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Not that Eleanor didn’t know.

She’d spent the night in Ty Donaldson’s bed. Now she knew exactly why all his exes smiled and thought he was the most awesome thing ever.

He was.


She rolled over and looked at his sleeping form lit by the streaks of early-morning light. He was beautiful. Truly deep-down beautiful. One of God’s loveliest creations.

She wanted to reach out and touch him, to stroke her finger over the strong planes of his cheek, to feel the soft wisps of his hair, to feel the full softness of his lips. But she kept her hands to herself.

She wouldn’t risk waking him. No way did she want to see the disappointment that would dawn in his eyes when he realized what they’d done, who he’d spent his night with.

Then again, spending the night with a woman was no big deal for Ty. Just because it was something she never did, it didn’t make their night out of the ordinary for him.

To Ty, she was just another of a long string of women he’d made love to.

Had sex with.

Sure, with the way his hands and mouth had worshipped her body, she’d felt like she’d been made love to. But she wasn’t so naive as to not realize the truth.

Somehow she managed to get out of the bed without waking him. Desperate for a fast escape, she snatched a pair of way-too-big drawstring running shorts and a T-shirt from the floor, gathered her gown and clothing.

Her heart pounded faster, harder. So loud she couldn’t believe Ty didn’t wake. Maybe he only faked sleep because he didn’t want to face her any more than she wanted to face him. Maybe he wished she’d hurry and get out of his apartment.

The muscles in her chest tightened, squeezing her rib cage almost painfully. Her hands sweated so badly that she almost dropped her clothes.

She sucked in one last breath, storing the vision of the sheet draped low on his waist to memory, knowing that seeing him like this, his beautiful body relaxed and completely loved by her, would never happen again.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

Oh, hell! Her heart pounding, Eleanor desperately dug in her purse for her cell phone, which was obviously still on vibration only. In the silence of the room the buzz sounded as if it should register on the Richter scale. She almost clicked the phone silent, then realized that the only calls she ever got in the early-morning hours were emergency calls. Her heart pounded all the harder.

“No need to leave the room,” a sleepy-sounding Ty drawled from behind her, causing her to freeze halfway to the door. “I’m awake.”

Eleanor’s pulse thrummed in her ears as she answered and listened to the caller. “I’ll be right there.”

She clicked her cell phone off. Taking a deep breath, she slowly turned to face him, dreading whatever she might see on his face in the early-morning light.

“Mornin’, darlin’,” he surprised her by drawling, his gaze taking her in as he scooted up in the bed. The bedsheet rode even lower on his hips, barely covering his impressive bottom half. His very impressive upper half shamed the six-pack fantasy she’d had of him. He patted the bed, motioning for her to climb in next to him. “From your end of the conversation, I figure that was the hospital. Before you go, give me a proper good-morning kiss.”

A proper good-morning kiss? As if she even knew what that was.

In her mind, she tossed everything she held on the floor and dived back into bed with him, smashed her lips to his, rubbed her body all over his until he gave her a proper good-morning everything.

But, um, she couldn’t do that.

So she cleared her throat and wished like crazy that she’d not lingered quite so long taking in how beautiful he was. Whereas he was gorgeous in the early-morning light, she imagined her hair was wild, her eyes puffy from lack of sleep, makeup smudged from not having been removed, and how sexy could she possibly be standing there in his too-big clothes?

She was just plain, ordinary Eleanor Aston, nothing like the glamorous women he was used to who probably gave him glorious mornings-after.

Breathing got more and more difficult. Her palms grew more and more clammy.

Oh, yeah, she really just wanted to click her heels together and be far, far away from Ty Donaldson and all memories of the night they’d shared.

Ty stretched his arms over his head, enjoying the light ache in his muscles from the night’s activities.

The night’s very enjoyable, rather vigorous activities with the siren standing in his bedroom.

Wearing his gym shorts and T-shirt.

Holding her dress, shoes, purse and phone.

Looking like a deer caught in headlights.

The happiness within him dwindled.

“You were leaving, weren’t you?”

Her wide eyes and guilty face answered before her stuttering lips did. “I—I need to go to the hospital.”

He shook his head, anger replacing every good feeling he’d awakened with. “Really? You were just going to sneak out without so much as ‘Thank you, Ty’?”

“I …” She glanced down, took a deep breath. “Thank you, Ty.”

His jaw clenched. “For?”

She shrugged. “What is it you want me to say?”

