Читать книгу History of Free Thought in Reference to The Christian Religion - Adam Storey Farrar - Страница 2

Table of Contents


Analysis of the lectures.

Lecture I.

Lecture II.

Lecture III.

Lecture IV.

Lecture V.

Lecture VI.

Lecture VII.

Lecture VIII.

Lecture I. On The Subject, Method, And Purpose Of The Course. Of Lectures.

Lecture II. The Literary Opposition of Heathens Against Christianity. in the Early Ages.

Lecture III. Free Thought During The Middle Ages, and At The Renaissance;. Together With Its Rise in Modern Times.

Lecture IV. Deism in England Previous to A.D. 1760.

Lecture V. Infidelity in France in the Eighteenth Century, and. Unbelief in England Subsequent to 1760.

Lecture VI. Free Thought In The Theology Of Germany From. 1750-1835.

Lecture VII. Free Thought: In Germany Subsequently To 1835;. And In France During The Present Century.

Lecture VIII. Free Thought in England in the Present Century;. Summary of the Course of Lectures;. Inferences in Reference to Present Dangers and Duties.


Lecture I.

Note 1. p. 3 .. Subdivisions Of Historical Inquiry.

Note 2. p. 4 .. The Comparative Study Of Religions.

Note 3. p. 4 .. Zend And Sanskrit Literature.

Note 4. p. 12 .. The Controversy Between Christians And Jews.

Note 5. p. 12 .. The Contest Of Christianity With Mahometanism.

Note 6. p. 12 .. Unitarianism.

Note 7. p. 24 .. Classification Of Metaphysical Inquiries.

Note 8. p. 28 .. Quotation From Guizot On Prayer.

Note 9. p. 31 .. On The Modern View Of The Historical Method In Philosophy.

Lecture II.

Note 10. p. 46 .. Neo-Platonism.

Note 11. p. 47 .. The Pseudo-Clementine Literature.

Note 12. p. 48 .. The Absence Of References To Christianity In Heathen. Writers Of The Second Century.

Note 13. p. 49 .. The Peregrinus Proteus Of Lucian.

Note 14. p. 51 .. The Work Of Celsus.

Note 15. p. 56 .. The Charges Against Christians, And Causes Of Persecution, In. The Second Century.

Note 16. p. 61 .. Modern Criticism On The Book Of Daniel.

Note 17. p. 64 .. The Reply Of Eusebius To Hierocles.

Note 18. p. 67 .. The Philopatris Of The Pseudo-Lucian.

Note 19. p. 87 .. The Work Of Julian Against Christianity.

Lecture III.

Note 20. p. 89 .. On The Legendary Work, Entitled “ De Tribus Impostoribus. ”

Lecture IV.

Note 21. p. 118 .. On Some Technical Terms In The History Of Unbelief.

Note 22. p. 136 .. Woolston's Discourses On Miracles.

Lecture V.

Note 23. p. 178 .. The Literary Coteries Of Paris In The Eighteenth Century.

Note 24. p. 198 .. The Term Ideology.

Note 25. p. 195 .. The Works Of Dr. Geddes.

Note 26. p. 196 .. The Works Of Conyers Middleton.

Lecture VI.

Note 27. p. 213 .. On Pietism In Germany In The Seventeenth Century.

Note 28. p. 224 .. Classification Of Schools Of Poetry In Germany.

Note 29. p. 225 .. The Wolfenbüttel Fragments.

Note 30. p. 242 .. Schleiermacher's Early Studies.

Note 31. p. 244 .. Schleiermacher's Theological Works.

Note 32. p. 252 .. On Some German Critical Theologians. (de Wette, Ewald,. Etc.)

Note 33. p. 255 .. The Name Jehovah.

Note 34. p. 256 .. The Use Of The Names Of Deity In The Composition Of. Hebrew Proper Names.

Lecture VII.

Note 35. p. 264 .. The Hegelian Philosophy.

Note 36. p. 271 .. The Christology Of Strauss.

Note 37. p. 278 .. Strauss.

Note 38. p. 273 .. The Replies To Strauss.

Note 39. p. 278 .. The Tubingen School.

Note 40. p. 281 .. The German Theologian Rothe.

Note 41. p. 285 .. The Most Modern Schools Of Philosophy And Theology In. Germany.

Note 43. p. 289 .. The Modern Theology Of Switzerland And Holland.

Note 44. p. 297 .. The Eclectic School Of France.

Note 45. p. 300 .. The Catholic Reactionary School Of France.

Note 46. p. 304 .. The Modern School Of Free Thought In The Protestant. Church Of France.

Lecture VIII.

Note 47. p. 320 .. Modern Opinions With Respect To Mythology.

Note 48. p. 363 .. The External And Internal Branches Of Evidence.

Note 49. p. 366 .. The History Of The Christian Evidences.

Note 50. p. 373 .. On The History Of The Doctrine Of Inspiration.


History of Free Thought in Reference to The Christian Religion

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