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Every Friday and Saturday night the local honky-tonk was full, and today was no exception. The place was full but the customers inside were not in a festive mood. They had all - or most of them - just come from the funeral. Today they came not to have fun but to be with each other, comfort one another and maybe find some solace in being together. Even the Johnson boys were there, although not for the same reasons.

“What nerve those boys have,” people were whispering to each other, “and on this day in particular.” Randy and his cousins were drinking beer excessively, shouting and hollering. They would look people in the eye and laugh.

“Nobody can hurt us, we own this town,” Randy would shout with Jeffrey and David cheering him on and downing more beer. Everyone was watching the “three hoodlums” with disgust. Their screams and shouts carried a tone of celebration.

With everyone’s attention on the boys, they did not notice the man dressed in black come in and go straight toward the bathroom. He just stood there in the shadows.

With all the beer they were drinking, the man in black figured, it won’t be long before one of the boys has to use the bathroom, and as much as he wanted it to be the oldest of the three, it was Jeffrey who came first. As soon as he entered the bathroom, everyone inside walked out. No one wanted to be in the same place with one of the boys, even in a bathroom.

Austin was a little disappointed that it was not Randy, but figured what he was about to do would have the same effect, but not the same satisfaction. As he started coming out of the shadows to follow Jeffrey in, another patron walked in, obviously not knowing that one of the Johnson boys was in there, and by the time he realized it and walked out, it was too late for Austin. He had lost the element of surprise and gently walked back to his corner, concealing himself again.

Damn this luck, Austin thought. Would he have to alter his plans? Would he have to take a chance and try this at another time or make other plans?

With the amounts of beer those boys were downing, he knew that it wouldn’t be long before another one would show up, hence his decision to stay put and take another chance as long as he was not discovered.

His other choice was to wait there until Randy showed up; he was no longer satisfied with any of the other boys. He decided that going for the biggest fish first would make a bigger splash, and he definitely wanted to send a message.

It seemed that Randy had the biggest bladder of the three. After what seemed like an eternity, and watching the other two boys come and go, Randy finally started staggering toward the bathroom. It seemed as if the patrons were keeping their attention on the boys, especially Randy, as Austin watched their eyes follow him until he walked off and switched their attention to the other two boys. This time no one followed and a couple walked out in haste.

Austin walked in a few seconds after Randy and very quietly locked the door and approached him from behind. Randy felt the movement and turned half way while he was still urinating. When he saw who it was, he went white. The effect of all that alcohol just dissipated and before he could make a sound, Austin slapped a piece of duct tape on his mouth. With both hands busy, Randy could not prevent it from happening. When he regained his wits, his first reaction was to rip off the tape and scream for his cousins to come to his aid, but when he lifted his arm to accomplish that feat, Austin broke it with a blow from a baseball bat he had been hiding inside his coat. When he tried with the other arm, Austin broke that one, too. Randy fell to the ground writhing with pain, unable to cry for help, with his penis still hanging out urinating all over himself.

“Does that hurt?” asked Austin as he raised the bat and struck him on the knee and broke his kneecap.

“Well, are you going to answer me, asshole?”

Randy was nodding his head vigorously, indicating that he indeed was hurting, and a lot, but Austin was not really interested in a response, he just wanted to make sure this son of a bitch would experience more pain than he thought possible, a hell of a lot more than he inflicted on his girls.

When Austin struck Randy again, taking out his other kneecap, he realized that Randy was starting to fade out.

“Not yet, you idiot I am not going to allow you to pass out on me,” he said as he threw some water in Randy’s face to revive him.

“I pray to God this hurt as much as you hurt my wife and daughter, Randy. But you won’t have to worry, no one will ever find out because you will not be around to tell. See, asshole, I am going to kill you today. This is the last day of your miserable life.” Austin kept striking Randy with the bat, breaking every bone in his body.

By this time Randy was completely immobile. He just lay there staring at this madman with tears flowing, having trouble breathing. The tape was covering his mouth and blood was clogging his nostrils.

When this incident first started, he was thinking of the revenge his family and he were going to take on this man, but at this moment all he was thinking of was all the pain being inflicted on him. The only other thought that crossed his mind was why they haven’t killed this man before. All this wouldn’t be happening and he would not be experiencing all this pain. “Please stop this pain,” he was trying to say, but no sound would come out. He was praying for mercy - something he never had for anyone - for the first time in his life. He resigned to the fact that this man was going to kill him and he knew that his only hope would be if his cousins walked in right now. But those assholes were having too much fun drinking to notice he had been gone longer than he should have.

