Читать книгу How to Amuse Yourself and Others: The American Girl's Handy Book - Adelia B. Beard - Страница 46



A bisque is one point which can be taken by the receiver of the odds at any time in the set except as follows:

(a) A bisque cannot be taken after a service is delivered.

(b) The server may not take a bisque after a fault, but the striker-out may do so.

One or more bisques may be given to increase or diminish other odds.

Half fifteen is one stroke given at the beginning of the second, fourth, and every subsequent alternate game of a set.

Fifteen is one stroke given at the beginning of every game of a set.

Half thirty is one stroke given at the beginning of the first game, two strokes given at the beginning of the second game; and so on, alternately, in all the subsequent games of the set.

Thirty is two strokes given at the beginning of every game of a set.

Half forty is two strokes given at the beginning of the first game, three strokes given at the beginning of the second game; and so on, alternately, in all the subsequent games of the set.

Forty is three strokes given at the beginning of every game of a set.

Half court: The players may agree into which half court, right or left, the giver of the odds shall play; and the latter loses a stroke if the ball returned by him drops outside any of the lines which bound that half court.

How to Amuse Yourself and Others: The American Girl's Handy Book

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