Читать книгу Classics fantasy – 4 - A. Belyaev - Страница 8
ОглавлениеMishka Borin “laid down on watch”. Now he already wished that the expedition went to a way rather and the screen would recover. However departure dragged on. There were last tests of “iron spiders”. Ginzburg carried out to laboratories all the time and only in the evenings visited Mischa.
– What you do? You long? – he asked Mischa once.
No, Mischa did not get used to waste time in vain. Now he felt new interest in radio and television. Mischa should go to interesting “travel” soon. And he began to study radio engineering, the device of radioelements, offices of television. And this evening he somehow perplexed answered Ginzburg’s question:
– And I, you know, wrote such… the imagination to understand to itself some principles of television. You want, I will read?
Ginzburg looked for hours.
– Read if it is not really long.
And Mischa began to read:
– “Professor Filinov is so old that long ago forgot year of the birth. And such scientist that he has not enough one pair of glasses: it carries two couples, and in the evenings even three. It has in the head a lot of brain that the biggest caps do not fit to it the head – it is necessary to do to order. The head his absolutely bald, green-golden beard goes down to a belt.
Filinov two young people has a pupil: professors Harichkin and Larichkin; one fifty, second sixty years. Eagle owls calls them “young people” because on their heads only small bald heads, beards hardly cover a breast, and on a nose on only one pair of glasses.
Eagle owls – the great inventor.
Once Harichkin and Larichkin come to Filinov to an office and see on a table the big black polished box with a lens.
– Here – Filinov says – I invented the device which can reduce people and do the person smaller, than a molecule. You want, I will try on you?
Larichkin and Harichkin stroked the beards and exchanged glances, and Filinov already aimed a lens, clicked and laughed.
Also Larichkin and Harichkin began to decrease.
No, it did not seem to them at all that they decrease. It seemed to them that they remain same, and Filinov began to grow, and all objects began to grow, and the room was moved apart in the parties, and the ceiling rose in some stratospheric height. Huge doors opened, and the room was entered by a huge tiger. Harichkin and Larichkin were scaredly killed under a chair. The tiger size from a bull jumped on a huge sofa, and this tiger a favourite cat of Filinov was. The awful thunder shatnut the room – it Filinov laughed. It found Harichkin and Larichkin who hid under a chair, and carefully put them on a desk.
And they were size already about a pin. Also professor Filinov on a caesium plate put them. Harichkin and Larichkin remembered that there was this plate gladenky, polished. But now it seemed hilly as the plowed field. It was difficult to go – any minute you will fall. Over their heads golden ears – hair of a beard of Filinov rocked – and the thunder rattled, each time is more silent: Harichkin and Larichkin’s ears already refused to perceive such sound vibrations. The fright and fear captured young scientists: from one exhalation of Filinov they could fall in an inkwell and drown in it, as in the Black Sea. Harichkin and Larichkin took seat on a plate and caught hillocks. And objects everything increased. The ceiling and a floor departed somewhere in infinity. The inkwell was also removed and grew as Elbrus. Usual light dropped out of sight unexpected travelers soon, and they saw before themselves only mountainous edges of a caesium plate. Mountains grew on their eyes. Rose above and above. In the atmosphere there were flying celestial bodies.
One of them rushed, others smoothly fell by a surface.
– These are motes. Yes, it is, probably, motes which filled room air – Harichkin guessed.
One of motes fell to Larichkin, and he hardly got out from under it, as from under an avalanche. In “sky” huge spheres – water molecules flew.
Fortunately, soon all “celestial bodies” suddenly departed in one direction – probably, someone opened a door and about the room there passed the air wave.
Rocks grew. And, to surprise of scientists, they became all nozdrevaty, poristy. Everywhere huge caves, tunnels, gorges, abysses, canyons were found. They were moved apart, became more and more huge by the sizes.
And Harichkin and Larichkin could already pass on all tunnels in any direction soon, pass through caesium substance.
The dense plate of caesium as if broke up to the components, leaving between them easy accesses.
But on it transformation of the world did not come to an end. Harichkin and Larichkin, better to see, rose by top of huge “continent” with extraordinary porous structure. There passed a little time – and a new miracle.
