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The collaborative project that led to this volume began as an academic discussion about the literary construction of Europe at the Universitat de València in 2015. The conference ‘Global Britannia: Myth, Appropriation and Identity’, from which the preliminary ideas for this volume sprung, was held at the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Media Studies at the UV. The conference benefited from funds kindly granted by the Faculty, the office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Culture and Social Equality, and the Department of English and German Studies at the Universitat de València. The conference gathered a number of scholars from various European countries to discuss and (re)think modern constructions of literary identities. It also involved several speakers and respondents who have not participated in the volume, yet whose intellectual support has made a valuable contribution to this book. Special thanks are due to the members of the group ‘Literature, Arts and Performance’ at the Universitat de València, who have provided expertise and challenging questions that have enlarged our ideas on adaptation and reception studies. The conference hosted, as well, a stunning performance by Stephe Harrop of her own Janet’s Baby: A New Tamlane.

Several entities provided the financial support that made our research for this book possible. We gratefully acknowledge the Universitat de València for providing funds supporting the research carried out for the project ‘Construyendo Europa: literaturas en contacto y arquetipos literarios’ (V-INV-PRECOMP14-206579). Also the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain for granting the project FFI2013-44154-P, ‘Nuevos parámetros críticos en torno al concepto de la huella y su aplicación a la literatura reciente en lengua inglesa’ and the Research Network FFI2015-71025-REDT ‘VINS: Victorian and Neo-Victorian Studies in Spain Network’ which funded the research presented in Chapter 9. Thanks are also due to the Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya at the Universitat de València for providing the facilities for the conference from which the idea for this volume emerged.

Re-Thinking Literary Identities

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