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d. The wings and their structure
ОглавлениеThe insects differ from all other animals except birds in possessing wings, and as we at the outset have claimed, it is evidently owing to them that insects are numerically so superior to any other class of animals, since their power of flight enables them to live in the air out of reach of many of their enemies, the greatest destruction to insect life occurring in the wingless larval and pupal stages.
The presence of wings has exerted a profound influence on the shape and structure of the body, and it is apparently due to their existence that the body is so distinctly triregional, since this feature is least marked in the synapterous insects. The wings are thin, broad leaf-like folds of the integument, attached to the thorax and moved by powerful muscles which occupy the greater part of the thoracic cavity. The two pairs of wings are outgrowths of the middle and hinder part of the thorax, the anterior pair being attached to the mesothoracic and the hinder pair to the metathoracic segment. The larger pair is developed from the middle segment of the thorax. The differentiation of the tergites into scutum, scutellum, etc., is the result of the appearance of wings, because these sclerites are more or less reduced or effaced in wingless insects, such as apterous Orthoptera and moths, ants, etc.
The size of the hinder thoracic segments is closely related to that of the wings they bear. In those Orthoptera which have hind wings larger than those of the fore pair, the metathorax is larger than the mesothorax. In such Neuroptera as have the hind wings nearly or quite as large as the anterior pair, or in the Trichoptera and in the Hepialidæ, the metathorax is nearly as large as the mesothorax, while in Coleoptera the metathorax is as large and often much larger. In the Ephemeridæ, Diptera, and Hymenoptera, which have either only rudimentary (halteres) or small hind wings, the metathorax is correspondingly reduced in size.
The wings morphologically, as their development shows, are simple sac-like outgrowths of the integument, i.e. of the free hinder edge of the tergal plates, their place of origin being apparently above the upper edge of the epimera or pleural sclerites. Calvert[24] however, regards the upper lamina of the wing as tergal, and the lower, pleural.
The wings in most insects are attached to the thorax by a membrane containing several little plates of chitin called by Audouin articulatory epidemes.
The wings, then, are simple, very thin chitinous lamellate expansions of the integument, which are supported and strengthened by an internal framework of hollow chitinous tubes.
The veins.—The so-called “veins” or “nervures,” which are situated between the upper and under layers of the wing are so disposed as to give the greatest lightness and strength to the wings. Hagen has shown that in the freshly formed wings these two layers can be separated, when it can be seen that the veins pass through each layer.
These veins are in reality quite complex, consisting of a minute central trachea enclosed within a larger tube which at the instant the insect emerges from the nymph, or pupa, as the case may be, is filled with blood (Fig. 136). Since these tubes at first contain blood, which has been observed to circulate through them, and since the heart can be most easily injected through them, they may more properly be called veins than nervures. The shape and venation of the wings afford excellent ordinal as well as family and generic characters, while they also enable the systematist to exactly locate the spots and other markings of the wings. The spaces enclosed by the veins and their cross-branches are called cells, and their shape often affords valuable generic and specific characters.
Fig. 136.—Cross-section of wing of Pronuba.—After Spuler.
Fig. 137.—Cross-section of wing of Pieris: s, insertions of scales.-After Spuler.
The structure of a complete vein is described by Spuler. In a cross-section of a noctuid moth (Triphæna pronuba, Fig. 136) the chitinous walls are seen to consist of two layers, an outer (U) and inner (c), the latter of which takes a stain and lies next to the hypodermis (hy). In the cavity of the vein is the trachea (tr), which shows more or less distinctly the so-called spiral thread; within the cavity are also Semper’s “rib” (r) and blood-corpuscles (bc), which proves that the blood circulates in the veins of the completely formed wing, though this does not apply to all Lepidoptera with hard mature wings. We have been able to observe the same structure in sections of the wing of Zygæna.
A cross-section of a vein of Pieris brassicæ shows that the large trachea is first formed, and that it extends along the track between the protoplasmic threads connecting the two hypodermal layers.
The main tracheæ throw off on both sides a number of secondary branches showing at their end a cell with an intracellular tracheal structure; these accessory tracheæ afterwards branch out. The accessory or transverse tracheæ often disappear, though in some moths they remain permanently. Fig. 137 tr2 represents these secondary veins in the edge of the fore wing of Laverna vanella, arising from a main trachea (tr) passing through vein I (v), two of the twigs extending to the centre, showing that the latter has no homology with a true vein. Only rarely and in strongly developed thick folds are the transverse tracheæ provided with a chitinous thickening, as for example in Cossus ligniperda. Since from such accessory tracheæ the transverse veins in lepidopterous wings are developed, we can recognize in them the homologies of the net-veins in reticulated venations. There is no sharply defined difference between reticulated and non-reticulated venations; no genetic difference exists between the two kinds of venation, since there occur true Blattidæ both with and without a reticulated venation (Spuler).
