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“I live about two miles from the house my father, John D. Fox, now occupies, and where these strange noises were heard. It was a week ago last Friday, March 31st, when they told me about it. I advised them to make a thorough search, and I thought they would find a cause for it. I heard no noise, and after remaining a short time, returned home. The next morning, April 1, 1848, they sent for me to come again, and they told me the noises had been heard all night. I went early in the evening; heard the rapping distinctly. Many questions were asked and answered by the rapping.”

(It is not necessary to here repeat all of David’s statement, as the entire substance of it is given in nearly all the other certificates.)

“A large collection of people had assembled, more than could get into the house; committees were chosen, and placed in different parts of the house, that no deception might be practised by any one. These committees were composed of neighbors and friends, whom we knew to be strictly honest. I remained in the house until about one o’clock in the morning. The noises had ceased a little before twelve. After some of the crowd had left, we commenced digging in the cellar. Before digging I asked the question: ‘In what part of the cellar was your body buried?’ naming the different corners of the cellar. No response was made. ‘Was it in the centre?’ The rapping answered affirmatively. Mr. Carlos Hyde went down in the cellar, walked over the bottom, asking at every point if he was over the right place, but no rappings were heard until he stood in the centre of the cellar. It then rapped so that those in the cellar as well as those in the room above could hear it. We dug about three feet deep, when the water came in so fast we had to stop. I was here again on Monday, April 3d, and we commenced digging again in the cellar, and baling out the water; but we found it impossible to make any headway.

“On Tuesday evening they began digging again. I got a pump, and we took up the floor and put it in the hole, and began to pump and bale out the water at the same time. We could not lower the water much and had to give it up. The water is in the hole, although it is lowering gradually. I thought, from there being so many respectable people present, and they having heard the same sounds that I did, that there must be something in it. I never believed in haunted houses or anything of that kind. I have heard of such things, but never saw or heard anything but what I could account for on reasonable grounds. I cannot account for this noise as being produced by any human agency. I am perfectly willing to take my oath as to the truth of the statements which I have here made, if it is thought necessary.

“(Signed) David S. Fox.

“Tuesday, April 11, 1848.”

The Missing Link in Modern Spiritualism

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