Читать книгу The cold warmth - Victoria Goerk - Страница 7

| Chapter 5 |


Braylon felt bad. He knew he made Jaylon upset, but he couldn’t risk anything happening in his shop where humans come and go. He barely knew the ghost, let alone how he could control him when he has too much energy to spare.

Braylon sighed while unlocking the store only to find, that it was already neatly cleaned. Chairs that were previously on the tables were now tucked under them and ready to be sat on. The different kinds of flowers that were huddled in baskets seemed to perk up at his arrival. They were looking fresh and full of color.

His store wasn’t just a flower shop. One side of it was a small café with three little tables. The coffee machine was already turned on, warming itself up and getting ready for its first shot of coffee.

Braylon could spot a small bag of cookies on the counter with a small yellow sticky not stuck to it. He immediately recognized Marcellus’ messy handwriting.

‘Good morning Braylon, I prepared everything for you already. Hope you have a great day☺.

The half demon smiled at the cute little emoji drawing at the end of the note and made his way behind the café counter to make himself a cup of black coffee, nit forgetting to pull out some frozen cookie dough to let it thaw. He quickly ate and went about his daily routine of checking the tidiness of the whole store before flipping the ‘Open’ sign at the door. He then made his way to the small greenhouse behind the store where numerous flowers were growing in full bloom.

Braylon never really understood his love for flowers and how they seemed to lean into his touch when he was younger. The instantly looked brighter and colorful whenever he touched one of them.

He didn’t understand what was going on until Adan explained to him, that his grandmother was a nature witch and Braylon somehow inherited some of her magic even though his mother didn’t.

He was then assigned the job to arrange flower bouquets for the family of the deceased at their requests. The reapers would send in their orders and Braylon would carefully follow it, adding some more until it seemed perfect. Then he would put them in an enchanted box for Marcellus to deliver.

He loves his job. It never gets boring and there were a lot of times where human teenagers come in and buy some flowers for their loved ones. Considering the fact that there’s a university only a few miles away, he has a lot of young customers. They were a curious bunch, always asking where he gets the flowers during the winter, but every time he would reply with a small smile and say ‘It’s a secret.’

Adults came often too. More for the coffee and cookies than flowers. Hey were polite and friendly, always striking up a conversation to keep him company when Marcellus was too busy with his deliveries.

Today seemed like it wouldn’t be too busy for Braylon. He glanced down on his tablet as soon as he came back inside with a basket full of flowers hanging from his wrist. There were only six deliveries today. The half demon is only responsible for the deceased in North America, while other places in the world are taken care of by other demons who spent years in studying nature magic.

It was some kind of extra service, a last goodbye from the dead to bring ease to the living.

Braylon started to arrange his first bouquet of the day. He was totally immersed in it, so much that he didn’t even hear when a customer entered. Only looking up with a jump when a velvety voice spoke up in the silence.

“Is the café open yet?”

“Oh, yes! Of course, err … what would you like?” He managed to stammer out, peering up at the stranger who was warmly smiling at him.

“An iced vanilla latte and a slice of chocolate cake please.”

“Coming right up in five minutes.” Braylon smiled back, scurrying over to the café side and started to whip up the drink, glancing at the cakes in the display case to make sure there were still a few slices of chocolate cake left.

He peeked over the coffee machine to look at his customer. He looked strangely familiar but Braylon has never seen him around. He has blond hair with dark roots starting to peek. Chocolate hazel eyes and plump pink lips, honey kissed skin. The man was really beautiful and the half demon couldn’t get rid of the feeling that he’s so familiar with. He tried to ignore it, finishing up the order and serving it quietly. The customer looked up with the same smile, “Thank you.”

Braylon smiled back and returned to his post, still glancing at the stranger from time to time until he finished and paid, leaving the store with a red rose that he bought from the florist’s collection. At the same time Marcellus enters the shop through the door like a normal human being, which he was forced to do after he kept popping up behind the counter. The two at the door glanced at each other for a second. The strangers’ plump lips stretching into a small smile while the demon kept his stoic face and then, a second later, the customer was gone, walking along the sidewalk.

“Who was the shorty?” blurted Marcellus out, earning himself a glare from the only other person in the shop.

“Do not call my customers short! It offends me too.”

“But he gives me creepy vibes, is he human? I think he’s not human,” the messenger whined.

“He’s human, I didn’t feel anything.”

“Just because you don’t feel anything doesn’t mean I don’t feel something.”

The two continued to bicker, only stopping when a small group of office workers come in. Marcellus offered his help while Braylon was working on his third bouquet. Just like that, the day went on smoothly. Marcellus was popping in and out, checking the flowers and baking cookies or just coming in to annoy the little one with pouts and whines of wanting to see the ghost.

“For the last time - no means no!”

“I just want a glimpse!”

Braylon sighed, placing the last bouquet of the day in the box and silently held out his hand to the demon. Marcellus pouted but gave in, sliding his own hand over Braylon’s and held it tightly, a small end to their disagreement.

“I just want him to trust me first… you know, the reapers said that he doesn’t speak much, but he talked to me this morning! He’s opening up to me so I don’t want to overwhelm him. And I think I made him a bit upset too so…. Not today, okay?”

The florist explained gently, knowing that the other was probably worried and wanted to check out the apartment, but he was a little uncertain of how unpredictable Marcellus could be sometimes.

The demon sighed, leaning in to softly pinch the older’s cheek. “Fine, you’re lucky you’re cute though.”

“I’m always cute. Now, go deliver these flowers.” The half demon picked up the medium sized boxes from the floor, extending its straps and hung them over Marcellus’ shoulder. Once they bid their goodbyes, he was gone in a flash, leaving Braylon to quickly close up the store. He was done before six and was picking out some of his stuff upstairs when Adan called.

“Yes? Hello?”

(“Braylon, I ordered some of my men to buy all the basic things for your new home. They already cleaned it up too, sorry for not doing this earlier.”)

Braylon halted, thinking of Jaylon, “What about Jaylon?”

(“Oh, his name is Jaylon? Well, they said that he gathered your stuff and retreated out to the balcony. He was watching them until they left.”)

“You have to tell me first, don’t send strangers barging in without notice!”

(“It’s fine Braylon. The kid’s fine. Go and check if you don’t believe me.”)

The half demon huffed, hanging up the call and quickly stashed his belongings and some extra stuff in his bag. He made his way down, grabbing a small pot of flowers he prepared earlier and left, locking the store securely behind him.

The cold warmth

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