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This, perhaps, is one of the hardest tasks in an amateur organization, but the company must possess, as in a legitimate theater, its leading man, leading lady, walking gent, walking lady, responsible man, utility soubrette, to whom belongs the female comedy parts, (the soubrette is often called the “chamber-maid,” as her parts usually are of that sort), low comedian, juvenile man, juvenile lady, etc., and to these the stage manager should assign the parts coming in their line only.

Order should be strictly enforced.

Allow no grumbling for better parts—make it a thorough business organization.

In this way only can a creditable performance be brought about.

You may, if you choose, give a dance after the performance, and send your audience home well pleased with the night’s entertainment.

With strict adherence to the things set down in this work, I have no doubt but that from the latent talent in private circles, may yet spring up actors and actresses who shall be a credit to that mimic world, that mirror of nature—the stage.

How to Become an Actor

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