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Dear Reader,

Thank you for choosing The Reluctant Guardian. I hope you enjoyed spending time with Tavin and Gemma in Regency-era Britain.

There is no record of the Board of Customs ever employing undercover operatives like Tavin (although you and I know the truth!), but the “Lady in Red” mentioned in the story was a real person. In the early 1800s, a young woman named Lovey Warne assisted her family’s illegal smuggling endeavors by climbing Vereley Hill in Hampshire to look out for revenue men. If she saw any, she’d signal her brothers below to stay away by donning a red cloak.

It’s hard to believe smugglers were so bold as to carry out their illicit trade in broad daylight, but the historical account of a fellow named Warner claims a caravan of over twenty wagons hauled smuggled goods from Christchurch into the New Forest during the day, guarded by over two hundred horsemen! A solitary revenue agent on patrol stood no chance against such an army, day or night.

Should you pass through Hampshire today, you can visit Vereley Hill (quite similar to Gemma’s Verity Hill) and stand in Lovey Warne’s footsteps. Perhaps you can even imagine Gemma in her red cloak, arm in arm with Tavin, as they enjoy the view and keep a careful eye on Petey and Eddie, who are getting into all kinds of mischief.

I love hearing from readers, and if you’d like to say hello, please drop by my website, www.susannedietze.com, or my Facebook page, SusanneDietzeBooks.

May the Lord bless you and keep you!


The Reluctant Guardian

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