "

"Hopefully you're right," said Clifford. "In any case, we'll keep your fingers crossed for you tomorrow."

"Thank you, folks," Tom said. "It will work out."

The next day it was time: in the Hitmons-Arena it was like on a bazaar. The audience seats were full and some coaches had finished with their hitmons. It was important to know who had the most hitmons and who was the best coach. The 40 coaches and about 250 hitmons were present today.

Tom sat in the front of the stands. Next to him Calvin, Clifford and Maggie, who almost always held the little Kuti in her arms. Kuti looked like a mixture of hedgehog and star. Crimson with huge eyes, an almost shapeless nose and a cheeky little mouth.

Now Maggie remembered how she had met Kuti. She had taken a walk in the forest, and soon saw how a star-shaped creature, caught between two parts of the tree, shouted loudly for help.

"Kuuti, Kuuti!" She cried. Maggie quickly understood what Hitmon wanted to say. She reached for a thick branch that was lying on the floor and said,

"I will set you free."

With all the strength of her body, she pressed the branches with the help of the thick branch. Kuti already jumped into her arms. Maggie picked up the little hitmon and asked:

"Well, are you feeling better now?"

A faint grunt let the Hitmon hear from him and nestled in Maggie's arms. At that time, the girl could not yet guess that the Hitmon was now almost always a companion. No matter where she went, Kuti stayed by her side. Maggie did not know yet what the Hitmon would like to eat, but very soon she had noticed that she liked to eat leaves.

Even now in the Coya League, which was regarded as the greatest and most difficult, Kuti sat in Maggie's arms.

Expectantly and his victory surely, Tom followed the whole ceremony.

Tom did not have much time, because he still had to fight against Martin Gordon. Gordon was the heavy businessman and had the intention to subdue the world. His latest method could have shaken the whole earth if one had learned of it. Professor Tracy, who was both a brilliant physicist and a hitmons expert, had recently commissioned Tom to dig Gordon's camp. Though Tom had other worries, he did so and discovered some of the details that he wanted to tell Professor Tracy.

As Tom had learned, Gordon had four French hydrogen bombs built, with which he wanted to extort all the powers of the world, and then to get himself into power.

But Tom and Rauruk should succeed in thwarting this plan. At that moment Tom remembered the individual events:

He and Rauruk were only a week before with Professor Tracy, the Hitmons scientist. Tom told him about his latest knowledge.

"And you're sure there are hydrogen bombs?" The professor asked.

"There are some," Tom replied excitedly. "And I also know they should start next week and where. One flies to England, one to Russia, and the others are supposed to hit somewhere in America. That's all I've figured out. "

"Then I need the targets of the other two missiles and their target vectors," said Tracy. "But the four of them. Only then can I decipher the code and direct the rockets into space, where they can not do any harm. That means you have to pay two visits to the stadium and it will not be easy. "

"But they have dogs," cried Rauruk. "They smell us."

Professor Tracy grinned. "Not necessarily." He went to a closet and opened the glass door. From this he took a bottle with a green liquid.

"This bottle contains an extract of certain plants," the professor explained. "When you drink it, the body gives off a strong plant odor that can cover the body. Unfortunately I have to say that it can drink only hitmons. For humans it is poisonous, but not bad, it only provokes diarrhea, but I get that also still under the handle. So Rauruk must go to the headquarters and the data alone. "

Tom looked at his hitmons.

"Do you think you can do it?" He asked.

Rauruk hopped with pleasure and shouted:

"Huki, Huki! Of course I can do that! When do I have to drink, and how long does it work? "

"Drink at least an hour before your mission, Rauruk," Professor Tracy explained. "And the effect lasts about 12 hours. At least the tests showed. But first this extract has to be tested on you, then I know more precisely. Are you ready?"

"Huki!" Shouted the little Hitmon.

Two days after the test, Tom and Rauruk had arrived near the headquarters. Rauruk had already taken the extract to himself and crept with his trainer almost to Gordon's fortress.

"There goes, Rauruk!" Tom said softly.

"Huki!" The sweet voice of the brown hitmons. Rauruk was the only hitmon to read and write. He carried a piece of paper and a clerk with him, and sneaked secretly, silently and quietly through the various rooms. You could hear different voices. Rauruk crept under the computer cabinets directly to his goal. An almost endless time elapsed before it had overcome the several hundred meters of creeping, peeking, and waiting. But then it had finally reached an airlock and slipped into it. In the launching center, the individual rockets swung. Unintentionally it reached the folding door to the codes. The number of the rocket and the target course vectors were quickly recorded. Then he slipped to the other rockets and repeated his actions. Silently it crept away from the center. No one had noticed his appearance. It was as quiet as nois to Tom. He had already expected his hitmon.