Scientists noticed that separate pieces do not concern each other. That world in which they were now, reminded itself the remains of the planet broken into pieces. And all these fragments moved. And between them there was an empty space. The fragment on which there were Harichkin and Larichkin grew extremely quickly. It also turned into real “planet”. Its sizes disappeared behind the horizon. Sometimes this planet approached another so that it was possible to jump from it on other planet, was sometimes carried away far. Planets fell, rose, wandered on the sky in all directions. Distance between them everything increased. The planet on which there were Harichkin and Larichkin grew, and all others as if would decrease – were removed in interplanetary space. Soon they already seemed far dark masses.
– We are on a caesium molecule now – Larichkin told. – It is good that it is not a molecule of gas. On it we would feel original Brownian motion of particles – dance of molecules – and, probably, would have seasickness.
– Till certain time – Harichkin objected. – When we would become immeasurably smaller, than a molecule, we would not notice this dance as we do not notice the movement of Earth.
– Dexterously Filinov played a trick on us!
– And to what sizes we will decrease? What is the time passed since we left the usual world?
– We have time now. On hours of Filinov passed, possibly, some seconds, and in this world they equal to millions of years. How many “geological revolutions” were already made before our eyes! However I will try to count.
Larichkin took out the notebook which to it seemed not less usual size at all from a pocket, and, having sat down on a ledge, began to calculate. The scared voice of Harichkin interrupted his studies.
– I move away from you! – Harichkin shouted, sitting on the asteroid.
Larichkin, having dropped the notebook, made a huge jump and managed to catch a jacket tail of the friend.
– We should keep together. Is not enough still that we scattered in different directions – he told.
And before their eyes catastrophically bystry changes were made. Distances increased all the time, volumes of bodies increased – all bodies, except Harichkin and Larichkin’s bodies. With “planet” on which they “landed”, made surprising changes. It also began to break up to a large number of the isolated bodies and little bodies, and all of them were in the movement. Harichkin and Larichkin came to be on a small sphere which rushed with extraordinary speed. In the center of this sphere at huge distance the great planet, or sun around which our travelers rushed endlessly around was seen. Except their planet, around central “star” darkness of others just the same a planetok flew. Solar systems with the central star and “satellites” were seen everywhere. All space where you will throw a look, turned into a fancy pattern flying around a planetok. It was a show extraordinary. Everywhere there are rings intertwining one with another… Speed of satellites was such that their orbits seemed dark continuous rings – like a ring of Saturn.
Diameter of these circles constantly grew, distances between “solar systems” increased. The planet on which Harichkin and Larichkin flew grew too. It already got the sizes of such sphere that Larichkin and Harichkin could travel around her surface. Central sun and other solar systems were far. Centripetal force acted on the same planet, as well as on Earth. Harichkin and Larichkin were not threatened by danger to fall from the planet and to lose each other. And they dared to disperse. One became on “northern”, the second – on “southern” poles. They could have something in common, but did not see each other because of curvature of a surface. And soon ceased and to hear as the planet even more inflated and the distance between poles was extended. They met on “equator” again.
– Well what you on it will tell? – Harichkin asked.
– The fact that we got to the world of atoms. Our molecule was scattered on atoms of which it consisted. We stay on an electron – “satellite” of our central sun – a proton. We are surrounded by the “star world” of other solar systems, other atoms. And everything together they make ours “galactic system”. Further immeasurable open spaces of “interstellar deserts” last, and the new congestion of “stars” – other “galaxy” representing a congestion of atoms of other molecule looms over there. Set makes them “metagalaxy” – it is atoms of all our plate. It is possible to determine by number of satellites electrons that it is caesium atoms.
– And what further? – Harichkin asked. – Behind “metagalaxy”?
– Further, probably, end of “world of caesium” and beginning of other infinite worlds…
Harichkin sat down on the earth and struck an electron with a hand.
– Pay attention – he told Larichkin – my hand passes through a surface, as through gas. And if we did not fail in the center, then, so, we are held by some superficial tension. All this is not pleasant to me. I adhere to a scientific hypothesis that electrons at all not particles, but only a wave of an electric origin.
