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A Letter from the Iconian Church to Paul


Galbus Demetrius and Aelius Varro

Elders of the Church at Iconium

To Paul the Apostle,

Joy and peace to you.

O Paul, we beg to know your counsel concerning certain matters of pressing importance that have lately arisen among us. Fearing that we shall presume upon your scarce leisure, and knowing that you are much taken up with your ministry of preaching and of the oversight of the churches, we venture to inquire concerning only a few things, hoping that you will be willing to share your opinions as one considered faithful by our common Lord Jesus Christ, both for our edification and for that of neighboring churches with whom we may share your reply, for surely what matters distress us are of interest to all sharing a common lot.

Forgive us if these things seem too delicate for public speech, but answer as frankly as you will, and we shall use good judgment as to whether to read your letter to all or to those immediately concerned. For some among the brothers and sisters, accustomed to their former manner of life among the Gentiles who do not know God, upon their discovering that the wife is with child, seek out the dealer in poisons so as to abort that which grows inside. Others, fearing the attendant danger, are content to wait for the child to be delivered and then, if it is female, or if there are already more mouths in the family than the mother and father can provide for, they plan to expose the babe at the roadside, or it may be in the wilderness, even as Oedipus. Even the Law is silent upon the matter, so that those who scruple against these plans have little with which to persuade their fellows. What say you, O Paul?

Paul: The Lost Epistles

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