"Do you have the data?" He asked Rauruk.

"Huki, Huki." Whispered his friend and handed Tom the note. The read:

"Rocket 1: 47-11-23-17. Rocket 2: 42-18-55-12. Rocket 3: 29-63-55-19. Rocket 4: 29-63-59-11. "

He looked up and said softly,

"We have to go to Dr. Tracy. "

As fast as they could, they ran to the Hitmons professor. He had already received her longingly.

"Well, how was it? Have you achieved anything? "

"You can say that!" Tom panted. "Rauruk has the target vectors."

"There!" Cried Little Hitmon, handing Tracy the note. The professor read everything. Then he turned to a door, and cried,

"Miss Howard!"

Immediately afterwards, a picture-beautiful, red-haired young woman appeared in a nurse's clothes. Earlier, she worked in a hospital for Hitmons, but later she had applied to Professor Tracy to continue her scientific education. Tom exclaimed with delight:

"Sister Julie Howard, I do not believe that!"

"Huki, Huki!" Rauruk exclaimed.

"Hello, Tom!" Julie greeted him. "Little surprise, huh?"

"I can tell you," Tom said, astonished. "How do you get here?"

"I stopped at the hospital six months ago to continue my education. And there was Dr. Tracy the best. "She asked,

"You called me, Professor?"

"However," said Dr. Tracy and handed Julie the note. "Can you decipher these coordinates?"

Sister Howard took the document from the scientist and recognized the digits.

"It looks like target vectors for rockets," she said.

"There are some," Tracy said. "What do you see?"

Julie looked more closely at the numbers and the places around them.

"The first double digit determines the continent," she reported. "2 stands for America and 4 for Europe. Specifically in this case: Rockets 1 and 2 are set on American targets and the other two on Europe. The second double number is for the country of the continent. The next two digits show the directional control and the last two digits indicate the exact position. Am I right?"

"They've learned a lot," Tracy said. "And you are right with everything. It now only applies to the last four digits. If we can still decrypt it, we can reprogram the missiles. "

"But you said the whole digits set the target," Tom said.

"The third group is not," the professor recalled. "She is responsible for flight and direction control. And that makes the problem more difficult, because the rockets do not fly in their direct flight to their targets, they are buzzing over countless curves. "

"What for?" Tom asked.

"To deceive any spies," said Tracy. "In the event that someone could thwart this plan, this third group was introduced. But I believe I can decode them. Finding this out will not be easy, because it can take quite a while, but I'm sure I'll make it. And when we first know where they are heading, this is no problem. Stupid is only that the last two digits are encoded. They do not describe the length or latitude, but the last direction of flight. It can take a few days, but I find it out. I'll let you know as soon as I get the results. However, I can not make it over our usual picture radio for security reasons. Because we could be overheard, although the radio is coded and is usually sound-proof. "

"And how do I know?" Tom asked.

"I'll send you this dice," the professor replied, showing the boy a silver, diced part. "No one knows it. Notice it well. "

"I do," Tom said resolutely, and left the professor together with Rauruk.

Two days later Tom was playing the dice. A bicyclist had brought him. He immediately called the professor from a public cell.

"Do you have it?" He asked.

"Do you have anything to write?" Dr. Tracy back.

Tom pulled a clerk and a small block.

"Ready to go."

Tracy gave him the numbers and said,

"Rauruk must hurry." Do you have enough of the means? "

"There's still a lot left," Tom explained.

"All right! Good luck!" Tracy.

Two hours later Tom and Rauruk again at the launching center of the rockets. Tom whispered to his hitmon:

"Look, you can not, I can not, I can not." "

"Huki," the hitmons said softly, whispering.

Time passed and Tom waited while Rauruk crept through the rooms. But this time, more guards were present than last time and a migration was much more difficult. Rauruk could hear some conversation.

"Why do not we let the rockets go up?" Asked one.

"Because we stick to our schedule," replied another. "A small deviation can destroy everything." In addition, the rockets have to go through a test run.

Rauruk guessed what that meant. Now he had to hurry. Silently, he crawled like a shadow between the feet of the board members.

After a long time, he had arrived at the rockets. Even though people were teeming with it, Rauruk remained unimpressive and switched the target course vectors. About half an hour later he had all gone through and crept them back to his coach.

"It's done!" He whispered.

"Nothing like back," Tom ordered, and soon they were home. Maggie and Calvin were already waiting for her.

"How was it?" Calvin asked.