That she’d enjoyed last night as much as he had. That she hadn’t been going to creep out of his apartment without waking him. That what she’d really like was a repetition of how they’d spent the night, that she’d felt all the things he had.

Because even as angry as he was, just looking at her, at seeing how his T-shirt stretched over those amazing breasts of hers, at seeing the long span of her legs beneath his running shorts, he wanted her. Wanted to pull her back into the bed beside him and kiss her until she was breathless, make love to her until she cried out his name and begged him for more.

Until sneaking out of his house while he slept off the effects of their night together would be the last thing she’d ever consider doing.

He ran his hands through his hair, took a deep breath. “Ellie.”

Her weight shifted, drawing his attention to her bare feet. He’d kissed those feet, massaged them and worked his way up her calves and …

“Look, Ty,” she began, wincing when his gaze lifted to hers. “I—I have to get to the hospital. One of my patients coded and they couldn’t revive her. The family wasn’t there, but they’ve been called and asked to come to the hospital. I need to be the one to tell them.”

Ty nodded. As frustrating as he found her leaving without them talking, he understood. He’d feel the same.

As if his thought conjured a call of his own, Ty’s phone rang. The hospital. If not for the seriousness that would have prompted the call, he’d have laughed.

He took the call then clicked off his phone.

“There’s been a multicar wreck in one of the tunnels. Multiple injuries, at least two of which are infants and another’s a pregnant woman. Looks as if you aren’t the only one who has to head to the hospital. Let me grab some scrubs for both of us and we’ll share a cab.”

Eleanor stepped to the curb as the taxi Ty had hailed came to a screeching halt.

He opened the cab door and waited for her to step in. He’d barely said two words to her since he’d gotten out of bed and grabbed clothes for them both. He was upset that she’d been going to leave without waking him. What had he expected? That she’d snuggle up next to him as if they were longtime lovers? Or that she’d awaken him with kisses and promises of an early-morning repeat?

Was that what he was used to?

“Where to?” the driver asked, eyeing the heels and gown Eleanor carried then letting his midnight gaze travel over the baggy scrubs she wore. With the drawstring waist they weren’t too bad and she’d rolled up their long legs to make them work.

Without meeting the driver’s gaze, because Lord knew he had to know how she’d spent her night, she spat out the hospital’s address.

Ty slid into the backseat next to her.

The cab smelled of years of use badly disguised with an air freshener hanging from the rearview mirror.

So how in the world was it that the one scent that stood out in her mind was that of the man next to her? A scent that filled her mind with memories of the night before.

“You okay, darlin’?”

“Fine,” she answered, without glancing toward him. Really, what was she supposed to say? That this was awkward and that, yes, she’d kissed him all over the night before but now she didn’t know what to say to him and would like to crawl under the seat?

At least she hadn’t stuttered.

Eleanor couldn’t keep her eyes from watering as she sat across from the young couple on the sofa. The young couple to whom she’d just delivered devastating news.

“Did she …?” The young woman’s head bowed, then her tear-filled eyes lifted to Eleanor. “Did she suffer?”

Shaking her head, Eleanor reached over and took the woman’s hand. “No. She died in her sleep.”

The baby’s body just hadn’t been strong enough to maintain life outside her mother’s body. She’d lived a week, but only with the aid of the respirator and numerous other machines performing the bodily functions her tiny underdeveloped body hadn’t been able to.

“I should have been here,” the woman said between tears. “I shouldn’t have left the hospital.”

“Your family wasn’t wrong to want you to go home to get a good night’s sleep. Your body is recovering and needs rest,” Eleanor assured her, squeezing the woman’s hand. Her poor husband had his arm around her but looked as if he was about to burst into tears himself at any moment.

Eleanor spent a few more minutes with the couple then left the room to give them a few minutes of privacy. And to collect her own emotions.

Because she was a mess.

Losing one of her patients always tore her heart to bits, but her heart had already been in tatters before she’d even gotten to the hospital.

“There you are,” Ty said from right behind her.

She faced him, couldn’t help but immediately be struck with the memories of what they’d done only hours before.

“You okay, darlin’?” he asked, looking and sounding the same as he always did. Like handsome, charming Dr. Tyler Donaldson. Because for Ty last night hadn’t been anything out of the ordinary. But he’d probably rightly assumed that for her last night had been extraordinary.