In the fore wings of Odonata, Psocina, Mantispidæ, and most Hymenoptera is an usually opaque colored area between the costal edge and the median vein, called the pterostigma.
In shape the wings are either triangular or linear oval, and at the front edge the main veins are closer together than elsewhere, thus strengthening the wings and affording the greatest resistance to the air in making the downward stroke during flight. It is noticeable that when the veins are in part aborted from partial disuse of the wings, they disappear first from the hinder and middle edge, those on the costal region persisting. This is seen in the wings of Embiidæ (Oligotoma), Cynipidæ, Proctotrupidæ, Chalcids, ants, etc.
The front edge of the wing is called the costal, its termination in the outer angle of the wing is called the apex; the outer edge (termen) is situated between the apex and the inner or anal angle, between which and the base of the wing is the inner or internal edge.
While in Orthoptera, dragon-flies, Termitidæ, and Neuroptera the wings are not attached to each other, in many Lepidoptera they are loosely connected by the loop and frenulum, or in Hymenoptera by a series of strong hooks. These hooks are arranged, says Newport, “in a slightly twisted or spiral direction along the margin of the wing, so as to resemble a screw, and when the wings are expanded attach themselves to a little fold on the posterior margin of the anterior wing, along which they play very freely when the wings are in motion, slipping to and fro like the rings on the rod of a window curtain.”
At the base of the hind wings of Trichoptera and in the lepidopterous Micropteryx there is an angular fold (jugum) at the base of each wing (Fig. 138); that of the anterior wings is retained in Eriocephala and Hepialidæ.
Fig. 138.—Venation of fore and hind wings of Micropteryx purpurella: j, jugum, on each wing; d, discal vein; the Roman numerals indicate veins I.-VIII. and their branches.
In the wings of Orthoptera as well as other insects, the fore wings, especially, are divided into three well-marked areas, the costal, median, and internal; of these the median area is the largest, and in grasshoppers and crickets is more or less modified to form the musical apparatus, consisting of the drum-like resonant area, with the file or bow.
The squamæ.—In the calyptrate Muscidæ, a large scale-like membranous broad orbicular whitish process is situated beneath the base of the wing, above the halter; (Fig. 94, 10 sq.) it is either small or wanting in the acalyptrate muscids. Kirby and Spence state that when the insect is at rest the two divisions of this double lobe are folded over each other, but are extended during flight. Their exact use is unknown. Kolbe, following other German authors, considers the term squama as applicable to the whole structure, restricting the term alula to the other lobe-like division.
More recently (1890 and 1897) Osten-Sacken recommends “squamæ; in the plural, as a designation for both of these organs taken together; squama, in the singular, would mean the posterior squama alone, and antisquama the anterior squama alone;” the strip of membrane running in some cases between them, or connecting the squama with the scutellum, should be called the post-alar membrane. By a mistake Loew, and others following him, used the word tegula for squama, but this term should be restricted to the sclerite of the mesothorax previously so designated (Fig. 90, A, t). The squama or its two subdivisions has also by various authors been termed alula, calypta, squamula, lobulus, axillary lobe, aileron, cuilleron, schuppen, and scale. (Berlin Ent. Zeitschrift, xli, 1896, pp. 285–288, 328, 338.)
The halteres.—In the Diptera the hind wings are modified to form the halteres or balancers, which are present in all the species, even in Nycteribia, but are absent in Braula.
Meinert finds structures in the Lepidoptera which he considers as the homologues of the halteres of Diptera. “In the Noctuidæ,” he remarks, “I find arising from the fourth thoracic segment (segment médiaire), but covered by hair, an organ like the halter of Diptera.” (Ent. Tidskrift., i, 1880, p. 168.) He gives no details.
In the Stylopidæ, on the contrary, the fore wings are reduced to little narrow pads, while the hind wings are of great size.
The thyridium is a whitish spot marking a break in the cubital vein of the fore wing of Trichoptera; these minute thyridia occur in the fore wings of the saw-flies; there is also an intercostal thyridium on the costal part of the wings of Dermaptera.
The fore wings of Orthoptera are thicker than the hinder ones, and serve to protect the hind-body when the wings are folded; they are sometimes called tegmina. It is noteworthy, that, according to Scudder, in all the paleozoic cockroaches the fore wings (tegmina) were as distinctly veined as the hinder pair, “and could not in any sense be called coriaceous.” (Pretertiary Insects of N. A., p. 39.) Scudder also observes that in the paleozoic insects as a rule the fore and hind wings were similar in shape and venation, “heterogeneity making its appearance in mesozoic times.” In the heteropterous Hemiptera, also, the basal half of the fore wings is thick and coriaceous or parchment-like, and also protects the body when they are folded; these wings are called hemelytra. In the Dermaptera the small short fore wings are thickened and elytriform.
