Читать книгу Wolf and Coyote Trapping: An Up-to-Date Wolf Hunter's Guide - A. R. Harding - Страница 3



Map Showing the Range of the Timber Wolf Western Grey Wolf in a Trap Track of the Grey Wolf Coyote and Badger Killed in Texas A Trapped Coyote Track of the Coyote Wolves Killing a Deer Remains of Deer Killed by Wolves Grey Wolf Diagrams showing Difference in Size of Wolves and Coyotes A Wyoming Wolf Den A Near View of the Den Young Wolves at Entrance of Den The Hunter's Outfit An Oklahoma Hunter with Young Coyotes Catch of a Canadian Hunter A Still Hunter and His Outfit Killed by the Still Hunt Method of Preparing Poison Baits The Newhouse Wolf Trap The Two-Pronged Drag Method of Attaching an Oblong Stone Method of Attaching a Triangular Stone Iron Stakes for Traps Trap Set and Ready for Covering Wyoming Wolf Trapper Caught in a Scent Set Trail Bait Set The Square Setting Coyote Caught at a Bank Set Wolf Water Set A Trapped Wolf A Trapped Texas Coyote A Northern Coyote An Idaho Coyote A Trail Set Traps Set at Badger Den A Good Catch A Snow Set A Large Wisconsin Wolf Mr. Davis with the Big Wolf Skins A Texas Specimen Caught at Last A Northern Wolf

Wolf and Coyote Trapping: An Up-to-Date Wolf Hunter's Guide

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