"Done!" Tom gave back, panting. "Now it's just waiting."

Now Tom was sitting in the grandstand, waiting for the beginning. The Arenalite Paul was already known to Tom. A year ago he had lost against him. But now he seemed more confident. Now they came together again.

"This time I'll get you!" Tom thought and gathered his hitmons. He looked very confident.

The first question was who had the most hitmons and whether they were well educated. All 250 hitmons showed what they could and had learned. Particularly impressed were the referees from the 42 hitmons of coach Tom Bailey, who gave everything they could. Rauruk gnawed like a beaver a thick tree trunk. The bull hitmon Crusu thundered with his hooves, suggesting an earthquake.

When all the hitmons went through, the referees came to the evaluation. In the meantime, the struggles between the hitmons should start.

Shortly afterwards it started. Tom had insisted on the arena to get the last thing. Probably, to spare the powers of his hitmons and put the others out of action.

The tournament began. Countless hitmons came together and it was not long before Tom was the turn. He greeted Paul with the traditional handshake.

"I admire your courage and willpower," said the latter. "Are you ready?"

"Yes!" Tom's firm voice was heard.

In the meantime, Gordon's rockets started. He looked at everything from his monitors. But then he watched his rockets depart from the pre-calculated courses and drive them all into the sky.

"There is not." He shouted.

The rockets kept rocking, each in a different direction. Gordon called his counselor to himself.

He also appeared immediately. His voice sounded smoky and he looked like rock star Bruce Springsteen.

It was Gordon's advisor Kimo. His eyes sparkled as Gordon said,

"The rockets have been reprogrammed."

"I do not understand that." Kimo came back. "They were programmed to earth targets."

"Do you understand?" Gordon asked.

"Unfortunately not," Kimo answered. "There must have been a stranger at work. But who?"

"I do not know," said Gordon. "But when I think about it, it can only have been Tom Bailey and his Rauruk."

"This is impossible," Kimo replied. "If they had been here, then the dogs would have attacked at once."

"Suppose only Rauruk was here," said Gordon. "Would that be absurd?"

"Maybe not," Kimo admitted. "But the dogs would have had to smell him too."

Meanwhile, Gordon had watched the monitors and continued,

"And yet the villain has been here. I can feel it formally. He sent his rauruk here and deceived the dogs. "

"But how should he have deceived the dogs?" Kimo asked. "This is completely illogical. The dogs would certainly have thundered him. "

"And if this professor has developed a serum that somehow switches off the body odor," Gordon guessed

"Nonsense, there's no such thing," Kimo replied. "There was no one here. Perhaps only a misfire was the fault of the flight. "

"On all four rockets at the same time?" Gordon asked. "Perhaps it would have been better if we had checked the target vectors again."

"But who should have changed her?" Kimo wanted to know.

"I do not know," said Gordon. "But I could imagine that someone has turned on it. Everyone separates us from our people. I know that. Besides, I would have noticed something. "

"Then it's just the fact that you're a man," Kimo said. "But how could he have done that? The dogs had barked like crazy and attacked the intruder. "

"And if it was one of us?" Gordon asked. "That would be more possible. What do you mean, Kimo? "

"I think it was just a misfire," Kimo said. "This can happen once."

"But not on all four rockets," Gordon replied.

"Why not?" Came his counselor. "Everything is possible. One thing is certain for me: nobody has turned it. "

Meanwhile the fight continued in the arena. Paul sent Zuli to the arena. Tom guessed what his opponent was up to. At that time Tom had won because he had used Rauruk. But now his opponent sent Zuli. Tom sent Tutu to the arena.

It made a huge "Rumms ..." and already hit the hitmons. Tutu had turned into a Zuli. Tutu was thrown back, while the strong, stronger Zuli remained triumphantly in the air. But Tutu had caught up again and attacked again. But as hard as it was, Tutu remained the stronger Hitmon and hit as often until Zuli was exhausted.

As a challenger, Tom was allowed to exchange his Hitmon. So he chose Rauruk again. The famous Hitmon was enthusiastic and jumped into the ring.

Tutu also took Rauruk's shape and hurried toward his opponent. As if on command, they sprang up and thrown their thunderbolt attacks against each other. Rauruk jerked off while Tutu grabbed the full load. But it did not show the slightest reaction and jumped to Rauruk. A powerful blow to the head, and his opponent was completely dazed. Immediately Tom shouted back his hitmon, but it did not react, rattled himself up again and jumped into the air again.

"Go on, Rauruk," Tom shouted. "Do not give up!"

Tutu had known this and wanted to be in the air as well, but Rauruk whispered to his opponent and drilled his teeth into his body. Tutu shrieked, trembling like an aspen run, and sank to the floor with a swoon.