Which was why she had to save face, to pretend she hadn’t seen stars when he’d made her orgasm, to pretend that last night hadn’t been the best time of her life.

Ha. As if she had that many comparisons. A quickie during her freshman year at college with a short-term boyfriend. Short-term meaning he’d dumped her immediately after their one and only time together.

No way was she letting Ty Donaldson do the same. Not when she had to work with him. Already she’d had to field questions from Scarlet and several other coworkers who’d seen photographs of her and Ty in the society pages. The last thing she wanted was her friends and colleagues to feel sorry for her.

“Of course I’m okay.” Which sounded great, but she couldn’t bring herself to look into those gorgeous eyes, neither could she prevent the heat burning her face. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

His expression tightened. “You just left the family, right? The family of your morning code?”

Eleanor fought putting her hands over her face in shame. He’d been talking about work and she’d been … “Yes. You’re right. I—I …”

Oh, please, don’t let the stuttering start. He’d know how nervous she was.

He raked his fingers through his hair, glanced around the unit, then for once seemed at a loss. When his gaze met hers, the fatigue she hadn’t seen earlier was etched on his handsome face. “I have an emergency C-section that came in this morning. Twins. The pediatrician for the second baby’s team isn’t here yet. Go in with me in case there are complications?”

Despite the fact that being anywhere near him was the last thing she wanted, she couldn’t refuse. Not when a baby’s life might be on the line. “Sure.”

In silence they scrubbed and went into the obstetrics surgery room specially designated for preemies. Every second that ticked by, Eleanor felt more and more awkward, more and more as if the nurses must be able to look at her and Ty and know what they’d done.

The first baby was delivered without any major birthing complications, but his Apgar score was only a seven. Ty assessed the baby, cleared his throat and examined him all in a matter of seconds.

Watching him work, Eleanor couldn’t help but admire his skill, his finesse, the way his big hands were so gentle as they handled the baby. Just as they’d been so gentle when they’d touched her.

He was a gentle man and she hadn’t been anything special, just the result of too much champagne and the next notch on his belt. Nothing more.

She closed her eyes, forcing her thoughts from her mind. When she opened them, her gaze immediately collided with Ty’s. He stared at her for a brief moment as if trying to read her thoughts, then that sexy crooked grin of his slid into place as a peace offering of sorts.

But Eleanor couldn’t smile back.

She just couldn’t. Sure, the sight of his generous mouth curved upward made her want to smile back. Instead, she hardened her resolve. He might be used to women thinking he was amazing after a night of his loving, but she needed distance to survive emotionally.

Ty’s smile waned. A nurse spoke to him, pulling his attention away from where he still looked at Eleanor as if he wanted to probe inside her head.

The second baby, another boy, made his entrance into the world. Eleanor focused her attention on the newborn, giving him a thorough once-over and realizing his lungs weren’t as developed as his brother’s.

Telling the nurse her intentions, she gave the baby a few breaths with a manual respirator, hoping to stimulate his lungs, but was unsuccessful in her efforts.

“You want me to intubate him?” Ty asked from beside her. He was so close she could feel his body heat. If she leaned just a little she’d brush against his arm.

“I can do it,” she assured him, having done it many times previously and wondering why he’d offered, wondering why she so desperately wanted to lean into him.

“I’m sure you can. Just wanted to help you.”

“This is my job,” she reminded him. “I’m good at what I do, Dr. Donaldson, but thanks for the offer.”

The nurse assisting Eleanor glanced back and forth between them and Eleanor fought against blushing.

She threaded the tiny tube through the baby’s nostril, checked placement, then secured the line. She turned to where Ty stood, but he was no longer there. She supposed he’d gone with his team to the NICU, but surprisingly she’d not been aware when he’d walked away.

Good, the less aware she was of the man, the better.

“I know you’ve had a crazy morning with the code, then talking with the family, then working the trauma delivery with Dr. Donaldson, but you are extraordinarily quiet this morning.” Linda stepped up beside Eleanor while she examined a thirty-two-week preemie who was now a month old and would be going home within a week if all continued to progress well. “The fund-raiser for your dad run late last evening?”

Frustrated at the recurrent reminders of the night before, Eleanor thought she might scream. She straightened from examining the baby. “How is it that everyone knows where I spent my evening?”

Lord, she hoped they didn’t know where she’d spent her night.

Staring at her a little too closely, Linda’s brow arched high. “Should I assume that you didn’t attend your father’s fund-raiser ball, then?”

