Читать книгу King's Pleasure - Adrianne Byrd, Pamela Yaye - Страница 12

Chapter 3


Either it was Jeremy’s birthday or he’d died and gone to heaven. Frankly, if this was a sample of heaven’s delights, he hoped that no one would mourn his passing. As far as he was concerned, he was definitely about to be in a better place. His Coke-bottle-curved diva took him by the hand and led him through the bumping and grinding crowd without another word.




“Damn.” He twisted his face at the woman’s backside view and felt his erection stretch a few more inches down his leg. He was the luckiest son of a bitch walking and he knew it.




“Yo, Dr. J!”

Hypnotized, Jeremy didn’t risk taking his eyes off the grand prize. He tossed up a couple of deuces and gave whoever was hollering at him the cold shoulder. He knew how most of the brothers on the West Coast operated. They weren’t like the brothers in the South who knew how to fall back and let you play your position. L.A. playas see you heading out with the hottest chick in the room, and suddenly there’s a cock-blocking army trying to intercept.

Not tonight.

He’d rather catch a case before he’d give this up.

From the sidelines, Dylan waved to get his attention. Glancing over, tomorrow’s groom gave him the thumbs-up. Jeremy held up his hand and pretended to be smacking, flipping and rubbing his diva down—preferably with some honey or baby oil.

Baby Girl chose that moment to glance over her shoulder. He straightened up, and flashed her a devilish smile.

She laughed, released his hand—but only so that she could grab him by the waistband of his pants. “A’ight, handsome. Let’s see what you can do.”

“Please don’t hurt me,” he said.

“A little pain never hurt nobody.” She winked.

Jeremy’s brows jumped higher. I like this chick. Plus, he was more turned on than he’d ever been in his entire life. And that was saying something.

They stepped out of the sliding glass doors at the back of the house and onto the crowded deck where topless beach divas and drooling brothers danced and stumbled around.

Jeremy followed the night’s dessert down the stairs leading from the deck to the beach below. The cool night breeze whipped and flapped the sarong, hugging the woman’s luscious hips. His smile stretched wider at the constant peek-a-boo snapshots of her firm, heart-shaped ass.

Lord have mercy. He touched his forehead to make sure that he wasn’t running a fever. After a moment, he grew concerned. “Where are we going?”

“Where else? To get wet!” She released his hand and started racing toward the crashing waves.

At this late hour the Pacific Ocean was a dark blue-black abyss with strips of silvery moonlight dancing across the surface. But before he could object, the diva whipped off her sarong and flung it and her bikini top off. Next thing he knew they were smacking him in the face.

The intoxicating scent that lingered in the clothes buckled his knees. He stopped and clawed the clothes off his head. He had exactly two seconds to take in his cinnamon-brown beauty bathed in moonlight before she splashed into the water. For the second time that night, his heart stopped.

He grabbed his arm. Am I having a heart attack?

Any thought of yelling for help vanished when his gaze was drawn back to his moon-bathed angel splashing around.

“Aren’t you coming in?” she asked with a teasing lilt.

Jeremy stripped, ignoring the voice in his head, trying to remind him that, unlike his brothers, he didn’t know how to swim. Well, he could doggy-paddle, but he shouldn’t risk that kiddie maneuver in any depth of water that was higher than his height and clearly the ocean tended to go deeper than six-three.

“C’mon. The water feels great!”

Damn. She even had a voice like an angel.

“Two seconds,” he said, picking up the pace instead of confessing his handicap. He could do this. He just needed to make sure that he stayed close to shore. Once he was down to just his briefs, Jeremy gave himself one last pep talk and then rushed into the ocean with one last prayer: Please, Lord, don’t let me drown.

However, he wasn’t quite prepared for the water to be quite so cold. By the time he made it waist-deep, he was shivering and trying like hell not to scream like a damsel in distress. This was not the night to be losing manly points.

“There you are,” his moonlit goddess said as she popped up next to him. “I thought that you were going to keep me waiting out here all night.”

“Believe me. That’s the last thing I want to do.” He boldly wrapped an arm around the curve of her hip and then pressed her closer. She offered no resistance as her firm yet soft breasts pressed against his chest, so he took the next step, and tilted his head down and drew her full lips in for another kiss.

Sweeter than the richest chocolate and more potent than a shot of absinthe, Jeremy’s mind started tripping and his body heated an extra twenty degrees. Still, he plundered her lips like a starving man. Within seconds they were swallowing each other’s moans while dying to get even closer.

Suddenly she jumped up and wrapped her long legs around his trim waist. She also made sure that his ironhard cock was jammed against the crotch of her bikini bottoms.

Pulling back, he caught her bright white smile beaming in the silvery light.

“Oooh. Impressive,” she murmured.

“I aim to please.” He nibbled on her bottom lip.

“Then you’re off to a great start.”

“You’re not doing so bad yourself.” Jeremy worked his hips and grinded against the thin material shielding her pussy.

“Is that right?” Her laugh blended beautifully with the night, which only added to her intoxicating allure.

“Mm-hmm.” He worked his way to the left earlobe while his hands slid down her firm yet squeezable ass.

She followed his lead and started brushing kisses against the side of his neck.

He smiled and kept his feet planted on the ocean’s rocky floor as waves crashed around them. Frankly he could nibble on her all night. When he caught a break in the surf, he reached down between their bodies and freed his cock from his tight briefs, and then slid her bikini bottoms to the corner of her right thigh.

