Читать книгу Secrets of Better Sex. 30 poses in sex, which must definitely try - Вероника Ларссон, Veronica Larsson - Страница 3

Pose 1. Evita


This pose is a bit like the previous one, only the partners in it change places and the man plays an active role in this pose. This position is very convenient for a woman, because she practically does not strain and just gets pleasure. By the way, this position allows a woman to get great pleasure and quickly leads to orgasm. A bit more difficult when using this position is a man, since he must make moves and maintain not only his balance, but also his partner. The task is facilitated if a woman lies on an incline bench, then it becomes easier for a man to satisfy his partner. He will not need to support it.

A woman lies down across the bed or on an inclined board and reduces her legs straight. A man becomes or lies down from above, the legs of a woman are between his legs. This posture should be used after the preliminary caresses, so that the vagina was strongly moistened. This is necessary for the phallus to enter freely, without friction. When a woman enters the penis of a man, he begins to move back and forth. Movements, at first, should be smooth and gentle, gradually the partners will enter the rhythm.

In this position, there is a strong stimulation of the vestibule of the vagina and its anterior wall. If a man lays down on his partner, then by his movements he will contribute to stimulation of the clitoris. For more acute sensations, a man can move forward a little, if he is standing on the floor, Then his penis will bend, and with his movement there will be even greater stimulation of the vestibule vestibule. With this slight change in position, a man, as well as a woman, gets pleasure. If a woman does not have an inclined bench, then a man can support a woman on the weight behind the buttocks with both hands. In doing so, it can regulate the depth of penetration of the phallus into the partner’s vagina. In addition, he can alternately squeeze her buttocks with hands, which will be an additional stimulation.

Since the hands of the man will be busy supporting the partner, he can mouth and tongue caress her shoulders and chest. A partner, however, can caress with her own hands the back of a partner or his buttocks. At first it may seem that this is not a very comfortable pose, but when the partners enter the rhythm, they will feel that this pose is really very good. It is possible that partners will get an orgasm at the same time.

Secrets of Better Sex. 30 poses in sex, which must definitely try

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