Читать книгу A Slice of Christmas Magic - A. G. Mayes - Страница 6



From the outside, the cottage nestled in the snowy countryside at the bottom of a hill looked as if it belonged on the pages of a storybook, but for the Drake family inside life was no happily ever after.

Dennis and Stan, father and son, were playing chess by the fire when a woman with graying brown hair and sharp green eyes stormed in and threw back the hood of her cloak. The younger man felt all the muscles in his body tense.

“Did you get it?” she asked.

“No,” Stan answered quietly. Dennis stared at the board.

“What?” she asked sharply. Both men flinched. “We would be in control of all the magic in Hocus Hills by now if you two blundering buffoons didn’t fail at every little task.” She spoke as though all the magical residents in the town of Hocus Hills were just objects for her to possess.

“We thought Alice was our star, but then she set us back when she got caught. I should have never let her convince me she could control people through altered magic spices. She didn’t have the skills. I mean, cookies? Come on!” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t think her heart was in the mission. She was too distracted by the loss of her sister, Nellie.”

Sometimes his mother just liked to hear the sound of her own voice, Stan thought.

“We can try something else,” Dennis offered, not taking his eyes off the chess board.

“Of course, we’ll try something else,” Brenda snapped. “We need to figure the magic out. Only two days before Ivan gets here. Two!” She slammed her hand on the table and chess pieces bounced off the board, clattering to the floor. “He’s not as kind as I am.”

“We have a plan for getting new recruits,” Stan said, his voice barely above a whisper.

“We need more than your plans. We need more people before Ivan gets here. That part shouldn’t be hard though. There’s always magical people who want more than to hide out in a small town.”

She paced up and down the room, her shoes clicking sharply against the floor. Stan watched his mother pace.

“Erma, she’s always a problem. She’s been keeping those spices under lock and key,” Brenda was muttering under her breath now. “But think of how happy Ivan would be if we got her magic.”

She went to the fireplace and threw in a couple of logs. Sparks flew, and heat poured out as the flames rose higher.

“We need the rest of them.” She flung her hand at the spice bottle displayed on the mantel of the fireplace like a trophy. “You two can’t get anything done right. I’ll go out in the morning and sneak into the kitchen of her pie shop while she’s getting ready to open. She’ll have the spices out then.”

“What about her niece?” Stan watched the fire instead of his mother as he asked the question.

“I think I can take her,” Brenda said sarcastically.

“They still have the protection spells on the pie shop. You won’t be able to use your magic,” Dennis said.

She rolled her eyes. “I don’t need magic. I just need to be smarter than them. That shouldn’t be hard.”

Brenda pulled up the hood on her cloak, threw open the door, and was gone without another word.

Dennis bent down to pick up the chess pieces and the two of them got back to their game.

A Slice of Christmas Magic

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