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Jews, Jesus, and Christianity

Most modern Jews would agree that Jesus was a great man, a teacher, and even a prophet who traveled the land performing wonderful, miraculous deeds and preached love and kindness. Christians recognize Jesus as Christ, the Son of God, their savior, and the Messiah.

The Jewish people believe that when the Messiah comes there will be an end to world suffering. They look to Isaiah 2:4, which says, “they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” When the Messiah comes, the world will no longer be a place of hunger, hatred, and injustice, and the wolf, lamb, lion, and calf will all live together. Jews do not believe, therefore, that the Messiah has come, and they do not recognize Jesus as their savior or as the Son of God.

Thus, Jews who believe in either the coming of the Messiah or a messianic age continue to await the event, while Christians await the second coming of their Messiah.

Fortunately, there are signs of growing understanding, respect, and acceptance among many members of the Jewish and Christian faiths. Ongoing affirmations between leaders of Catholic and Jewish groups indicate agreement that both faiths are beloved of God and assured of God’s grace. In many communities, interfaith councils and coalitions of religious congregations work to promote and maintain religious tolerance, mutual support, political action, and education. I have had the privilege to serve on such an interfaith group as a representative of my own congregation, and found it quite interesting and rewarding.

If Jews are permitted to believe what they believe, and Christians are permitted to believe what they believe, all will benefit. History has shown that when one group forces their beliefs on another, serious problems occur.

Because of the nature of American society, many Christians and Jews work together, socialize, live in the same neighborhoods, and send their children to the same schools. If Christians attend a synagogue service for a bar or bat mitzvah, a wedding, or a funeral service, they will recognize or be comfortable with many of the things being said. After all, such ceremonies use the same prayers and the same books of Moses that Jesus once studied. When Jews attend the church of a friend for a confirmation, wedding, funeral, or first communion, it’s a little different; as guests they will not take communion, kneel, cross themselves, or actively participate in the Christian New Testament liturgy. It is foreign to their beliefs to do so. Many Bible stories, prayers, and psalms, however, are familiar to them.

Fortunately, Christians and Jews begin their relationship with several things in common: the Hebrew Scriptures (the Old Testament), the Ten Commandments, a Sabbath day, the importance of charitable giving, and similar versions of what is known as the golden rule. Most important, we share the same God.

During interfaith services, and when attending community services in response to local, national, and international disasters or tragedies, Christians and Jews as well as members of other faiths find themselves praying together. Under such circumstances, members of all faiths seem to rise to the occasion, focus on what they have in common, and worship together.

I hope that we continue to look to our similarities instead of our differences, and I pray that someday we all live together in peace, or as we say in Hebrew, shalom.

What I Wish My Christian Friends Knew about Judaism

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