The elytra.—This thickening of the fore wings is carried out to its fullest extent in the fore wings of beetles, where they form the sheaths, shards, or elytra, under which the hind wings are folded. The indexed costal edge is called the epipleurum, being wide in the Tenebrionidæ. During flight “the elytra are opened so as to form an angle with the body and admit of the free play of the wings” (Kirby and Spence). In the running beetles (Carabidæ), also in the weevils and in many Ptinidae, the hind wings are wanting, through disuse, and often the elytra are firmly united, forming a single hard shell or case. The firmness of the elytra is due both to the thickness of the chitinous deposit and to the presence of minute chitinous rods or pillars connecting the upper and lower chitinous surfaces.
Fig. 139.—Longitudinal section through the edge of the elytrum of Lina ænea: gl, glands; r, reservoir; fb, fat-body; m, matrix; u, upper,—l, lower, lamella.—After Hoffbauer.
Hoffbauer finds that in the elytra of beetles of different families the venation characteristic of the hind wings is wanting, the main tracheæ being irregular or arranged in closely parallel longitudinal lines, and nerve-fibres pass along near them, sense-organs being also present. The fat-bodies in the cavity of the elytra, which is lined with a matrix layer, besides nerves, tracheæ, and blood, contain secretory vesicles filled with uric-acid concretions such as occur in the fat-body of Lampyris. There are also a great many glands varying much in structure and position, such occurring also in the pronotum (Fig. 139).
Meinert considers the elytra of Coleoptera to be the homologues of the tegulæ of Lepidoptera and of Hymenoptera. He also calls attention to the alula observed in Dyticus, situated at the base of the elytra, but which is totally covered by the latter. The alulæ of these beetles he regards as the homologues of the anterior wings of Hymenoptera and Diptera. No details are given in support of these views. (Ent. Tidskrift, i, 1880, p. 168.)
Hoffbauer (1892) also has suggested that the elytra are not the homologues of the fore wings of other insects, but of the tegulæ.
Kolbe describes the alula of Dyticus as a delicate, membranous lobe at the base of the elytra, but not visible when they are closed: its fringed edge in Dyticus is bordered by a thickening forming a tube which contains a fluid. The alula is united with the inner basal portion and articulation of the wing-cover, forming a continuation of them. Dufour considered that the humming noise made by these beetles is produced by the alulets.
Hoffbauer finds no structural resemblances in the alulæ of Dyticus to the elytra. He does not find “the least trace of veins.” They are more like appendages of the elytra. Lacordaire considered that their function is to prevent the disarticulation of the elytra, but Hoffbauer thinks that they serve as contrivances to retain the air which the beetle carries down with it under the surface, since he almost always found a bubble of air concealed under it; besides, their folded and fringed edge seems especially fitted for taking in and retaining air. Hoffbauer then describes the tegulæ of the hornet and finds them to be, not as Cholodkowsky states, hard, solid, chitinous plates, but hollow. They are inserted immediately over the base or insertion of the fore wings, being articulated by a hinge-joint, the upper lamella extending into a cavity of the side of the mesothorax, and connected by a hinge-like, articulating membrane with the lower projection of the bag or cavity. The lower lamella becomes thinner towards the place of insertion, is slightly folded, and merges without any articulation into the thin, thoracic wall at a point situated over the insertion of the fore wing. The tegulæ also differ from the wings in having no muscles to move them, the actual movements being of a passive nature, and due to the upward and downward strokes of the wings.
Comstock adopts Meinert’s view that the elytra are not true fore wings, but gives no reasons. (Manual, p. 495.)
Dr. Sharp,[25] however, after examining Dyticus and Cybister, affirms that this structure is only a part of the elytron, to which it is extensively attached, and that it corresponds with the angle at the base of the wing seen in so many insects that fold their front wings against the body. He does not think that the alula affords any support to the view that the elytra of beetles correspond with the tegulæ of Hymenoptera rather than with the fore wings.
That the elytra are modified paraptera (tegulæ) is negatived by the fact that the latter have no muscles, and that the elytra contain tracheæ whose irregular arrangement may be part of the modified degenerate structure of the elytra. Kolbe finds evidences of veins. The question may also be settled by an examination of the structure of the pupal wings. A study of a series of sections of both pairs of wings of the pupa of Doryphora and of a Clytus convinces us that the elytra are the homologues of the fore wings of other insects.