– Well probably we were lucky to see, so to speak, in a projection “clot” of this wave – Larichkin who did not want to begin a scientific dispute in such extraordinary situation at all soothingly answered.
However Harichkin did not give up:
– That is as so: wave clot projection? It vaguely and not scientifically.
Altercation was ready to break out, however the attention of travelers was abstract new event. Through their “atmosphere” the body of almost same size, as well as their planet unexpectedly rushed.
– And it that it? – scaredly Harichkin asked.
– The free electron, most likely – answered Larichkin.
There is a lot of such free electrons. They crossed space between solar systems in all directions, sometimes crossing orbits of “satellites”, sometimes facing them. In this case the satellite came off an orbit and flew aside, itself turning into a free electron.
Harichkin made one more interesting observation. “Free” electrons were not absolutely free in the flight: they were not carried away out of borders of this extraordinary world.
– They just fly within a caesium plate.
– And one more – Larichkin added. – Pay attention to flight of our “planets” and “comets” – free electrons. We are at top of our hypergalaxy and we see how celestial bodies rise up and arc flight come back to a system subsoil. Above a certain border they do not fly up. What does it mean? That free and not free electrons fly up over a surface of a caesium plate.
– However as after all the wave theory … – Harichkin did not calm down.
The world of atoms as if reached the border and did not increase any more. But suddenly – a new awful event. Travelers saw how from “sky” to their world the shining masses flies. They in a flash overcame “heavenly” spaces and fell upon “solar system” the real rain of fire. And each “droplet” reminded the flaring sun. Travelers got a fright. What if one of such sun falls them on the heads and will absolutely incinerate them?
– I understood what is it! – Harichkin exclaimed.
– I too! – Larichkin picked up. – It is just a ray of light. Yes, Filinov lit a caesium plate with a strong ray of light, and we see “light quanta” – light streams which are continuously flying to our world.
– Not absolutely continuously – Harichkin corrected. – We see the separate heated kernels which punch our world in the same direction. Continuous the fiery stream seems only owing to the bystry movement light quantum.
– Look! One of sun faced “planet”, and it departed to space.
– We see – Harichkin told, raising a finger – so-called photoeffect. Under the influence of light electrons get an additional stock of energy and fly with such speed that are at all carried away from our caesium world.
– In other words, solar “bombs” knock out electrons from a caesium plate.
– In the same way they would pull out electrons and from any other substance.
– Of course. Electrons – accessory of any substance, its compound part.
Thus, we are witnesses of what was opened by scientists at the end of the last century: at illumination of a surface of some metals light waves of a certain length these metals let out electrons.
The light stream stopped also unexpectedly, as well as began. And at once after this event began to flow upside-down. All scales began to decrease. Harichkin and Larichkin’s “planet” contracted in the eyes, becoming less. It did not fly around a huge proton on an orbit any more, and approached it on a spiral. Also the proton decreased. “Solar systems” approached until merged in one molecule. Fussy molecules grew and approached one another. Here all of them united and became similar to the huge valley with mountain folds. Mountains were quickly narrowed as if thawed, and Harichkin and Larichkin saw soon that they stand on a caesium plate near big as the tank, inkwells.
On it their adventures did not terminate. Got closer to them, gleaming, a convex surface. It was the magnifying glass of professor Filinov. But also through a magnifying glass the old scientist could not make out the pupils yet. It was necessary “to breed” them a little. Then Eagle owls were taken by thin tweezers, picked up Harichkin and Larichkin and threw them into emptiness. Probably, it reduced again them because Harichkin and Larichkin long flew in world space before fell to mountain top. No, they did not break. They were easier than fuzzes. Rose, looked round around. This time they came to be in the new world.
“Earth” on which they stayed was not limited to the horizon. Regions of “earth” of hollow rose up and passed into “the heavenly sphere” of the same color, as “earth”.
– Whether there are no we in the world of the fourth measurement? – Harichkin asked.
– What there fourth measurement! – Larichkin objected. – Just we stand on the internal surface of a spherical body. You look, in the center of this sphere there is a huge ring strengthened on the core thrust to “earth”, and in “sky” opposite to us, some star foggy flickers. It occupies nearly a quarter of all sky.