It lay motionless. Paul withdrew his hitmon. As an Arenaleiter he could not exchange Hitmon and had to be defeated. It was clear. Tom was the winner.

"Tom Bailey won!" A voice sounded from the loudspeakers. "He is also the Hitmons champion with 42 hitmons undisputed!"

Tom jumped with joy. His friends stormed at once, conspiring with congratulations. At that moment, Professor Tracy approached him. He knew Tom would join this tournament, but he did not make it in time. He ran toward the boy and said,

"All right. The missiles have already flown into space. Until they go up, they have long since passed the lunar orbit. You really did a great job. "

Everyone rejoiced.

"Then you could just make a triple party," Maggie said.

At that moment, Paul appeared. Tom was only thinking that he wanted to take this revenge, but he said,

"Congratulations, Tom. You are now the new Arenaleiter. Get the contract from the referees what you have to do next year. "

"I'll do it," Tom promised. "Thank you Paul."

Shortly thereafter, everyone from the arena marched. Tom held his rauruk in his arm. They all shone over their faces, circling Tom and congratulating him on his victory, because he had finally done what he had been training for over a year.

From his friends and many hitmons, he strutted through the streets. Rauruk stomped with joy with his little paws and with his sweet voice always called his motto "Huki, Huki" into the crowd. His blue cheeks had become even more blue, and his little eyes sparkled like rare aquamarines. It was not to be overlooked how happy Rauruk was.

The other hitmons joined him and shouted at him out of bodywork.

A few kilometers away in a castle-like building, a huge monitor ran along the wall, where the scene outside was closely followed with Tom and his companions. In the middle of the large room stood a giant armchair, on which sat the gold-blonded Martin Gordon. He was very close to his goal of taking over the world power, when Tom came and destroyed everything, because only by reprogramming the rockets was it possible to suppress Gordon at all.

With disgust and hatred for Tom, Gordon watched the scene outside. While the monitor was still running, he muttered,

"I only owe this to the villain that I have to start over again. Had never guessed that he would crack the codes. But I will give him a lesson that he will not soon forget. "

"Why do not we eliminate him?" Asked his advisor Kimo, who was standing next to him. "That would be quick and easy!"

"Quick and easy," Gordon repeated. "Quick and easy!" He switched the monitor quietly with his remote control and continued:

"You can quickly and easily switch off a device, make a phone call, prepare food, write a letter ... no, no."

He rose from his chair and thought. Then he said,

"The two are smart and prepared for everything. No matter what kind of weapon you're targeting. Tom reacts lightning fast, is as alert and nimble as a weasel. Did you see his eyes? This can not be distracted even now. Apart from this, do not forget Rauruk. When this beast first gets his rage, he can lash my whole system with his teeth and keep an army at bay. No! Violence is not a solution. Besides, the police would come to me immediately, because who would be so stupid to get rid of the two? They are much too popular, and they have saved the earth. There would be no reason for anyone to get rid of them, apart from me. There would be a possibility, however, without someone coming to me. "

"But I do not understand," Kimo said. "I said earlier that no one could have been there. Why are you so convinced that Tom was there? The dogs would have had to track him. "

"I'm sure they were here," Gordon whispered.

"Maybe you let your lightning flash on the two," Kimo burst out. "This could be camouflaged as an accident!"

"It will not work," Gordon replied. "Rauruk has a kind of umbrella and can turn off all the lightning from himself and Tom. All magic does not help. But that brings me to an idea. If I can get the two to a different place, the world will be more likely to be looking for them. "

"And what good is that for?" Kimo asked. "I'd just eliminate them. Why do you want to do so much work for guys who are not worth it? "

"Because I know how to win," Gordon replied calmly. "What do you think I've never lost?"

"So, suppose you want to send the two to another country," Kimo muttered. "What were you thinking of?"

Gordon went to a large earth map and said:

"I've thought about some place in Europe. Maybe I could put them in another time, but it's not that simple. Another place would suffice. This also provides me with the necessary time to rebuild my power. Out of sight, out of mind, as it is so beautiful. And they will not even have the money to come back again, I bet. I'll prepare everything. "

Meanwhile, Tom and Rauruk were still running through the streets. Tom's friends wanted to celebrate a party in the evening, but no one could guess that it would not come so far.

Gordon had already prepared everything with his technique. Now it was about activating the transmitter to send Tom and Rauruk to Europe.

Gordon switched on the set and the first flashes were shown. He murmured some incomprehensible words, and the lightnings piled up.

