Читать книгу Commercial Real Estate Investing For Dummies - Peter Harris - Страница 42

Timing the Commercial Real Estate Market


Wouldn’t it be great if you could time the commercial real estate market precisely? For instance, what if you could predict what the office building market would do five years from now in your town? Imagine if you had a process and procedure for knowing the perfect time to buy in a certain market. Well, here’s a secret: None of this exists. Sorry for bursting your bubble! But if we could predict such things, we’d be living on our own islands off of Tahiti.

But here’s the good news. Remember the old adage, “Buy low and sell high?” Believe it or not, this truly is how you get wealthy in real estate over time. It’s a tried-and-true method. And here’s another secret (and this time we’re serious): A tool exists that helps you buy low and sell high in any market anywhere in the United States. That tool is the real estate cycle. And when you pair this cycle with some knowledge of trends, you’re sure to be successful.

Commercial Real Estate Investing For Dummies

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