– Listen! – Larichkin exclaimed. – Yes same middle of a glass cylinder of a photo cell! I knocked over a layer of “earth”, and something began to shine. It is, apparently, a silver layer. The caesium layer is applied on it. Therefore, we stand on the photo cell cathode, and a ring in the middle of our “Universe” – the anode. A round opening in a lamp as the giant window to other world, shines foggy: the photo cell, obviously, is already included in the battery, however streams of current and light are still small and the photo cell does not work.
– We, apparently, again decreased – Harichkin told.
– You see how “mountains” on our “earth” increased, and in the sky we see what was not noticed earlier again – countless multitudes of “celestial bodies” which move in all directions. These are not motes any more, these are gas molecules.
– Interestingly to travel on such planet – Larichkin dreams. – The small planetka – a gas molecule – approaches the surface of “earth”. It flies with the greatest speed, but it seems to travelers that it moves smoothly – they are microscopic beings.
– We jump! Hop! It is ready!. – Harichkin and Larichkin depart to space.
– The interplanetary travel began – Larichkin says. – Well and dance around us! To present only that the whole world stays in such continuous movement! Nothing does not stand still, “even the fact that it costs”. In a gravestone and in the gloomy rock, in a penknife and in the sunk anchor unruly are trampled down, fuss, molecules jump. In solid bodies – more smoothly, in gaseous – quicker, and the temperature is higher, the dance is more live.
Larichkin and Harichkin cross “interplanetary space” here and there. Their molecule with unprecedented speed falls down, flies up, hits against “sky”, then – again down, aside, faces other “planetka” sharply jumps aside from it – keep, do not fall!
During this wandering travelers had an opportunity to study “celestial bodies” from within. One molecules bore on themselves positive charges of electricity, others – negative, and many had both that and others. It were “neutral” molecules of gas.
Unexpectedly huge window occupying nearly a quarter of the sphere it is dazzling flashed. Now it seemed to similar to the real sun. This is Filinov sent a ray of light to a photo cell opening. The mass of light escaped from an opening, rushed through “an interplanetary scope” and began to fall meteorites on an opposite wall. Here also amusing began.
Fiery bombs fell to valleys and mountains, and over valleys and mountains anxiously began to fuss as if expecting a trouble, electrons. Light shells began to knock out these electrons – to tear off them from a surface, and electrons departed to an interplanetary scope, on the central ring – the anode. On the road they faced “neutral” gas molecules and knocked out from them electrons.
The stream of these electrons went to the center of the Universe – to a ring. It was also current. The photo cell began to work. The enormous interplanetary scope dividing the anode and the cathode was won. Under the influence of abyss light as if would disappear. Electrons – negatively loaded parts of electricity – flew to a positive pole.
But on it business did not come to an end. “Neutral” planetka – gas molecules – having lost an electron, became “a positive ion”. Such molecule has already only one satellite – a positive charge. The “earth” of caesium loaded with negative electricity began to attract it uncontrollably. And positive ions began to fall to “ground”. It was possible to think that there was a space disaster. The rain of positive electrons fell to “ground”, beat out new and new electrons each time. They soared up from a surface, rushed in an interplanetary scope on the central ring and fell. Other of them faced on the way neutral molecules, knocked out from them electrons which immediately fell to “ground”. And the stream of “meteorites” which broke from “earth” and flew to “the center of the Universe” grew as an avalanche – there was what is called increase in current.
Filinov, probably, still increased tension in a current chain to which the photo cell was attached, and gas molecules were suddenly lit. Now each of them became similar to the moon, and everything together they represented extremely beautiful show – thousands, millions of the moon which incessantly move.
– Gas luminescence? – Larichkin who did not forget about “terrestrial” names of the phenomena made in this world exclaimed. The sun window inflamed, grew dull. Filinov regulated luminous intensity. And when “window” shone stronger, the stream of electrons from a surface to the center of a sphere increased if “window” grew dull, also the current of electrons decreased – in other words, current fell. Harichkin and Larichkin saw what the scientist determines only by imagination, calculations given devices for observation own eyes. They could observe how the slightest increase or reduction of light increased or reduced quantity of the electrons falling on the central ring – that is current.
