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Chapter 3

“Gage was working on a television show,” Gray said for the second time as they all sat around the light oak dining table on the covered back porch.

His incredulous tone was not lost on Gage, or anyone else at the table, for that matter. Gage sat back in his chair trying not to address the unspoken questions that loomed over them.

“He was a great help to the show,” Ava answered. “I’m certain we wouldn’t have been renewed for a second season without his expertise. Comments about the show’s authenticity were constantly in the reviews.”

Gage hadn’t read any of the reviews for the show. He enjoyed looking over the scripts and meeting with the writers—that part made him feel useful.

“I’ve seen the show,” Morgan said as she returned to the table.

Ryan had been fussing while they ate dinner, so Morgan excused herself the minute Jack and Lily were finished. She took the older twins into the house with her while she tended to the new baby. In the days since he’d been here, Gage had concluded that Morgan was a good mother who adored her children. She also loved his brother, almost as much as Gage suspected Gray loved her. That realization had been a shock to Gage. His brother had found love and happiness, two things Gage knew would never surface in his own life.

“I love to watch procedurals,” Morgan continued once she was seated. “And I thought the idea of one being set in an OB-GYN clinic on Staten Island was a fresh take compared to most of the drama series on television these days.”

“I don’t watch a lot of current television shows, but Corbin Yancy also has a show on the home improvement network. He and his wife are redecorating their house in Palm Beach,” Harper added.

Ava nodded. She’d just finished taking a sip from her glass of lemonade. Gage watched her small hand with the neatly trimmed nails as it slipped from the glass and rested on the table.

“Corbin is great and his wife’s a sweetheart,” Ava told them. “He loves the show and worked really well with Gage to make the character he played come to life on screen.”

“Wow,” Morgan said. “So Corbin Yancy as Dr. Steven Renfield is actually Gage Taylor, my brother-in-law. I feel like I’m related to a celebrity now.”

“I’m not a celebrity,” Gage quickly replied.

The comment came in a sharper tone than he’d anticipated. The questioning and concerned looks coming from Harper and Morgan irritated him. For the two days that he’d been here, Gage had been successful in simply enjoying these new members of his family, and not thinking too much about the other family members who had let him down.

“I know some things that can help make the show work, but that’s all I do,” he said, trying for a lighter tone this time.

“Never thought my brother would be in show business,” Gray said blandly.

Gage knew what Gray was thinking. From the moment he’d walked up onto the porch and introduced Ava, he’d been sure what Gray’s reaction to who she was, and how Gage knew her, was going to be. Which was precisely why, when he’d first arrived in Temptation and Gray had asked what he’d been doing with himself, Gage had left out the part where he was working on a successful television show.

“Why is that? If you don’t mind my asking,” Ava said.

In addition to being a very good-looking woman, Ava Cannon was candid and real. Traits Gage hadn’t thought Hollywood types could have. He’d watched her on the set with the crew and the cast, and each time he’d noted how sincere she was in whatever she was saying or doing. Whether correcting something in the script, or expressing her concerns to the director, or simply accepting a meal from one of the vendors, she always made eye contact and made everyone feel as if they were on the same level. Gage had admired that about her.

“Our family doesn’t have a good history in the television business,” Gray answered.

“But we don’t need to talk about that right now,” Morgan hurried to say. “It’s just so nice to have Gage here visiting, and then for you to show up, too, Ava, is wonderful. I feel like we’re celebrating so much these days.”

“Almost too much,” Gage said quietly.

When he looked up to see that Ava was now staring at him, Gage thought it was time to shift gears.

“So, Harper, when does Garrek think he’ll be back for a visit?” he asked. “It would be great to see him while I’m here.”

“Not until Christmas,” Harper replied.

She was a nice woman—intelligent and talented, as he’d seen by the work she’d done on the old Victorian. She was not at all the type he’d thought Garrek would settle down with, but after talking to her and meeting her family, Gage could see the appeal. In fact, he was surprised at how it made him feel that his brothers had found really nice women. The Taylors didn’t believe in happy-ever-after, because that wasn’t how it had worked out for their family. All the happiness they’d once known had come crumbling down, and in the aftermath, each of the sextuplets had been left to figure out not only their place in the world, but what type of life they would have as a result.

Gage opted for work and family. Seeking emotional ties with anyone else was futile and doomed to end disastrously. It was that simple.

“That’s too bad,” Morgan replied with a frown.

“Still, it’s enough time for you to visit the hospital with me to check on the progress of the new wing,” Gray reminded Gage.

Gray was working on the Taylor Generational Wing at All Saints Hospital in Temptation. He wanted Gage’s input on the obstetrics and gynecology department and research program that was set up in their mother’s name. Even though he’d vowed not to think about work while he was here, there was no way Gage was going to refuse to help his brother.

