Читать книгу Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth - Adrian Becker - Страница 39

Ankylotic, infra‐occluded, implanted or otherwise non‐movable teeth as bone anchors


There are several situations where an erupted or partially erupted deciduous or permanent tooth cannot be moved. Ankylosis is usually the term given to these teeth, although infra‐occlusion of deciduous or permanent teeth may not necessarily be due to ankylosis. Successfully replanted teeth that have been avulsed as the result of trauma are usually ankylotic. These teeth may often be included in an orthodontic appliance to act as bone anchors, in much the same way as described above regarding the zygomatic plates and screw TADs. Accordingly, they may be used as the base against which orthodontic forces may be applied to other teeth.

Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth

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