Harichkin and Larichkin were fascinated by an unprecedented show. They even forgot about danger and suddenly with horror saw that on their planetku-molecule the celestial body falls. They did not manage to scream from a fright as there was a collision and they fainted. And when recovered, saw that lie on a sofa near a cat of professor Filinov who had the usual sizes, as well as all around.
– There now – said Eagle owls – you also visited the world of a microcosm and now, probably, acquired much better all processes what are made in a photo cell. Light can give rise to electric current – you knew it earlier. Now you saw how he is born.
Photo cell! This new mighty weapon of the person. The current which is given rise or strengthened by light can set the mechanism in motion. Light can open and close doors, warn about the fires, stop trains, cars, to set huge cars in motion. Light of the star located at distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers from Earth can include an electric lighting, perform any task; the photo cell can sort cigars and consider development on the conveyor; the photo cell entered the industry, it will become usual soon and. The photo cell opens before inventors unlimited opportunities in all areas. Our photo cells are still weak as independent power sources, but that time when we learn to get directly from the sun the electric power of “industrial value” will come already soon. The roof of a body of the car will be a photo cell, and the car will move the solar energy turned into current. Roofs of houses will collect light in the afternoon to spend it at night. The polar summer will give so much photoelectric power that will get it for all long polar night. And night will stop being at night.
– You forgot to mention one important application of photo cells – in television – Harichkin told.
Larichkin pushed it sideways, however was already late. Filinov quickened and started talking:
– Yes, in television. Now I will explain you what role is played by a photo cell in television.
– We know – Larichkin answered.
– You know? – flew on it Eagle owls. – And I, guilty, not up to the end know. Also I want to understand, explaining to you.
It was its method: “to study, training”. Told about Filinov, as if he complained once: “What pupils, stupid at me! You will explain time – do not understand, you will explain two – do not understand. At last itself you begin to understand, and all of them do not understand yet”. And he liked to explain “known long ago”, assuring that in these explanations always and to itself (himself) you understand something that it seemed unclear and that unexpectedly you will understand more deeply and better.
– I know – Filinov became angry – so can tell only children like you. We, of course, know something, however in the field of radio, as well as in other areas, we still do not know a lot of things. Unless features of a layer of Hevisayd are known to us completely? Unless we are able to explain why the radio transmitter of bad home weak radio station reaches sometimes such distant reception and transfer what you will not always reach at powerful stations? We often grope the way in the dark. If we already “knew everything”, it would be awful. The youth on a share would have one cramming. Fortunately, for an inquisitive, innovative mind there is a work plenty. And for you including, my greyish pupils and assistants! – he added cockily. – The one who knows most, most modest.
By the way, about photo cells and television. Without photo cells also the television, of course, would be impossible. It is still imperfect also now. And therefore before going forward, “we will repeat passed”. I will tell only about the principles.
Larichkin breathed a sigh of relief.
– From your “travel” we learned that light can be turned into electric current. And vice versa: people learned to transform electric current to the public. All television is also based on these two facts. Here beam of light of a certain brightness. I pass it in a photo cell. Light excites current of the corresponding force. I give this current on wires or without wires. In the place of reception I turn electric current again to the public. And on the screen of the reception device there is a light spot, exactly same as though the ray of light from the source fell directly on our screen, without being exposed to transformation and transfer…
– Not exactly – Larichkin corrected. It was evil on this lecture about things, long ago known. – The ray of light loses something in force. Besides…
– Well, of course – Filinov agreed – at any transmission of energy it is necessary to deal with losses. And our purpose – to minimize them. But you do not interrupt me. I set the task to understand to myself… that is to you, the basic. – And it continued: – Thus, the ray of light can be transferred to other place by means of electricity. It would seem, as transfer of images on radio is easy. Put the person facing a photo cell, light more feasibly a face, and light reflected from an appearance will get to a photo cell, will excite current, current will come to other place, there it will turn to the public – and here before you on the screen the image of the person. And actually what we have? Not the image of the person, but light spot, no more. Why? Already and it is not so easy to answer this, apparently, simple question. Here we should think of how we in general see how our sight is arranged.