Meanwhile, the others celebrated Tom's victory. He cried:

"At last I have achieved what I wanted to achieve! I thank you all, that I have come so far. And Rauruk has fought excellently. Because of that, I am now at the top. The title takes me so quickly no more. "

"Will you be back next year?" Calvin asked.

"I have to," Tom explained. "I am now the new Arenaleiter. Next year, Rauruk will sweep everyone else off the pitch. I know that."

In the meantime white swirls appeared. Tom and Rauruk had noticed. A white swirl surrounded her, and before they realized they had disappeared.

The fright that spread among the others mocked every description.

"Oh, God, they are hit by lightning."

"But there is no ashes there. Besides, we have blue skies. There must have been something else. "

"Come on, we must look for her."

But they did not know where to look. The kids and the hitmons screamed for the best coach and his rauruk. But after the aftermath of the vortex had passed, everyone knew:

Tom and Rauruk had disappeared. No search could help. However, Clifford guessed what was going on.

"Gordon is probably behind it," he said. "I can only hope that the two are still healthy. But whether they ever come back, I do not know. "

No one could answer. But then Maggie said:

"Certainly they are still alive, otherwise we would have found traces. Gordon probably conjured her into another country. I know he can do that. "

"And if so, where shall we seek them?" asked Calvin. "You can be who knows where."

"Unfortunately a very good question." said Maggie. "But I'm sure the two will get help."

"And if not." asked Calvin. "What if they are in Afghanistan, where they will not find help, and they do not understand the language there, what will become of them?"

"Do not worry." Maggie told him. "I'm sure they'll find help, and they'll be very nice people."

"How did you get it?" Calvin wanted to know. "They can be who knows where."

"We'd better ask Gordon." said Maggie.

"How do you imagine that." asked Calvin. "You do not really think you can march as easy as that."

"I do not need that at all." said Maggie. "I'm sure they'll land with very nice people."


Europe. Germany South. The Munich Internet promoter Benjamin Fischer sat at his computer, as his headset rang, which went over his computer.

"Fischer!" He announced.

"Hoppe, company Carstens!" A female voice sounded.

Fischer listened. The company Carstens was the largest intermediary for his company. They searched other Internet users and immediately reported to Fischer when something promised good money. Company Carstens was around the clock for fishermen. Even if he was not sitting on the computer, everything was saved.

"Mr Fischer, we have something new for you," said Ms Hoppe. She was a very exuberant woman with bright dark eyes, who aroused much joy.

"A computer software for children," continued Mrs. Hoppe. "All scientific areas can be thinned through. Unfortunately the author does not have the necessary small money to bring it to the market. You might help him. "

Fischer looked down. He seemed to think about something, then he said,

"Science. This is not a sales camp for the moment, but in the long term profitable. The author should send me an e-mail. What do I owe you? "

"The usual," laughed the woman on the other line. "I am writing everything together."

Fischer laughed.

"Already done. I'll call back. "Interrupted the line and dialed another number.

Benjamin Fischer, who was only called Benny by all, was more of a lanky figure, had short dark hair, and was not the type of man the women swarmed about. But his brown eyes radiated a lot of warmth.

Benny was a widower. Since his wife Maria died two years ago on an accident, he lived alone with his son Dominik in a small apartment, which he had grown through his company as Internet promoter. His business was not bad, but one could not make any more riches. Since all his web pages of his customers were piled up in his computer, the monthly fees paid off, so that the whole thing ran almost automatically, he could take care of his son by the way.

Since Benny's death, Benny had totally withdrawn, which did not suit his child. He tried with his incomparable qualities to bring his father back to his wife time and again, but he never went into it.

Benny had no relatives. He had grown up as a single child. His mother Raffaella, a half-Italian, died of pneumonia when he was five years old. His father, Kurt, a long-haul, often took him to travel during his holidays. Otherwise, Benny spent his time with his grandparents in Milbertshofen or with the neighbors, where the girl of the same age, Maria, lived.

When Benny was 17 years old, his father was deadly with the truck. The car had left the rainy road on the way to Austria and fell 60 meters deep into the Mangfall. In the front, a container of benzene exploded.

Luckily, Benny had learned early to put himself on his own feet. He was helped by the picture-loving neighbor, Maria, whom he had known from a small age and had a Mediterranean temperament, although she was German. Undoubtedly she had inherited that from her son.

Maria, the school's biggest school swarm, and the inconspicuous Benny quickly became friends. When they were 9 years old they had met, only a few months later they gave themselves the engagement kiss. At that time, it was still a game between children, but over the years their friendship became more and more intense. Benny and Maria moved together and married. Niki was born a year later.

