Читать книгу The Pleistocene of North America and its vertebrated animals - Oliver Perry Hay - Страница 6

I. Limits of the Pleistocene.


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The Pleistocene is regarded as being equivalent to what is known as the Glacial period. It began with the deployment of the ice-sheets which, proceeding from their centers of accumulation in British America, laid down in the East the Jerseyan drift and in the West the Nebraskan. The more the Glacial period is studied the more one becomes impressed with the significance of its physical effects on the northern hemisphere and with its influence on the vertebrate life. Doubtless its effects on the world in general are only beginning to be comprehended. The writer knows of no other phenomena, geological or biological, which so well characterize the Pleistocene period as do those comprehended under the term Glacial. They constitute the key to the determination of the subdivisions of the epoch and of their succession and to the history of the vertebrates which during this time occupied the continent.

The Pleistocene of North America and its vertebrated animals

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