Читать книгу Our Higher Calling - Sherrell Byrd - Страница 17

Day 14 Yes, God Cares John 3:16


How much does God care for us? Are we really all that important to the Creator? God thinks about us all the time and we should never forget that. He sees us when we are ill and when we are in pain and suffering. He is aware of our needs and desires. He is God!

But how much does God love us? He loves us so much that He wants us to be with Him when our days are over on earth. He wants to deliver us from the flames of Hell. He wants us saved!

God loves us so much that He gave His only Son as a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus did not have to do this. We certainly didn’t deserve it. But the Lord did it out of His love for us. “Whosoever believeth in Jesus should not perish.” God provided a way out for those who accept His Son.

Church Folks

Some do not come to Sunday school,

But try to hold the pastor liable.

Because when the sermon scriptures are given,

They can’t find them in their Bibles.

They thumb through, page after page and book after book,

The sermon they have missed.

When the only place they had to go,

Was to the book of Genesis.

Throughout the service, some spend

their time talking to a buddy,

And they’re the ones you’ll never find sitting in Bible Study.

They want to go to heaven because they don’t want to burn,

But the devil will keep them ignorant

because they don’t want to learn.

Our Higher Calling

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