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This book is dedicated to women and to men who love women. It’s a present to the millions of people who have never been blessed with an orgasm, never having screamed in pleasure while experiencing the explosion of light that happens when the body is saturated with an ecstasy that is thousands of times more powerful than an atomic bomb.

And remember: ejaculation is not an orgasm, ejaculation is a loss of energy.

Orgasm Is A Transformation, A Quantum Leap, A Present From The Divine. It Takes You To A New Dimension While It’s Happening And Leaves You In Another State Of Being For Some Time, A Time That Can Prolong Itself For Days Or Months If It Is A Truly Powerful One! The “Kama Sutra”, an ancient Indian book about sex, says that an intense meeting of love can keep you satisfied even for a whole year!

Having been raised in a tropical country where sex is a topic on everyone’s lips, even if, like “my” mother, one doesn’t get much of it, it was a shock to see how repressed Germans were. I came to realize how lucky I am in “having” the kind of father I “have”. As a child, I didn’t know how valuable he was for “my” growth and health. I wanted a normal father who wouldn’t look at any other woman than “my” mother and for whom sex would be something used only for reproduction. I was sad to “have” such an attractive man as a father, whom I’ve sometimes caught flirting with some girl or other, regardless of age or class (classes are divided in Brazil according to the kind of job you “have”, how much money you earn and thus where you can afford to pay a rent and live).

Nowadays I feel very grateful to him. I can often detect the complaint trips and some more garbage I’ve inherited from the parents, but the free current of a powerful passion has been kept alive by the example of that exotic man that I call Dad.

To him I dedicate this book as well.

And to the hundreds of people who have come to me in search of freedom, satisfaction and of a better understanding of the body.

But most of all I’m writing for those who all over the world are kept prisoners and often just out of ignorance! It will be great if millions of women who remain considered to be only factories of kids get access to these writings or to me and become free individuals!

But even in Germany where many have been fighting for rights and freedom, people go on pursuing well-decorated chains like marriage and relationships! It doesn’t matter with which colour you wanna paint it or how you wanna name it - they still remain a prison! Maybe it’s only a question of disinformation, a lack of inspiration and for new patterns of behaviour one “needs” some hints, some kicks... So here is a contribution, a personal report by someone who is constantly engaged in a quest for satisfaction and realization, with some suggestions that can function as a new stimulation or a support in this process.

Changing economic systems, changing the unbalanced social relationships between men and women or changing the planet is nothing compared to the challenge of changing oneself, of reaffirming one’s right to be happy and satisfied. This I’m proposing to you, you who are reading me right now. And this book is not the result of any missionary trip; it’s the sheer joy of sharing experiences and it also comes out of an awareness that whenever someone is happy, this happiness affects the collective consciousness around the world: so, if you enjoy, it will be also easier for me to do it!

In more than 25 years’ working with people I’ve realized that 99% of problems are rooted in sex. Freud had long before already found it out, but through a therapeutic approach. I’m proposing another kind of overview, which is: go for what you want and don’t think that anything is wrong with it! I know it’s not so easy, but if you at least decide that you want to do it and that this is alright, half the journey is already travelled. The other half is a whole life process, but it’s worth going through it because satisfaction isn’t something to be missed, right?

Women have suffered a lot. Down the ages they have been seen as the source of sin: Eve is said to have mischievously given Adam the apple of pleasure; according to Hinduism they have to reincarnate in a man’s body to be able to go to paradise after death; during the Middle Age we have been burned as witches and Mohammedan women get the clitorises excised so that they don’t get excited and tempted for sex, therefore remaining virgins for marriage where they should function then as good reproductive machines! And this barbarious act is happening to a lot of women around the world at this very moment which for many even causes death, as it’s often done without any hygienic care!!!

I’ve just laughed upon the idea that has arisen in me: to start a religion that would preach excising penis!! But it’s just a joke, guys! I love a beautiful erected masculine organ! What I mean is that the clitoris should also be left in peace ‘cause that’s the most powerful source of pleasure on earth!!! It’s a blessing for women and also for men who, when intelligent, can share with us the immense bliss that comes out of this small member hidden between the legs and which very few understand in its beautiful complexity!

And this fucking taboo of virginity which has also caused me so much pain when I was an adolescent, should definitely be banned from the earth so that young women around the world are set free to enjoy as much as “their” fiery bodies desire!

Fortunately in Germany there are men who want to understand women and therefore are able to satisfy them and be satisfied, because the process of satisfaction is a sharing one and the man can never achieve it if the woman has not reached an orgasm! They share a joint responsibility for gaining it!

One more thing to be realized: a satisfied woman can change the whole of life around her, as in a miracle! A good time in bed and the kids will get sweeter kisses, the food will taste deliciously different and life will take on many more colours.

So, this book is an attempt to share life as I experience it. Maybe men will come to understand that to satisfy a woman is in itself a source of satisfaction! What a statement for such a men’s world!

Many times when I approach the point of orgasm, or rather, when the body feels that now the explosion it’s coming, I connect with women’s consciousness around the world. It’s not that the mind tells me to do so. It simply happens like that! So I understand that there must be a connection, somewhere, somehow... When pleasure happens to you, you are no longer an island, you just get connected!!! Hence I feel that as more people get happy, more happiness will happen and not only in small private lives but around the planet, pushing a little higher the collective consciousness.

Yes, every time there is an orgasm for “my” body and, every time there is an orgasm for “my” body and being, there is a connection to every woman getting it, to every human being moving into it and to every star being born out of pleasure!

And if orgasm is more powerful than an atomic bomb, it can also be used to disintegrate conditionings and to push people beyond the mind, transforming us into a new man and a new woman, with a totally new consciousness! I wish you a lot of fun in reading this book. It includes some playful techniques for unblocking the body and making the way a bit less cloudy. It’s not so easy to be a woman in this world nor to go for satisfaction, but this is something one is or should be ready to pay any price for, right?


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