Читать книгу Mama! Mama! Michelle?s On Fire - Mae Waupoose - Страница 6


Chapter 1

February 4, 1979, started out like any other Sunday morning in our rural Wisconsin home. The sun, shining through the living room window, cast a warm and cozy glow across the living-room carpet. But it was deceiving. Outside, the frozen ground was covered with two feet of snow. The temperature was below zero. It was too cold to take the kids out. Instead, we chose to stay home and watch church on television.

We had thirteen children in all. Two belonged to my husband by a previous marriage. The seven youngest still living at home, ranged in age from five to fourteen. My husband’s sister, Bernadine, also lived with us. She was in her midforties. All ten of us were sitting in the living room, watching church and patiently waiting for our noon meal to finish cooking. The smell of roast beef and onion filled the room.

My husband, Jim, casually remarked, “When church is over, I guess I’ll go down in the basement and build a fire in the barrel heater. By the time we are done eating, it’ll be warm enough down there, so I can sweep the floor.”

Ten-year-old Michelle was always the first one to volunteer for anything. “Dad, I’ll go build a fire right now if you want me to.”

“Thank you, Michelle.” She was already on her feet and headed for the kitchen. He said, “You can use a litte fuel oil. It’s in the big can in the back of my pickup truck.”

“Okay, Dad,” she called over her shoulder as she walked out the back door.

Michelle was a very intelligent and conscientious child. She had built fire many times before and never had a problem with it. A few minutes later, we heard the outside basement door close. Nine-year-old Mary stood up. “Dad, I’m going downstairs to help Michelle.”

“Okay, Mary.”

The inside trapdoor to the basement was in a hallway off the kitchen. We heard the hinges squeak as Mary opened it. A few short minutes later, our quiet Sunday morning changed to a nightmare. Mary came running up the stairs, screaming, “Mama! Mama! Michelle’s on fire!”

Mama! Mama! Michelle?s On Fire

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