No one came and his prayers were not answered as he lost consciousness.

Austin lay the bat across Randy’s neck and with one foot on one side to hold it steady, stepped on the other side with all the might he could muster, crushing his windpipe and breaking Randy’s neck. Randy was out of the ball game. He would never hurt anyone else ever again.

Austin looked around and was amazed at how little blood was spilled, with all this taking just a few minutes. He knew that Randy would be missed soon and, with all the people in there, someone had to be waiting and wondering what’s taking this asshole so long to come out of the bathroom. Austin knew he could not take the chance of just walking out and being discovered, and even though he would have loved to stick around and see the look on the other boys’ faces, he had to play it smart. He could not take a chance on getting caught, at least not yet. He still had a lot of unfinished business.

He took the tape off Randy’s mouth, leaving the bat where it lay, and climbed through the bathroom window.

The look on Randy’s face continued to puzzle and haunt the sheriff for a long time. His eyes were bulging and filled with tears and his mouth wide open to a scream that no one heard. It was not until the autopsy that some adhesive residue was discovered around Randy’s mouth, explaining what had happened.

Austin got in his truck and drove toward the sheriff’s house, parked two blocks away and watched. It was not long before he saw him tearing out, speeding off in his cruiser.

Austin started for the sheriff’s driveway. It was very dark now. He moved swiftly, using the trees for cover. He kept a sharp eye for any movement and strained to listen for any sound. He knew that if anyone saw him now, it would mean disaster. There would be no revenge and he would certainly wind up dead. He could not allow that to happen. His life was never of any concern to him, but he did not want to die before he delivered the Johnsons to hell. He had to fulfill his promise to his wife and daughter.

As he reached the driveway, Austin slid under the sheriff’s prized Cadillac Escalade, and proceeded to accomplish his mission. It had been a long time since he used that term, not since the military when they were all missions, wondering if that’s what it was. He was glad he had that military experience. He reverted back to those old days when he had to rehearse his role over and over again until he felt comfortable with the mission and was assured success. He used that experience here by practicing what he had to do on his own vehicle until he was able to accomplish the task in just a few minutes.

He wanted to make sure the explosives would not be detected. He taped them above the drive shaft and made sure they were concealed enough, just in case the vehicle went in for a due oil change. He knew that no amount of concealment would prevent the bomb from being discovered if the vehicle went in for any other maintenance reason. Chances are this vehicle will not need any work done; Cadillac had done an admirable job. When he finished installing the explosives, he sprayed the whole area with the undercoating spray he had purchased, inspecting his handiwork and feeling some satisfaction that it looked undetectable.

When Austin emerged from under the sheriff’s Cadillac and got back in his truck, ten minutes had passed. Not wasting any more time, he immediately drove home, tossing out the window any remnants of whatever he had left with him and shedding his clothes, throwing them in the washing machine as soon as he walked in the house, making sure to dispose of any evidence linking him to both Randy’s death and the Cadillac, in case it was discovered. Now all he had to do was wait for his opportunity to come.

The electronic transmitter was installed in his key chain. It wouldn’t take much to send a couple of the Johnsons to the hell they deserved. By this time it was past midnight, and even though he was exhausted, he had trouble falling asleep, praying he had not left anything to chance.

At 3:00 a.m., Austin awoke with a start when he heard his front door burst open, wondering what had taken them so long.

Sheriff Butch Johnson barged into Austin’s bedroom with his gun drawn, yelling at Austin to stay where he was and not move. Austin was not about to make any sudden moves. He was not that stupid, knowing that the sheriff would like nothing better than having any excuse to put a bullet in him.

“To what do I owe this pleasure, sheriff? I do hope you have a search warrant,” he said calmly.

The sheriff immediately produced a warrant, as Austin knew he would.

“Where were you last night?” asked the sheriff angrily.

“Right where you found me, sheriff,” came Austin’s reply. “After the funeral I came straight home for much-needed rest, no thanks to you and your three hoodlums. I have not been getting enough rest lately. And why the concern all of a sudden, may I ask?”

“You are under arrest for the murder of Randy Johnson.”

“So, someone finally had enough and killed that bastard,” Austin responded without showing any emotions. He was going to jail, that was certain. He might have to wait for another chance to get the others but for now he at least rid the city of Burleson of one piece of trash.

