Читать книгу Key to al-Kahf - Abdur Rashid Siddiqui - Страница 8


Chapter 2

Study of Sūrah al-Kahf

Section I: Introduction (verses 1-8)

All Praise be to Allah

Al-ḥamdu-lillāh! Al-Kahf opens with these two simple words meaning ‘Praise be to Allah’. Yet in just these two words whole worlds of meaning are contained; indeed, their depth, inclusiveness, awareness and intensity of confession have no parallel. They also contain a whole creed – a creed which not only communicates the reality of God to man with beautiful comprehensiveness but which also determines the entire configuration of their mutual relationship. That is why these are the very words with which the Qur’ān itself opens, and one feels little wonder that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that: Subḥān Allah and al-ḥamdu-lillāh fill up the whole of the balance (mīzān), or, fill up the whole (Universe) that lies between the Heavens and the earth. (Muslim) Commentators note that whenever Subḥān Allah is used it refers to the perfection and supreme power of Allah, as in the beginning of Sūrah al-Isrā’, while when al-ḥamdu-lillāh is used it connotes a favour and blessing that Allah bestows on human beings, just as He does by sending us the Book of Guidance. No other words at the start of al-Kahf could be more potent and effective in facing atheism and materialism. Let us see how.

Key to al-Kahf

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