Why we see? And under what conditions? We see objects only because on them there are treatments of light and shade. In darkness everything is covered by absolute “shadow”, everything is black, and we do not see. However and at bright light we would also see nothing if shadows disappeared. Everything is dazzling would shine, would stick together eyes. And only. Sometimes inexperienced photographers seat photographed against a strong light source. Shadows almost disappear, and on a card instead of the person “pancake” turns out. Features cannot almost be distinguished. And light was more, than it is necessary! If we, as well as on the Moon, had no atmospheres, then all objects standing in a shadow absolutely would disappear from the field of our sight, and the subject lit half would seem to us the photo cut in two. Our sight is adapted for terrestrial conditions where thanks to the atmosphere we have an incalculable set of shadows and penumbras. Let’s take the human face lit sideways. We see this person. However actually we see a huge number of variously lit points – and not therefore only that points are lit unevenly, but also because the person unequally absorbs and reflects rays of light.
The beam which fell on black as if by soot the drawn eyebrow, it is almost entirely absorbed, and the pale cheek will reflect light completely. But also on this cheek there will be many separate points which will unequally reflect light. Each point of the person sends to our eye a separate beam, and beams these different force. Some points do not send beams also at all. All beams meet in our eye “lens” – a pupil, and then, having refracted, again disperse – exactly as in a camera lens! But display arises not on “an opaque plate”, and on an eye retina. The last consists of huge number of separate flasks, and each flask has “wire” – the nerve transferring the image to a brain. Look in a microscope approximately of a fly. There it is visible more distinctly. An eye of a fly is similar to honeycombs. It is not one, but hundreds of six-sided eyes. And on each of them only one beam – strong or weak gets. Our retina represents something like a board for a mosaic with ready dimples into which it is possible to insert stones of the first color. Set of these “multi-colored” rather raznosvetny stones also creates an overall picture, be this person or any other subject.
And the photo cell has no “retina”. The photo cell is only one flask of our retina, it is only one cell of an eye of a fly. If the fly could close all cells of the eye, except one, then either one light point, or an arithmetic average of all beams would get to this cell. And the fly would see only one spot. Here the same arithmetic average of all beams receives also a photo cell from the lit human face. Also it reflects only one spot.
But how in that case to transfer the image of the person? You will not remake a human eye, and a photo cell if on it all beams reflected by a human face fall can transfer only a light spot. It is impossible! But the separate points on a face which are sharply lit can be transferred. If to cover the lit face with the screen and in the screen to make a small hole which, say, passes a light beam only from one point of the person, then this beam, without mixing up with others, gets on a photo cell and causes the corresponding current which can be transferred and again to turn into light point. If we place this hole in the screen against brightly lit point on a nose, then the bright beam will cause also current of the corresponding force, so, and on the accepting screen brighter point will flash. If the hole appears against the shaded point of the person, then and it will be reflected in the screen more dark stain.
Thus, it is possible to transfer only separate “stones” of different coloring for our mosaic portrait. At the same time on our mosaic these “stones” will settle down in the same spatial ratio in what they were on a face. However how to make the finished mosaic portrait? We have an opportunity “to send” only one “stone” for once. Let’s say sent black – eyebrows – and it is necessary to send white “stone” – a forehead. But hardly we will move a screen hole from eyebrows on a forehead, black “stone” will disappear, and we will not receive a mosaic portrait. So it would also be if one feature of our sight did not come to the rescue. From the screen black “stone” disappears, but he still lives in our eye and some time keeps. Our sight is capable to keep what was seen during approximately seventh fraction of a second after the subject dropped out of sight. Thus, we will see still black “stone” on the screen when on it white appeared in other place. And not only these two. If in one seventh seconds we manage to send one by one hundreds and even thousands of “stones”, then on the screen we would see them at the same time everything. Needless to say that by what the smaller quantity of “stones” will be laid in our mosaic, that the portrait will “be more rough”. The task, leaves, in that for the shortest time it is possible to transfer more “stones” – light points. This task was solved by Nipkow’s disk. In this disk of a hole are placed on a spiral. Each point of the person sends a ray of light through a certain hole of a disk. And all points at the same time create full “portrait” – the image of the person who during transfer can even move, laugh, and all these movements will be repeated on the screen.
