Читать книгу Institution-formation theory and principles of its construction. Globalization and the main mechanisms of the development of society - A. L. Safonov - Страница 2


Authors: A.L. Safonov, D.Sc. in Philosophy, PhD in Technical Sciences;

A.D. Orlov, PhD in Technical Sciences.

Reviewed by:

Yana Vasilievna Bondaryova, professor, D.Sc. in Philosophy;

Makhach Mustafaevich Vagabov, professor, D.Sc. in Historical Sciences;

Vladislav Anatolievich Pesotsky, professor, D.Sc. in Philosophy.

Institution-formation theory and principles of its construction (globalization and the main mechanisms of the development of society): A monograph // Andrey Leonidovich Safonov, Alexander Dmitrievich Orlov – Yekaterinburg: Isdatelskie resheniya, 2020. xx pages (e-book).

This monograph focuses on the study of the laws that govern the development of globalization and the establishment of the new age of post-globalization as well as the analysis of the reasons for the emergence of the crisis in the humanities, whose conceptual base failed to help predict the direction of the development of the post-industrial society or explain its changes ex post facto. The result of research presented principles of building a new socio-philosophical theory, which will help forecast, with a high degree of probability, the development of the society and explain the processes that happen inside it.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the authors.

The thirst for knowledge of the essence of things is given to humans as punishment.


No one thing appears or disappears, but all things are composed or separated from the mix of the existing things.


Institution-formation theory and principles of its construction. Globalization and the main mechanisms of the development of society

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