Niki, actually Dominik, was initially a quiet baby. But the older he became, the more his mother's temper came through. The rather calm and sober Benny soon saddled professionally, after he had been over with occasional jobs over water.

With his friend Alexander Hauser, he founded an Internet business. In this way he was able to build up his own existence. At first, the shops were dazzling, but the huge offer on the Internet now made it a little more difficult.

Now Benny had started the second number.

"Hauser!" A male voice sounded.

"Hi, Alex, it's me, Benny."

"Ey, Benny, servus!" Cried the men voice cheerfully. "How was the birthday celebration for you yesterday? Mellie said it would have been great. "

Alex had designed an unusual birthday party for Niki for yesterday. The boy had invited the children of his neighbor and his classmates. And, of course, Mellie, his best friend, was also there. Instead of a clown who conjured up, Alex had made a children's ballet group act as an alien. Alex was a disc jockey and played the most enchanting songs. Usually Niki sat only there and wept with happiness. And always Mellie was with him.

But the greatest happiness was for him, when Alex gave him a crown, the niki of the queen of the day was to put on. Alex had a wonderful melody from a soundtrack. Niki walked slowly towards Mellie and set her crown.

This ceremony and the song were so gorgeous that many children sobbed. When the celebration was over, and Niki just unpacked the presents, Benny said to Alex,

"Thank you very much, friend. Look at the children. You are quite happy. "

"Well, let's hope so," said his former partner.

"Tell me, how long have you worked on the choreographies?" The promoter wanted to know.

"So about 3 months." Alex grinned. "But it was worth it."

"You can say that," Benny said approvingly.

Meanwhile the children were picked up by their parents. Only Mellie was left. She was just at Niki and said,

"I love you so much."

"I love you, too," Niki replied. Already the little one was taken by her parents.

"We'll see you soon," Alex promised.

Now Benny sat on the phone.

"It was great, too," Benny confirmed. "The children were all happy. I just wanted to thank you for it. You were great."

"Always for you," Alex replied. "Whenever you want." He laughed and continued,

"Now Niki is already nine. So, where the time remains "

"Mellie's already eight," Benny replied. "It's great that the kids understand each other so well. By the way: Today is the last day of school. Are you getting Mellie? "

"It does not work," Alex said. "Because I have an important date. What about you? "

"I can take some time off," Benny replied. "Niki has a close. By the way; my computer spins again. I think I ought to let Brauner know, he'll get it back.

Benny chose a third number on the computer.

"Brauner!" An energetic young voice announced.

"Here fishermen. I have another problem with my computer. "

"It's not!"

"If I say it," Benny replied. "In the beginning it was still rare, but now it gets more and more frequent. If I want to start my Zip drive, the computer collapses. I do not know why either."

"I can think of it," Brauner replied. "You have installed your drive yourself. Perhaps there has been a slight phase shift, where the Zip is integrated with another drive without you seeing it. I'm just around the corner. Shall I look at the box? "

"That's why I was just asking you!" Benny laughed. "But it would not have been that fast."

Just a few minutes later, the spirited Brauner rushed through the door. He was a stocky young man with a brow and a look in his eyes, who did not tolerate any contradiction. He went to the study purposefully and had already thrown the programs through.

After a minute he said,

"Well, there is only one solution, Mr. Fischer: The hard drive has to be formatted. You have accidentally registered the Zip drive to the DVD burner. This has resulted in a short circuit. You must save the data externally. Do you think it's going to happen? "

"The important thing I always stored externally," Benny answered. "The other things may not be so important or can be made up again."

"When would you have time?" Asked Brauner.

"Maybe next Friday," Benny thought. "The disk drive is still working, so it's not in a hurry."

"Okay, Mr. Fischer, I have to leave now."

A little later, Benny was out of the house. His son soon had school and he wanted to pick him up. Finally the Easter holidays were coming.

In the meantime, a school was used to read out stories that were thrown to the screen by a daylight projector. The student Julia Schneider had just finished and reaped great applause. All the students had written their names on placards, because Mrs. Gerold was only to represent the sick Mr. Baumgartner.

"That was very good, Julia," praised Mrs. Gerold. She would be around the beginning of 40, had dark blond hair, smooth hair, and at the same time loveable and strict.

"Now we have a poem," continued Mrs. Gerold. "Schiller's bell. Who would say it? "

Many students raised their hands. Mrs. Gerold looked at all the children. Her choice fell on a dark-haired boy who was sitting on the left in the fourth row. `Niki Fischer' stood on his shield. It was Bennys son.

"Niki." Read Mrs. Gerold.