The problem of television was so solved.
However the decision nevertheless was incomplete. I already said that the more in our mosaic, the image is fuller and more expressive than “stones”. But we are limited to time. And if we give for a short time too many “stones”, then each of them will exist very short time. The more “stones”, the less time “burns” on the screen light point, the photo cell works more weakly, the less light is transferred to the screen, and the image appears dim. It was necessary to look for an exit in other design of a photo cell, and the right way of searches could be only one – to try to create the photo cell coming the device to a human eye with its “mosaic” of a photosensitive retina.
Such photo cell was also created. In it there is a transferring tube, on it a photosensitive mosaic on which the cathodic beam slides. Each element, each cell of this mosaic is as if a singular photo cell of the microscopic size like a flask of our eye. Each element receives a charge from a light beam. This charge is sent by the lamp amplifier. Each point of a new photo cell consists of the small silver ball covered with a caesium layer for photosensitivity. What did we reach? The image became expressive, clearer and lit. There was a possibility of increase in screens.
Whether the problem of ideal vision at distance is solved by it up to the end? It is clear, that does not decide. The wonderful eye of the TV still concedes to the most wonderful eye of the person. The task is in that on the TV screen we saw not worse, than on the screen of cinema. But also the cinema did not tell the last word yet. Why not to reach the color images which are ideally transferring nature why not to solve a problem of stereoscopy of the image? In a word, the screen of the TV is designed to give and will give ideal copies of reality. The image on the screen reaches full illusion. The person forgets that he sees the image on the flat screen, but not “an open window to the world”. The television connects to a sound broadcast. The person both sees and hears that he becomes in other place. The person creates to himself a teleeye and a teleear. Before it the whole world is open, and he becomes really the owner of the world. Its horizons extend to boundlessness. Its knowledge of the world increases. He becomes the new person in comparison with the ancestors – the person giant. Ancestors heard only at the distance available to an ear, and saw only with the naked eye.
Yes, the person will undergo wonderful transformation, will rise by the highest step, will gain “divine” properties of an omniscience and vseslyshaniye.
Eternal glory to that who worked on creation of these new tools of human knowledge of the world – “superears” and “a wonderful eye”!”
– Well? How? – Mischa asked, having finished reading.
Ginzburg moved lips.
– Anything, interestingly. You did not understand something, something is inexact lit. And in general it is interesting. About a cat tiger – it at you well left.
Mischa was a little disappointed. The cat is so, for humour, and here what scientific inaccuracies? But Ginzburg hurried.
– Reach! You will study more deeply, you will correct itself. Then you will read to me once again.
– But you go soon!
Ginzburg a broad gesture showed on the screen, a loud-speaker and theatrically recited:
– There is no separation any more. We will see and speak here is how now.
At last there came also day of departure of an expedition. Ginzburg warmly said goodbye to Mischa.
– Good-bye, and, I hope, to fast – he told. – You will see me on the screen as soon as I arrive to Murmansk and I will enter a radio cabin. On our trawler I will place TVs so that you will be able to see almost everything and by steamship, and around. We not for nothing worked with your father!
Mischa strong shook hands with Ginzburg, and they left.
The engineer Borin left to see off the guest.
When Mischa remained one, he looked at the white screen with the size in square meter, as on the page of the book where the text of the fascinating novel will appear soon.
In the evening of the same day Mischa heard Ginzburg’s voice from a loud-speaker:
– Hallo, Mischa! I fly over Petrozavodsk. Over the Petrozavodsk airfield a beacon in two million candles. Bumpiness. Night flight over Karelia. Aero beacons specify the direction of flight… Just came back from salon restaurant. Ate tasty fish – a salmon. At supper – a concert from Madrid. I go to bed soon. Good night! In the morning, I hope, we will meet.
The voice ceased. The father entered.
– Who with you spoke? – he asked.
