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TUESDAY Losing interest in life


Read Psalm 42:5.

The older man had loved sports for as long as he could remember. He often wondered how many games he had played and watched over the span of his long life. Lately, though, his enthusiasm for sporting events had begun to dwindle. Instead of cheering his favorite team, he often stared mindlessly at a blank television screen. Silently he wondered what happened to his passion for sports. Even more unsettling, he began to think of growing old as some sort of punishment.

Maybe you also have found your mood spiraling down as you have aged. You shudder at the thought of losing your vitality and independence. Activities and pursuits you used to enjoy now seem mundane, even lackluster. You are not the first to feel this way. If your outlook on life has worsened as you have aged, consider the blessings you would have missed if you had not lived a long life. Then give thanks to God.

Old age is not a punishment but a divine gift. Your life experiences have enriched you beyond measure. Your life brims with countless memories, relationships, stories, and images. Now is not the time to unplug from life. Invite a new passion to settle into your thoughts. God can restore a brighter outlook as you look forward to a new day.


Heavenly Father, take away the dimness of my soul. I confess that I have allowed . . .

to steal my enthusiasm for living. Ignite a passion within me. Reawaken me to your presence. Where there is grayness, let me see color. Enable me to find purpose in living where there seems to be none. Amen.


Be intentional in your effort to rekindle your passion for living. Begin the new day by noticing all the colors outside your window. Be mindful of the many shades and hues. Ponder God’s creation. Read a book about a subject you have never before explored. Play a new board game with a grandchild or friend. Ask a neighbor to tell you a story about her childhood.

Aging Faithfully

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