This began:

"Fresh in the place it is made of clay!

Today she must be a bell. Fresh friends, be at hand ... "

While the little Niki recited the poem, one could look closely at it.

Niki was the younger likeness of his father. The same hair, the same nose, face shape, even the mouth was like that of his father. Only the deep-black eyes, from which a lot of temperament flashed, came from his mother. Although Benny was often unable to cope with the inexhaustible energy of his son, he loved the child idolatrous, for Niki was the only consolation after Benny's fate.

Niki was quite self-sufficient for his age. He often went shopping alone and could even cook. But his fierce temperament sometimes brought his father to the boil.

And yet, Niki possessed the certain something with which he could conquer all hearts. His classmates appreciated and loved him. Teachers also praised him in high tones. Just recently, Benny had received a letter from the school management, which included:

"Niki thrives magnificently, and he is the jewel in our school."

While Niki recited the poem, he was mustered by all the pupils of the class. Especially the dark-haired Julia beamed at him. She was an inconspicuous, not very pretty girl with sad eyes, and would have liked to become his friend, but she was too shy to tell him. But now there was determination in her eyes. Did she want to tell him something today? She did not let him out of his sight. Finally, today was the last day of school before the Easter holidays.

The bell rang. The children packed everything together, because nothing could be forgotten. Niki whizzed out of the schoolroom and cleared his locker. Today he wore his beloved dark blue jeans, a black T-shirt with a hit-on print, as well as blue and white striped shoes. He was in the middle of emptying as his classmate Julia slowly approached him.

"Hello, Niki," she said shyly.

The boy turned around.

"Oh, Julia. What's up?"

A little embarrassed, the girl looked at him and said softly:

"Belated happy birthday. I ... "Julia interrupted herself and lowered her gaze. Then she looked at him again and continued:

"I have a gift for you."

She held a pack in her hand. When Niki opened it, he got big eyes. It was a Rauruk-Spardose, which could speak, if one a coin. Niki's eyes glowed all over his face, and he pressed a fat kiss on his cheek to his classmate.

"Thank you, Julia!" He beamed. "Are you better now?"

"Yes," she said sadly. "Too stupid that I've been sick for the first time. I would have liked to have been at your birthday party. "

"Next year, you have to be careful that you're coming to my party." "Then I'll be ten."

Julia beamed at her classmate.

"I promise," she swore. "Bye!"

And she disappeared.

Niki looked at Spardose. A small button was attached to the back of the head. Niki pushed him and suddenly heard a voice:

"Huki, Huki!"

Niki's eyes widened. And then he pushed the button.

"Huki, Huki, Huki!" It sounded this time.

The boy took the Spardose firmly in his hands and whispered:

"I'll keep her in honor, Julia." He put the Spardose in his satchel, took another jacket out of the locker, and closed the door on which his name stood.

He ran through the school hall as his classmate Robert Schweiger stormed at him.

"Niki!" He shouted from a distance. "Your daddy is here. He's standing outside the gate! "

Niki stormed straight through the school to the main entrance, which was separated from the Pausenhof to the school building. He rushed through the schoolyard and saw his father standing at the wall.

"Papa," he cried, pleased.

Immediately he ran to his father and jumped into his arms.

A fat welcome kiss followed, then Benny said,

"Come, child. We're going to go shopping now. "

At that moment Mrs. Gerold came to the fence. From a distance she cried:

"Well, now I can finally get to know the father of our jewels."

Benny looked up and looked into the teacher's eyes.

"You Papa, this is Mrs. Gerold," said Niki.

"Mrs. Gerold, as I have learned," he greeted him, handing her hand.

"Yes, I am," she confirmed.

"Niki has already told you that you are representing Mr. Baumgartner," said Benny. "And other things."

"I hope it's nothing negative." Mrs. Gerold laughed.

"My son does not speak negatively about his fellow men," Benny explained. "A property that I admire very much in it. I wish I had more of it. "

"They seem to envy their child very much," said Mrs. Gerold.

"And how." Confessed Benny. "He has what I want."

"And he also has an inexhaustible energy," continued Mrs. Gerold.

"Who do you say that to?" Sighed the promoter.

Niki laughed and said,

"We wanted to go shopping."

Soon both were in the supermarket. As Benny collected the goods, Niki whizzed to the comics as usual. Already he had a hitmons book in his hand and leafed through it.

His father murmured,

"Mmh, a pack of noodles still for Niki. Oh, I can not forget the fries. Now a limo ... "

When Benny had finished, he took the shopping cart to the checkout, where he was already received by the saleswoman.

