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Every year, millions of people decide to take a giant leap toward their dreams and open a business.

At first it's exciting. But for too many entrepreneurs, the feelings of euphoria soon get replaced with frustration, as they get overloaded with hundreds of tasks they feel they must do just to keep their business afloat.

It's not unusual for the entrepreneurial dream to then become a logistical nightmare. The To Do List becomes bigger, the hours become longer and the happiness becomes smaller and smaller until, in many cases, it gets snuffed out entirely.

That leads to a phenomenon that is all too common – the Zombie Business.

A company is a Zombie Business when it is barely alive and is being run by an exhausted, unmotivated entrepreneur who no longer even likes their business, yet is forced to stay in it, out of financial necessity or just because of a dogged determination not to give up on it. It's the corporate equivalent of the walking dead.

The tragedy of the Zombie Business is not just that there are thousands of them, it's the fact that it never had to be this way.

If their owners had known the right things to do and correct ways to think, they could have built a vibrantly thriving business that delivered on the promise and hope of its original founding: to provide a wonderful, growing income while affording the business owner a balanced, joy-filled lifestyle.

But all is not lost. You have in your hands a tactical sword that can slay the Zombie and get you back on track to creating the business that you deep down have always dreamt of.

This is not the usual business book, no siree. This teaches a radical way of thinking and acting that is the complete opposite of current business norms.

Matt Malouf is an evangelist for a totally different type of business – one that puts the happiness of the owner first and foremost. One that produces mountains of money without valleys of mental stress. One that enables you to use your time so well that you achieve far more than you ever have before, and yet paradoxically have more leisure time, not less.

Of course, the book world is full of authors proffering the secret to this and that, promising complete business and life transformation for 20 bucks. Why should you believe that Matt Malouf actually knows what he's talking about?

His experience, for one. Matt has built not one, but several successful businesses from scratch. No mean feat.

He is also one of the most eminent business coaches in the world, helping literally hundreds of entrepreneurs each year build both a better business and a better life.

The Stop Doing List features some of the advanced, highly effective strategies that other business owners have paid thousands of dollars to learn in Matt's courses, and yet are yours for a fraction of that price. What a bargain.

If you yearn to own a company that creates serious wealth without taking over the rest of your life, you are going to need to do things very differently from the typical business owner. This book truly shows you how.

Reading The Stop Doing List should be right at the top of your Start Doing List.

Siimon Reynolds,

Best-selling author of

Why People Fail

The Stop Doing List

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