“Absolutely,” Gage replied to Gray. He needed to meet with both his brothers, but for now, Gray would have to do.

“How long are you planning to stay, Gage?” Morgan asked. “With the holidays coming up, I was hoping to get all the Taylors to come for dinner. I know it’s been a long time since all of you were together, but that needs to change.”

Morgan was petite, friendly and just a little bit bossy, which Gage concluded was exactly what Gray needed in a woman.

“That’s a great idea,” Harper added.

“I should have a few more rooms at the house completed by Thanksgiving, so whoever doesn’t stay here can come out there with Garrek and me.”

“Oh, a big family Christmas sounds amazing,” Ava said.

She looked at Morgan and Harper with an expression that matched the women’s excitement.

Unsure what to make of that, Gage replied, “I don’t know if I’ll be able to get away again that soon. And I only have three weeks to stay this time.”

Silence fell around him, and Gage felt uncomfortable with the thought that he was spoiling their plans. He was even more uncomfortable about Ava being here, with his family, making plans for the holidays.

“Well, I think I should be going now,” Ava said and pushed her chair back from the table. “I apologize for interrupting your family celebration. But I do thank you so much for your hospitality, Morgan and Gray.”

“Don’t mention it,” Morgan said before leaning over to nudge her husband.

“Ah, she’s right. It was a pleasure having you, Ava,” Gray told her.

“We’re all set for our meeting tomorrow,” Harper added.

Ava nodded. “That’s right, we are. I’m really looking forward to hearing your ideas about tiny homes. I’ve been thinking about having one built for a while, just haven’t had the time.”

“Well, you’re in Temptation now,” Morgan continued. “We take life at a slower pace here than in Los Angeles. I hope you get lots of writing done while you’re here. And please feel free to stop by whenever you get tired of sitting at your computer. You’re welcome here anytime.”

Gage tried not to frown at that statement. He’d taken Harper’s offer to stay at the house she was renovating for her and Garrek.

“Thanks. I’m just going to head back now. I’ll be seeing you all soon, I suppose,” Ava said as she stood this time.

Gage stood, too. He didn’t know why, but he did.

“I’m going to head out, as well. I’ll see Ava back to the B and B,” he said.

“That’s an excellent idea,” Morgan added with a smile.

“I’ll meet you for breakfast at the hospital in the morning,” Gray said.

“I’ll be there,” he replied.

Gage moved around the table to hug and kiss Morgan and Harper good-night. He shook Gray’s hand and then went to stand beside Ava. She was looking at him with a smile, and Gage wondered what she was thinking. He wondered what she’d thought about that night after they’d been together in her trailer. And he wondered if she’d thought about him at all since that time.

That thought stuck with him as he followed her back to the B and B in his car. And when he stepped onto the sidewalk and walked with her up to the front door, he continued to tell himself that the one night of great sex had been just that—one night.

Until now.

“Come inside with me,” Ava said to him.

“Sure,” he replied without hesitation.

* * *

“This isn’t New York,” Gage said after closing and locking the door to her room.

Otis hadn’t been at the front desk when they’d walked into Sunnydale. A woman with long braids and a quick smile gave Ava the key and told her where her room was located. It had only taken Ava a couple seconds to realize the woman’s quick smile was directed at Gage. That, for some insane reason, turned her on.

Gage Taylor turned her on. He had since the first day she’d watched him walk onto the set. Dressed in a black suit, white shirt and purple tie, he’d stolen the breath of every other female on the set. And he wasn’t even a movie star. It was his swagger, Ava later surmised. The way his slightly bowed legs moved and the expertly cut suit hung on his broad shoulders. How his goatee was cut so precisely and his skin tone resembled the most decadent caramel. The husky and confident tone of his voice and the candid and intense way he had of looking a person straight in the eye when they talked. All of that combined with his quick wit and easy humor was nothing short of perfect. Perfectly, mouth-wateringly sexy. Period.

“No,” she replied and turned to face him. “This is Temptation.”

It was a place she’d arrived at only hours before. She’d come here to work on a project she wasn’t one hundred percent on board with. She had not come here to have sex with Gage again. But she wanted to. There was no point denying that.

He crossed his arms over his chest. The chest she’d known, from the way his dress shirts molded to him when they were on the set, would be deliciously muscled.

“That it is,” he continued, his voice lowering slightly.

His gaze pinning her to where she stood.

“And I’m tempted,” he said.

Ava tilted her head and once again replayed all the reasons why this was foolish. While they were currently in the off-season of Doctor’s Orders, Gage had already signed a contract to work on the second season with her. Which made him an employee or coworker. In addition, he was one of the Taylors of Temptation, the family that her new project centered around. Her job here was to get each of the sextuplets to sign a contract that would allow cameras into their lives for three months. From her research, she had a feeling that wasn’t going to be an easy feat.

One Perfect Moment

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