"Good morning, Herr Fischer," she greeted him, smiling. "Is not Niki here today?"

"Oh, he's buzzing around the comics," he replied, turning toward magazines and shouting,

"Niki, come at last!"

"I'll be right, Papa," resounded the bright child's voice.

Benny stood up, put the things on the tape and shouted back again:

"Niki! Are you sleeping?"

"I'm coming," his son called back.

He was already rushing through the shelves to checkout. He stopped in front of Benny and held the hitmons book in his hand. His father did not seem to like it. He crossed his arms.

"Look at one!" He muttered. "His royal insolence deigned to come. And as always with empty hands. Immediately you put that back. "His tone had already become more severe.

"Oh, Papa!" The little boy looked at his father with his big kulleraugen.

"Do what I tell you, Niki!" Commanded Benny seriously.

"But Papa," returned his son, as his father twisted his eyes annoyed. "You read something like that before."

"Not a nonsense," said Benny. "This is only stupid, has no sense for reality and does not promote the memory."

"But the book is great, besides, it does not cost much, only 2 euros," Niki advised him. "And the hitmons are really cool. Each Hitmon has a different ability and they can help their coaches. You see, without Hitmons one does not come out! "

"I only see that you have become a light-believing victim of advertising," said Benny indignantly. "So, get away with it. I do not want you to be as stupid as the other children, just because you want to be "in", or as you call it today. "

"Do not you think a supermarket is not the right place for a discussion?" His son asked.

That sat. Benny took a deep breath, not to get rid of his anger in public. Niki saw this and triumphed inside. If his dad would give in now ...

Benny was at the checkout and it was not long before the articles of his purchase were all gone. Niki stood close to him, the hitmons book in his right hand.

Benny looked into his son's eyes. He already knew what would happen now, for the little one knew exactly how to wrap his father around his finger. The popcorn on the conveyor belt were the last and right. Who would win now?

"All right, leg!" Benny groaned complacently. But his eyes flashed both anger and dangerous.

"Thank you, Papa!" Niki beamed, hit the Hitmons booklet on the conveyor belt and snuggled to his father. He did not look happy. Again he breathed deeply.

"How do I get to this child?" He thought.

After both had left the supermarket, Benny wanted to open one of his usual booths. However, not in anger, that was not his style. The cool Benny was sober and factual, quite the opposite of his spirited son. But before Benny could begin, Niki came before him.

"There are the new hitmons in there," the boy began. "They are in the game console of the blue series. But Rauruk is not there because he belongs to the brown series. And the coaches gather up Hitmons and Tom wants to be champion. Do you know there are already 100 hitmons? But Rauruk is my favorite. He is really sweet. But you must not touch him too tightly, otherwise he will bite. And everyone has his abilities. As you can..."

"Stop, Niki," Benny interrupted him energetically. "You drive Me crazy!"

His son's eyes widened in horror. Benny took a deep breath and continued:

"I've always believed you were interested in something sensible. For example science. Instead, you spend all your spare time with these stupid creatures, who neither promote the memory of a child nor are useful. At my time there were television series, in which the people were still stimulated to think. But today only stupidity has succeeded. I do not want you to be a victim of this fraud. If I have to listen to the music of today's music, I feel bad. This can not be borne by a normal person. "

Both had stopped.

"Well," Niki said, "can I do something for you to listen to classical music?"

"I do not like classical music," the father said. "I'm on the right track."

"What do you know about sound music?" Niki asked, laughing.

"More than you believe," replied his father. He leaned and laid his hands on his son's arms.

"You know, you should at least be more reasonable."

Niki looked at his father. There was something like repentance in his eyes.

"Oh, are you angry now, Daddy?" He asked in a low voice.

"For a father whose son is interested in such useless things, I am very much in the mood." Came Benny.

Niki lowered his gaze and stood motionless for a few seconds. Then he looked up and said softly,

"But you always said that I had to build my own world to get to know life better."

"You got me wrong, Niki," corrected Benny. "I meant that you should not stick to fashion waves, because that is not only seductive, but also damaging. I want to tell you what the hitmons are. It's ... it's Hitmons. "

Niki had hitherto listened silently, but now he was back in his famous trickbox. At first he looked at his father with his kulleraugen and said softly:



"I love you."

Benny took his son in his arms and said,

"I love you too, Niki."

A thick and tender kiss between father and son was now the reaction.

Shortly after, Niki looked at his father with bright eyes.

"You know," he began. "It would not hurt you to marry again."

For a second fraction, the smile froze on Benny's face. Then he grinned and gave back:

"Well, I know it would not hurt you. Come, child! "

The Revenge Of The Hitmons

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