Читать книгу The Barefoot Investor - Scott Pape - Страница 17

Introducing the Barefoot Steps


Some finance books are wishy-washy on what you should do. They say things like, ‘Write down your dreams’.

Others are written by weirdos who have colour-coded spreadsheets for their undies drawer and whose idea of a holiday is the Bendigo caravan park (communal toilet option). They give you a laundry list of things you should be doing, culminating with:

‘You need to follow a strict written budget every single day.’

The truth?

I've never been able to stick to something as rigid as a budget, and I don't expect you to either.

For most people, budgets don't work. They're like surviving on a grapefruit diet.

Budgets set you up to fail. You feel like a loser with no willpower.

You're not. You are normal.

Here's the deal: the Barefoot Steps are not a cute way to organise a book.

They are nine specific steps that you complete in order, one by one.

The power of the Barefoot Steps is that they focus on you doing just one thing at a time.

You won't get overwhelmed.

You and I are going to plant your wealth tree, and get it growing.

The Barefoot Investor

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