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The Evangelist

Staas Brewing Co. | www.staasbrewing.com

Staas Brewing Co.

31 W. Winter St.

Delaware, Ohio 43015

(740) 417–4690

First brewed: 2013

Style: Belgian dark strong ale

Alcohol content: 10 percent

IBUs: 20

Available: Year-round on draft

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• Maize Valley Monk in Public

• Toxic XXXX

• Fat Head’s Sorcerer

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• Fifty West 4X4 Quadruple

MANY BREWERIES love to say that their beers are brewed in small batches. Staas Brewing’s The Evangelist, a beautiful Belgian-style quadrupel ale, really is.

Staas, a nanobrewery in Delaware, operates with a half-barrel brewing system. The Evangelist is so big with its grain bill that Staas can produce only 10 gallons at a time on its system. And it’s not an easy process, with a two-hour boil required. Despite the challenge, the beer is on draft year-round to the delight of Belgian beer fans.

“It’s a labor of love,” says Liz Staas, who runs the operation and brews along with her husband, Donald.

The Evangelist was designed by Liz’s dad, Tony Evangelista, a homebrewer who started back in the 1970s. He was always a huge fan of Belgian and English beers, and his daughter caught on to Belgians as well, so it should come as no surprise that the brewery specializes in—what else?—Belgian and English styles.

The Evangelist, thanks to its high (10 percent) alcohol by volume, is served in a 10-ounce snifter. It’s boozy and dark with plenty of sweetness that gives way to fig, raisin, and plum notes. It was important for Liz Staas to have the fig showcased.

Fifty Must-Try Craft Beers of Ohio

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