Sighing with frustration and remorse that she’d snapped at her coworker, Eleanor stroked her fingertip over the tiny baby’s precious cheek, loving how his reflexes kicked in and he turned in the direction she’d touched. Developing reflexes was a sign of progress, of increased survival chances.

“No, sorry, you’re right,” she relented, knowing that she was being overly sensitive, that she just wanted this crazy day to end, and it wasn’t even noon yet. “I was the re.”

“It’s not like you to be cranky.” Linda’s eyes were way too astute. “Things didn’t go well?”

“Things went just fine.” Hoping she would take the hint, Eleanor made a fuss of continuing to check the little boy, talking to him softly as she did so.

“Dr. Donaldson came, too?”

Oh, he came all right.

Eleanor winced at her crude thought. Her very inappropriate thought. She knew she shouldn’t have reacted, that Linda was too keen to have missed the telltale expression.

“Let’s not talk about him, okay?” she settled with saying. “I want to know about Rochelle. How is she?”

“She’s holding her own.” Linda paused for effect, then continued, “You should probably know that he was looking for you after he finished up with the twin.”

Eleanor fought to keep from sucking in air. “Maybe he wanted an update on the other twin or something.”

“Or something,” Linda mumbled as she walked away from the incubator, shaking her head as she went.

Turning back to assess the baby, Eleanor bit her lower lip. What was Ty thinking? Was he relieved that what he probably considered the worst mistake of his life wasn’t making a fuss?

She finished examining the baby, entered her notes into the computer, thoroughly cleansed her hands, then moved on to her next little patient.

But before she started, she spotted Ty entering the unit. Her breath caught. The man was way too beautiful. Tall, dark, handsome, fantastic in bed.

A flashback of her naked body tangled with his flashed through her head. Images of their bodies molded together, gyrating, thrusting, exploding. How was she ever going to look at Ty without remembering? Without thinking of all the marvelous ways he’d touched her body?

He headed straight for her and although she might have tried had she thought she’d be successful, there was no place for her to hide.

“We need to talk about what happened last night.”

Hoping no one was close enough to overhear their conversation, she glanced around the nursery. No one seemed to be paying them the slightest attention, but looks could be deceiving.

“Can’t we talk about this later?” She really didn’t want to talk about it at all. She just wanted to forget.


She shook her head. “I’m busy.”

Ty’s face clouded. “All night? Or you just don’t want to spend the evening with me?”

“I have plans.” Did reading the latest medical journal and going to the gym count?

His lips pursed. “Cancel them. We need to discuss what happened last night.”

Knowing they had to be attracting attention, even if only Linda’s, she glanced around the room again. “No, we don’t, and especially not here.”

Seeming to recall where they were, he glanced around, sighed. “Fine, then go out with me tonight so we can talk somewhere that’s not here.”

“No.” She couldn’t risk going out with him again. She wasn’t that strong, might end up begging him to kiss her, touch her, take her to heights previously unknown.

“But if you insist on having this conversation right now, let’s at least go somewhere private.”

“You have time for a coffee?”

If it got them away from the prying eyes and ears of their coworkers then she’d make time.

“If we make it quick.” She glanced at her watch as if she was doing him a favor by agreeing. At least, she hoped that’s how it came across. Every instinct within her told her to not let Ty know how he’d blown her away the night before, to protect herself. “Let me finish my assessment and I’ll be right with you.”

Hands shaking, heart thumping, blood raging through her vessels, she examined the baby, entered in her notes and new orders, then headed out of the NICU. For coffee.

With the man she’d touched all over with her mouth.

With the man who’d touched her all over with his mouth.

Best she forget. He probably wanted to take her out so he could make sure she knew last night meant nothing.

“Or something,” Linda reminded her of her earlier comment with a grin when Eleanor walked by the smug nurse.

Eleanor’s face flamed, but she kept walking, not meeting her coworker’s eyes.

Yeah, the sooner she got the coffee break over with the sooner she could forget the previous night had happened.

At least, she hoped she could forget.

Ty ordered two coffees, grabbed a couple of sweetener packets and cream and sat down at a table.

“Hey, Dr. Donaldson,” a cute little brunette from the surgical floor greeted him, stopping at his table and smiling prettily at him. “You want some company?”

Automatically he grinned at the woman, but he shook his head. He gestured to the second cup of coffee. “I’m meeting Dr. Aston.”