– Motya – Mischa answered and sighed.
This night he slept is disturbing. It dreamed flight over Karelia. The plane fell in dark. Bears ran together and began to jump near the broken car. Mischa drove away them the burning golovny. Then it flew again, and again the plane fell. Mischa bailed out and broke a leg. Leg of a zanyl. He moaned and woke up. Windows of an office were densely closed, the lamp shone, and it was impossible to define, morning now or night. The nurse came, washed Mischa and gave hot tea. There was ninth o’clock in the morning. Suddenly Mischa heard Ginzburg’s voice again:
– Hallo, Mischa! Turn off light.
Mischa forgot about tea and clicked the switch. The screen recovered. Ginzburg, smiling, stood on the deck of the trawler and nodded. For Ginzburg were seen the boat and near port – an arrow and the winch for a trawl raising. Mischa already knew that this winch will lift the underwater TV. Behind a board dark waters of Kola Bay were seen.
Ginzburg made a sign a hand, and the screen darkened. In a few minutes Mischa heard Ginzburg’s voice again:
– Microphones are not installed on the deck yet. You will see soon and will hear me. In an hour we will move to the sea.
So the screen of the TV turned for Mischa into the original fascinating novel. A lack of this book was that Mischa could not overturn the read pages. However Ginzburg consoled him in the fact that as soon as the trawler comes to the place, continuous transfer of everything will begin that will occur.
Pages turned over one by one. Mischa saw how Sergo took to the open sea and began to rock on gray-haired waves as high-speed Perseus caught up with the trawler “Sergo” and went forward… There passed shkher of Finland, the cape Nordkap, Lofoten Islands, coast of Norway, Sweden.
Days went behind days, and on the screen of the TV the new picture – the Leningrad port appeared. The big motor ship lifted anchors and went to swimming. All three ships had to meet in the Atlantic Ocean.
Nikolay Petrovich Borin established a two-way radio communication with all three steamships. Mischa could now several times in day speak with the friend Motya. Got acquainted with the captain Makovsky, still the young man, with swarty Azores who also went to a travel, and, at last, with the diver Protchev. Protchev interested Mischa. If the captain Makovsky had a typical face of the Englishman, then the shaved face of Protchev had obviously Mongolian lines. It could be taken for the Mongol or the Chinese. Once Mischa asked Protchev why he is similar to the Chinese, and that answered that he was born in Vladivostok. Mother his Mongol.
Protchev grew up on ocean coasts and since the childhood fell in love with diving business. Now it was the person of years under forty, very strong. The round head, a very broad breast, to Pomor widely placed legs, heavy fists. He called himself the diver on calling. Still the young man he “set up records” long stay under water without diving suit. Protchev already fell by a bottom of five Soviet seas and now with impatience expected when it is possible to look that he is created at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
During swimming the screen lit up not really often. Mischa saw the deck of Perseus, the captain’s cabin of Sergo, a cabin of the big motor ship.
The ships headed for twenty degrees of the western longitude and thirty seven degrees of northern latitude – exactly here, on the great ocean way from Buenos Aires to London and Hamburg, “Leviathan” died. Moscow shone electric fires for a long time, and on the TV screen Makovsky’s face with the English profile was still filled in with the evening sun. And what tone! This golden light of the sun, an ocean blue, yellow with black strips of a pipe of the steamship, white shirts of seamen – what clearness! Yes, it is better, than on the screen of cinema.
Captains of three ships reported on Barkovsky. Weather favored to an expedition. The ocean was quiet. Mischa himself could observe a rhythmical kolykhaniye of a surface of the water, and sometimes it seemed to it that he inhales “aroma of the ocean”. But, perhaps, this aroma was brought by ep-ronovets Kirillov if only aroma of strong “kepsten” [57] could remind a sea smell.
Sometimes on the edge of the screen steamships with overseas flags were seen. Passed them on a great way between Europe and America much. The Soviet flotilla from three vessels could draw, of course, attention. But as the Soviet vessels often crossed at this time the ocean, a talk on a flotilla was carried on meanwhile only among teams of foreign vessels. Some more days, and a flotilla will come to the place.