Just then he noticed a moment’s hesitation on the sheriff’s face. They had no evidence, he thought. They had nothing on him; they were just shooting in the dark hoping they could tie him to the murder. He could read it on the sheriff’s face. It was satisfying and it felt good inside. He was sure they would probably beat the crap out of him before they let him go once they got him in their jail, but it didn’t matter. The look on the sheriff’s face was going to carry him for a while.

The deputies went through the house with a fine-toothed comb, not finding anything that would tie him to the crime.

“Take him in for questioning,” said the sheriff.

“Questioning about what?” asked Austin.

“About Randy’s murder,” he said. “I am not finished with you, Hunter. Maybe you are not as smart as you think. I will find something to tie you to this. No one else in this town would dare do what happened to Randy, except for you that is, and one way or another, you will pay for it.”

“Don’t you want to make sure I am guilty of the crime first?”

“I am not interested in whether you did it or not. You are going to pay for it though, and that’s a promise.”

Austin was genuinely scared now but kept his emotions in check. He did not want to let this asshole see him vulnerable. He was getting mad at himself for not taking care of the whole lot at one time and not worrying about being discovered. It seems he will be paying for it whether he did it or not. A lot of good it did him to be smart.

When the deputies led him off, he went quietly, resigned to the fact that the torture would come soon enough. He didn’t care, for no pain could match the one that pounded away inside him. He thought about his family and walked out the door.

During the ride to the sheriff’s office and jail, Austin was assessing the situation. He was done; he had his chance and blew it. He could have taken care of all three boys and he let the chance escape. Now he would never be able to finish the job, not if he was in jail, or worse, dead.

When they arrived at the sheriff’s office, Detective Rice was already there.

“What are you doing with Mr. Hunter?” asked the detective.

“He is suspected of the murder of Randy Johnson.”

“You don’t say,” said the detective. “And what time was Randy killed?”

“According to the preliminary predictions by the coroner, between 11:15 and 11:45.”

“Well, I can tell you right now you are wasting your time holding Mr. Hunter here while the real killer is getting away and covering his tracks.“

“What makes you so sure Hunter did not kill my nephew?” asked the sheriff with visible annoyance at the detective.

“Because, sheriff, I was with Mr. Hunter from 9:00 till midnight at his house, and unless you want to charge me with him, I suggest you let him go before this department has a lawsuit on its hands.”

The sheriff stood speechless, stunned at this revelation. That was the last thing he ever expected to hear. He wanted so much for it to be Hunter. He didn’t care about anything else. And with a lawman on his side vouching for him, that put Hunter out of reach. He hated that son of a bitch Rice, but there was nothing he could do about him, and not for the lack of trying.

“You sure you were with him last night?” he finally said, astonished.

“I wouldn’t be saying that if I wasn’t, now would I?”

“Why didn’t Hunter tell me that in the first place?” addressing Rice but looking at Austin.

“I didn’t think it would matter,” replied Austin. “Besides, the look on your face right now is what I call a Kodak moment, priceless.”

Before the sheriff could react to the latest remark, Rice grabbed Austin by the arm and led him off. “I will take you home Mr. Hunter,” the detective said in a hurry, trying to prevent another incident.

“That last stunt was not very smart” said Rice as they got in his truck.

“Sorry” said Austin. “You gave me the chance and I took it. I agree with you, it was not very smart but I just couldn’t pass on it. I don’t understand though, detective, why did you lie for me? And what makes you sure I needed to be defended? You must think I did kill Randy.”

“I saw you go into town. I followed you to the club and when it took a while for you to come back out, I walked in and saw you enter the bathroom behind Randy. When I realized you were not coming out through the front door, I started toward the back and saw you climb out the window, but you disappeared before I could get to my truck and follow you.

“I had been parked outside your house for almost a half hour before you finally showed up. Where did you go?”

“Just for a drive to think things over. I am confused here, detective. If you saw me and think that I killed Randy Johnson - and I am not admitting that I did - aren’t you supposed to arrest me?

“I am not going to arrest anyone, especially you. That bastard deserved what he got and then some, but I want you to know that you have not heard the last of it from the sheriff. He may not be able to get you legally, but he will use other means to get you and with his brother, the judge, on his side, they will figure out a way to deal with you. No one seems to be able to stop this pair.”

“I understand what you mean, detective. The sheriff as much as told me so. Austin relayed the conversation he had with the sheriff at home. “One thing’s for sure though, you seem to be doing a good job of limiting their activities.”

