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Chapter Six

It was late by the time Adam left The Three Palms Hotel and headed back to his home in the Marshwood Vale. He had to admit that the party had been fun. He usually tried to avoid social situations. He was far more a stay-at-home-with-a-bottle-of-wine-and-a-good-film type of guy but he had to admit that he’d enjoyed chatting to the cast and crew. Teresa, the director, although never the life and soul of a party, had nevertheless been fascinating, telling him about the ideas she had for the film and how she hoped to use Lyme Regis to its best advantage. She was also excited about the two locations Adam had found for Kellynch Hall and Uppercross but was a little concerned about the weather reports which were promising rain, rain and more rain. They’d just have to keep their fingers crossed.

Adam had been delighted when he’d found Marlcombe Manor. He’d known immediately that it would make an ideal Kellynch Hall and he was thrilled when the owners and the film company agreed with him. Situated just five miles from Lyme Regis, the Jacobean manor house was the perfect answer to the great seat of the Elliots, and the nearby village of Ashbury was going to stand in for Uppercross with the exterior of a fine Georgian house being used for the home of Charles and Mary Musgrove.

It was always so much easier when filming could take place in as few locations as possible. It saved time, money and cut back on no end of hassle. It was also particularly welcome for Adam who was able to stay at his own home instead of booking into the hotel along with the cast and crew. He valued his privacy and preferred his own company once the working day was over.

He thought again about the party. He’d done his best to make conversation with the assistant director, Les Brown, but nothing had come of it. Les had grunted and mumbled and then left to go to the Gents.

‘Take no notice of him!’ Beth Jenkins had said, sidling up to him in her slinky slashed dress. ‘He’s a total bore. You do know his nickname, don’t you? Les Miserable.’

Adam had laughed and Beth had taken the opportunity to link an arm through his.

She hadn’t been interested in him really though. Adam had noticed how she’d kept glancing back at the terrace to where Oli Wade Owen was standing.

As he slowed down to take a bend by a church, Adam chuckled to himself. The only reason a beautiful actress would fling herself at him was in the hope of making another man jealous.

Then there’d been Gemma. Sweet Gemma Reilly. At last, Adam had met a woman who was as shy as himself. He’d watched her hovering around the bar, stirring her drink and watching the action from a distance. He’d spoken to her briefly before and had immediately warmed to her.

‘All ready for the big day tomorrow?’ he’d asked as he’d approached her.

‘As ready as I’ll ever be,’ she’d said.

He’d looked at her pale face and the look of uncertainty in her eyes. ‘You nervous?’

‘Yes!’ she’d said, the word leaping from her mouth. She’d looked surprised that she’d confessed such a thing.

‘But you’re a great actress,’ Adam had told her. ‘I’ve seen you in rehearsals and you’re fabulous. I’m really excited about this production.’

She looked up at him and smiled. ‘That’s really sweet of you.’

‘I’m just being honest.’

‘It’s just—’ She stopped.

‘What?’ he asked.

‘Well, this is my first film and I’m terrified of letting everyone down.’ Her eyes were wide and fearful.

‘But you won’t!’ he said.

She nodded. ‘I mean, what if I’m just not a very good actress?’

Adam couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This was one insecure lady. There was only one thing for it – to lie. ‘But everyone feels like that on a film set.’

‘They do?’ She didn’t look convinced.

‘They certainly do. I was talking to Beth Jenkins before. She was shaking with nerves. I couldn’t believe it!’

‘No way! Beth Jenkins is nervous?’

Adam nodded, wondering where all this was coming from and if he could keep it up. He supposed it was just an extension of his storytelling abilities. ‘She said that there hasn’t been a single film where she’s felt confident beforehand but that it’s those very nerves that drive a good performance.’

Gemma nodded. ‘I was the same at stage school. Every performance gave me the shakes.’

‘But I bet every performance was brilliant?’ Adam said.

‘Well, I’m not sure about that,’ she said with a little blush.

‘You wouldn’t be standing here right now if anyone doubted your ability. A film’s too expensive a project to cast the wrong person,’ Adam said and then regretted it as he saw her pale again. ‘Which is why you’ve nothing to worry about. Teresa was just telling me how wonderful you are. This production’s already in the can. It was the day you were cast.’