Looking disappointed, the woman nodded as if she understood. “Maybe next time.”

Although usually he would have flirted back with her as naturally as taking his next breath, Ty didn’t say anything, just stirred sugar into his steaming cup of coffee. He hadn’t even called her darlin’. What was up with that?

“We can do this later if need be.”

He glanced up and knew exactly what was up. Ellie and the night they’d spent together. The amazing, out-of-this-world night they’d spent together.

Her face was red, her gaze wouldn’t meet his and she sounded agitated. A new wave of frustration hit him.

“Why would we need to do that?” He took a deep breath, reminded himself that patience was a virtue even if his had felt in short supply from the moment he’d awakened and realized she was skipping out on him.

She gestured in the direction of the departing woman.

He pulled out the chair next to his. “Have a seat.”

She sat. Not in the chair next to his but in the one directly opposite. He almost laughed at her bullheadedness. Any moment he expected her to cross her arms and glare at him in her stereotypical fashion.

If he knew what the hell he’d done to deserve her antagonism, it would be one thing, but as best he could recall, the night had been amazing all the way around.

With care, he slid the cup of coffee across to her along with two packets of sweetener and one cream.

Surprise flickered across her face. “You know how I take my coffee?”

His lips twitched. “We’ve had coffee together several times over the past week. I pay attention to details.”

She tore the packets of sweetener open and poured the contents into her cup. “You’ll get no argument from me on that one.”


She popped the top of the creamer, her face blazing red. “I’d think it obvious. You knew how I take my coffee so you must pay attention to details.”

She made a production of stirring, then taking a sip. Ty had to force his gaze away from her mouth to keep from staring, to keep from remembering where that mouth had been during the night.

Why had she been leaving that morning without waking him? Why was she acting as if she was angry with him? Had she not felt the same things he had?

“About last night,” he began, but she held up her hand.

“Don’t worry about it.” She took a slow sip of her coffee as if to stress her next point. “Last night was no big deal.”

Ouch. He studied her pale face, trying to read her thoughts, but, as she had for most of the morning, she held her emotions in check. Her face was a blank slate.

“You’re sure?” He wasn’t. Every aspect of the night had felt like a very big deal. Like something new and wonderful.

“Positive.” She set her coffee cup on the table, looked into his eyes, but quickly glanced away, toying with the empty sweetener packet papers. “We drank too much champagne and got caught up in the celebration.”

Sounded feasible to him, except that nothing similar had ever happened before and he hadn’t had that much champagne.

As he searched Eleanor’s eyes, her claim didn’t feel right. Just as the blank expression on her face didn’t feel right. Not after having seen her so alive just a few hours before. He wanted a glimpse of her smile, just to see if he’d imagined how his pulse reacted. He wanted to touch her to see if he’d imagined how his body responded to her skin against his.

“Okay, so we drank too much and got caught up in the moment.” He didn’t buy it, but he’d go with the flow for now. “You were leaving without waking me. Why?”

What was wrong with him? Mornings-after were no big deal. At least, they never had been before.

“If we hadn’t gotten called in to the hospital, I would have made you breakfast,” he added with a grin, but the gesture didn’t feel natural.

Just as she hadn’t in the delivery room, Eleanor didn’t respond to his grin other than to get pink splotches on her otherwise pale face. “Is that what you usually do? Cook breakfast for your … guests?”

He had cooked breakfast for women before. Several times. But never at his place. He didn’t have women at his apartment. Going to their place kept things simpler. Easier to walk away when it wasn’t your place you were leaving. He had brought Eleanor to his apartment, made love to her in his bed and she’d been the one who’d been going to walk away. He hadn’t liked that one bit.

Ty sighed. He’d had a great time the night before. Not just the sex, but the entire evening. Truthfully, he wouldn’t mind a repeat—several repeats. Obviously, she wasn’t of the same mind. She’d seemed to enjoy herself well enough, but maybe the champagne really had been why she’d relaxed and smiled so freely at him.

It seemed she wasn’t overjoyed that she’d spent the night with him. Actually, she was acting as if he’d been one big disappointment all the way around.

That was a feeling he was all too familiar with.

Well, hell.

“Breakfast?” Ty downed the rest of his coffee in one gulp, not caring that the hot liquid scorched his throat, then stood and answered her question. “Not always, but at least you got a cup of coffee out of the deal.”

Nyc Angels & Gold Coast Angels Collection

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