“I am trying to do what I can, but they are smart enough to stay out of reach, and I really believe what I said about not getting to them.”

“Someone will, I promise,” said Austin. “But I am still confused, detective. Aren’t your loyalties in the wrong place?”

“Not really. I am going to trust you with something just to assure you that you have me on your side, but what I am about to tell you must stay between us. I need your promise on that. It is imperative that you not repeat what I am about to tell you. Not to anyone. I really want your guarantee.”

“You have it, detective,” said Austin, wondering what in hell this was all about.

“Why don’t you call me Eudean?”

“Is that your name or a just a nickname?”

“It’s my real name, jerk.”

“OK, detective, don’t get in a tizzy. I was just kidding. It is different though. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that name before. So what’s your story, Rice?”

“I am actually an undercover investigator working for Governor Briscoe. Only the governor and I are in on this - and now you. The governor was receiving a lot of complaints about Sheriff Johnson and wanted someone to investigate the allegations.”

“Why did he choose you for the job?”

“That’s a long story which I am sure you will hound me to tell, but I have already reported to the governor that all the complaints have merit, but there has not been enough evidence to incriminate the sheriff or the judge.”

“I am also certain that the sheriff tried to have me killed on two occasions that I know of. He suspects that I am up to something but can’t figure out what it is. He just knows that I keep snooping around. One day I took a cruiser responding to a call that turned out to be bogus, and my brakes failed. A little skill and the grace of God, I am still here. The car, however, was a total loss and the sheriff had the audacity to chew my ass off for wrecking the department’s car. Another time, I walked out on my back porch and when I bent down to check something out, heard a bullet whiz by. That was too close for comfort. The investigation brought in some poor schmuck scared out of his wits apologizing and swearing that it was a hunting accident. When you see my house, no bullet will reach there accidentally.”

“So why is he keeping you on if he suspects something?”

“No one else wants the job. He doesn’t have people breaking the door down, even though it was advertised for a long time.”

“And what makes you so sure he won’t hire someone else to finish the job?”

“Because even though that poor bastard was threatened to take that shot at me, I found him later and the message was sent out that I am not one to fuck with. I believe the sheriff would have a hard time finding someone else.”

“What did you do to the man?”

“You really don’t need to know the details, but I got a confession from him.”

“Are you telling me you took the law into your own hands and killed him?”

“A message had to go out, and it did.”

“If you got your confession, why didn’t you do something about it legally?”

“I was waiting for the chance when this thing with your family happened and that day at the hospital, I made myself a promise to protect you. I thought you would probably do some stupid shit and I wanted to be there to help you out. I will get that bastard sheriff one day, but my priorities have changed for the moment.”

“Why are you telling me all this detective?”


“OK, Eudean.”

“The idea is to make you believe that the sheriff is a dangerous man, and now that he suspects that you killed his nephew, he will stop at nothing to get you killed.”

“But he has no evidence that I had anything to do with it, thanks to you.”

“He doesn’t need any evidence, believe me.”

“I believe you, detective, Austin said, remembering the sheriff’s words.”

“You just are not going to call me by my first name, are you Hunter?”

“Not yet, detective. Maybe when I get to know you a little better.”

Rice dropped Austin at his house and drove off. Austin spent what was left of that night trying to process the information Detective Rice had divulged. He wondered if he could really trust him. He probably had just saved his life, not knowing it was not the first time. He did know he liked the man. Underneath all that ruggedness and toughness, there was a very caring person who was willing to put his life on the line to correct some wrongs.

Just as Austin fell asleep, he decided that even though he could trust this man, he had better be careful and let events dictate his actions.

Through all this, the airline Austin worked for sent him a message not to worry about coming back to work before he feels ready for it, and even though he had accumulated several vacation months and a lot of sick days, they refused to charge him any of it and kept him on the payroll.

Life had dealt him a few bad hands all through his life, but there was still a lot of good. Even though he didn’t feel like it was worth living, things kept on happening. He wondered how or why he survived his childhood until he met Megan. And when Marina decided to show up, he seemed to forget all the bad things. And when all this happened to his beloved family and he was about to give up again, things began to happen again. There were Megan’s parents, who now seemed to be clinging to him with all their might. Shirley, who was so concerned about his well- being, she keeps hiding her own demons. His neighbors, who keep trying to do things for him. And now this detective coming out of nowhere to be his guardian angel. It all somehow made him feel like he had to keep on going, not for his own sake but for theirs.

Wings Of Vengeance

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