Читать книгу The Books of Chinese Wisdom - Mencius - Страница 3

I Ching


Table of Contents



Chapter I. The Yî King From the Twelfth Century B.C. To the Commencement of the Christian Era

Chapter II. The Subject-Matter of the Text. The Lineal Figures and the Explanation of Them

Chapter III. The Appendixes

Plates I, II, III, Exhibiting the Hexagrams and Trigrams

The Text

Section I

Hexagram I. Khien

Hexagram II. Khwăn

Hexagram III. Kun

Hexagram IV. Măng

Hexagram V. Hsü

Hexagram VI. Sung

Hexagram VII. Sze

Hexagram VIII. Pî

Hexagram IX. Hsiâo Khû

Hexagram X. Lî

Hexagram XI. Thâi

Hexagram XII. Phî

Hexagram XIII. Thung Zăn

Hexagram XIV. Tâ Yû

Hexagram XV. Khien

Hexagram XVI. Yü

Hexagram XVII. Sui

Hexagram XVIII. Kû

Hexagram XIX. Lin

Hexagram XX. Kwân

Hexagram XXI. Shih Ho

Hexagram XXII. Pî

Hexagram XXIII. Po

Hexagram XXIV. Fû

Hexagram XXV. Wû Wang

Hexagram XXVI. Tâ Khû

Hexagram XXVII. Î

Hexagram XXVIII. Tâ Kwo

Hexagram XXIX. Khan

Hexagram XXX. Lî

Section II

Hexagram XXXI. Hsien

Hexagram XXXII. Hăng

Hexagram XXXIII. Thun

Hexagram XXXIV. Tâ Kwang

Hexagram XXXV. Ȝin

Hexagram XXXVI. Ming Î

Hexagram XXXVII. Kiâ Zăn

Hexagram XXXVIII. Khwei

Hexagram XXXIX. Kien

Hexagram XL. Kieh

Hexagram XLI. Sun

Hexagram XLII. Yî

Hexagram XLIII. Kwâi

Hexagram XLIV. Kâu

Hexagram XLV. Ȝhui

Hexagram XLVI. Shăng

Hexagram XLVII. Khwăn

Hexagram XLVIII. Ȝing Hexagram

Hexagram XLIX. Ko

Hexagram L. Ting

Hexagram LI. Kăn

Hexagram LII. Kăn

Hexagram LIII. Kien

Hexagram LIV. Kwei Mei

Hexagram LV. Făng

Hexagram LVI. Lü

Hexagram LVII. Sun

Hexagram LVIII. Tui

Hexagram LIX. Hwân

Hexagram LX. Kieh

Hexagram LXI. Kung Fû

Hexagram LXII. Hsiâo Kwo

Hexagram LXIII. Kî Ȝî

Hexagram LXIV. Wei Ȝî

The Appendixes

Appendix I Treatise on the Thwan, or King Wăn's Explanations of the Entire Hexagrams

Appendix II Treatise on the Symbolism of the Hexagrams, and of the Duke of Kâu's Explanations of the Several Lines

Appendix III The Great Appendix

Appendix IV Supplementary to the Thwan and Yâo on the First and Second Hexagrams, and Showing How They May Be Interpreted of Man's Nature and Doings

Appendix V Treatise of Remarks on the Trigrams

Appendix VI The Orderly Sequence of the Hexagrams

Appendix VII Treatise on the Hexagrams Taken Promiscuously, According to the Opposition or Diversity of Their Meaning

The Books of Chinese Wisdom

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