Gemma let out a long sigh and reached out a hand to touch his arm. ‘Thank you,’ she said.

Driving back through the darkening country lanes, Adam thought about Gemma’s beautiful young face and how genuinely scared she’d been. He hoped his words had calmed her and he hoped he’d be around to comfort her if she had another attack of nerves.

* * *

Later that night, Gemma woke up with the strange sensation of feeling wet. She flung back the bedclothes and leapt out of bed, turning on her bedside lamp and shrieking as she saw a huge wet patch on her pillow. She looked up to see the ceiling dripping.

‘Oh my goodness!’ she exclaimed, stuffing her feet into a pair of shoes and grabbing a jumper from her suitcase. Where was it coming from? Was the ceiling about to collapse? Was she in danger of dying before she could make her mark in the world of film?

There were voices in the corridor and Gemma opened her door.

‘My room’s turned into a swimming pool!’ Beth was squealing. Gemma couldn’t help noticing that she’d still managed to brush her hair and apply a coating of mascara and lipstick in her panic.

‘My bed’s completely soaked,’ Sophie said. She was wearing a cute pair of pyjamas covered in teddy bears and, like Gemma, hadn’t been anxious to apply make-up in such circumstances.

‘Everyone all right?’ Oli said, coming down from the floor above them. ‘There’s a burst pipe. Everywhere’s drenched.’

‘Oh, this is dreadful!’ Beth said.

‘You should see our rooms,’ Oli said and Gemma noticed that his jeans were soaked and his hair was plastered to his face.

Teresa appeared on the landing, her face dark and drawn. ‘Grab your things as quickly as you can,’ she said.

‘I’m not going back in my room,’ Beth said. ‘I could drown!’

Oli shook his head and dashed in for her. Gemma returned to hers and started packing, grabbing her things as quickly as she could and meeting everyone out on the landing a few minutes later.

‘What the hell are we going to do?’ Les Miserable said, scratching his head and making his hair stick up even more than usual. ‘Where are we going to sleep?’

‘I don’t know,’ Teresa said. ‘They must have more rooms available here.’

Les shook his head. ‘Fully booked.’

‘What are we going to do?’ wailed Beth. ‘I need my beauty sleep. I can’t work without a good night’s rest.’

Gemma tuned out as she watched Oli shaking the excess water from his hair. His t-shirt was soaking too. Gemma turned away. Now was not the time to be thinking about heroes in wet shirts.

It was then that the hotel manager appeared, his arms waving around like the blades of a windmill.

‘I am so sorry, ladies and gentlemen! Is everybody okay?’

I’m not okay!’ Beth announced, stepping forward and looking pristine.

‘Oh, my dear!’ the manager said. ‘I will never forgive myself if my favourite actress was hurt whilst in my establishment. Where are you hurt, my dear?’

Beth looked shifty for a moment, rearranging her dressing gown. ‘Well, my toes got a bit wet but my suitcase is ruined! Everything will need replacing.’

‘Oh, don’t fuss,’ Sophie admonished.

Teresa stepped forward to take charge. ‘Are there any other rooms we can use?’

The manager pulled a face. ‘I’m afraid we are completely booked.’

‘Oh, this is ridiculous!’ Beth said. ‘Do you expect me to hang around all night on a draughty wet landing in only a thin little lacy negligee?’ she said, batting her eyelashes in Oli’s direction. Oli grinned and Les Miserable did too, only it was more of a leer and Beth thought it prudent to cover at least half of her cleavage up.

‘I’ll tell you what we can do,’ the manager said. ‘We have lots of spare bedding and can make beds up in the lounge for the rest of tonight.’

Beth tutted. ‘I’ve never heard the like!’

‘There is only about two hours left before we’re due to get up anyway,’ Sophie said. ‘I don’t see what the big problem is.’

The two actresses glared at each other.

‘We’ll make proper arrangements tomorrow,’ Teresa cried above the chaos. ‘Let’s just try and get through the rest of tonight.’

Gemma sighed and watched as Oli sauntered casually downstairs with his suitcase and there was a sudden scramble between Beth and Sophie to follow, both no doubt intent on grabbing the nearest makeshift bed next to him.

The Perfect Hero: The perfect summer read for Austen addicts!

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