Jeremy watched transfixed while his new lover sucked in a quick breath in preparation, but he knew that it wasn’t going to be enough. With a slick Cheshire grin, he directed his near double-digit-size cock toward her pussy’s entrance to give them a proper introduction.

But then a huge wave hit them. Jeremy held back a scream as the icy water swallowed him whole. The crashing wave provided him with the chance to experience the pleasure of his seductive nymph’s erotic curves as she rolled on top of him, her luscious breasts brushing against his chest. Suddenly the ocean wasn’t so cold after all.

Bobbing back up to the surface, his playmate’s laughter filled his ears. But what made him awestruck was that she was perfectly positioned, so that at just the right angle the moonlight bouncing off her honey-brown skin convinced him that he really was dealing with some sort of water goddess.

“My God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, unable to stop staring.

“Aw. I bet you say that to every half-naked woman you meet.”

“I’m going to plead the Fifth on that one,” he said to be safe. “Though it doesn’t change the fact that you’re very, very beautiful.”

“Thank you. And if you don’t mind my saying, so are you.”

Jeremy’s face twisted again. “Men aren’t beautiful.”

“They aren’t?” She laughed.

“No. You’re supposed to say that they are either handsome or good-looking.” He reached up and grabbed her around the waist and pulled her closer. “Men are not beautiful.”

She cocked her head. “Sounds like I’ve ruffled someone’s manly feathers.”

“Nah. I’m just saying.” Her breasts brushed up against him again, making him lose his train of thought. In fact, his eyes focused on her full, luscious mouth.

“You were just saying what?”

He blinked. “Hell. I forgot.”

She laughed as they bobbed up and down in the water. Her hardening nipples added more inches to his erection. After staring at her for so long and enjoying the rush of foreplay endorphins, he could no longer suppress the urge to just kiss her.

His moon-bathed goddess welcomed his lips with a soft moan, but he was completely unprepared for the Godiva’s kiss that was as sweet as it was decadent. Immediately he was addicted. He found himself greedily deepening the kiss, barely mindful of keeping his body afloat as they drifted farther from the beach.

Not only was his temptress sweet, she was aggressive, as well.

She locked her hands around the back of his head and held him in place while her tongue practically molested his mouth, which was equal parts dirty and seductive. When she finally released him, he didn’t know whether he needed to file a police report or sign over his life savings for her to do it again.

If I’m not careful, a girl like her…

Jeremy fiercely shook off the rogue thought, but his gaze zoomed back to her buxom breasts and started having their own conversation. “Who are you?”

She pulled one of her hands from behind his head and pressed a finger to his lips. “No names, remember?”

He cocked a half grin to cover his sudden wave of irritation. “I have to call you something.”

“In that case, you can call me…” she teased, “…the best you’ll ever have.”

The silvery light picked up the wicked gleam in her eyes as she peeled her bikini bottoms off her hips, Never in all of Jeremy’s life had he ever experienced such an intense and powerful tremor that seemed to originate in the center of his soul. Baby Girl climbed back up into his arms and locked her silky legs around his hips. This time, there were no bikini bottoms blocking their connection. He received another surprise when he tried to squeeze into her incredibly tight walls. They gasped and then watched their reactions mirrored as their bodies slowly fit together.

Ignoring the sharp rocks stabbing the pads of his feet, Jeremy’s toes began to curl. But that was nothing compared to the way his thick arms trembled despite her slight weight. There was just something about the way the muscles in her velvety pussy tightened and rippled, causing his tear ducts to water and blur his vision.

She adjusted to his size and thickness faster than he could regain his bearings, as she started working her hips in perfect figure eights.

“Oh, damn, Baby Girl,” he gasped, and then clenched his jaw. Soon, sucking air through his teeth was the only way he could breathe. This experience was all new to him. Her body was activating all kinds of switches that he didn’t even know existed.

“Daddy, you feel good.” Leigh flung her head back and set her hips with that extra room.

Jeremy had no doubts that he was dealing with a woman who was the queen of Kegel exercises. She was putting him through the wringer. Less than a minute in, he started tightening his abdominal muscles to try to stave off coming too soon. However, that trick wasn’t working tonight. He was about the come whether he wanted to or not.

“What’s the matter? Hmm?” She leaned in close and whispered into his ear. “You can’t keep up, Big Daddy?”

Jeremy wanted to brag that he could handle anything she tossed his way, but that was shaping up to be a huge lie. Hell, he wanted to call a timeout, regroup and go at this again after a big bowl of Wheaties and some Gatorade. But that’s not how a playa handled things.

After witnessing his struggle, Baby Girl leaned forward and sucked his left earlobe into her hot mouth. He gasped at the feel of his skin scraping against her teeth. She pulled back and chuckled.

“I told you a little pain never hurt nobody.” Her smile widened. “What happened to all that swag you had earlier tonight?”

No, Baby Girl wasn’t challenging his manhood. He had to pick this up a notch or forever be defined as a two-minute brother. And he wasn’t having that.

The big guy upstairs was still answering prayers because suddenly they were hit with a huge wave, knocking them off balance and dipping them into the ocean. Seconds ticked by like minutes, while he splashed around and kicked. Just before panic settled in, the ocean spat him out—in nothing but his birthday suit.

The sound of Baby Girl’s laughter filled his ears and when he scanned the moonlit beach, he caught sight of her brick-house frame jiggling away—with his clothes.

“’Ey, yo! Where are you going?”

She glanced over her shoulder and laughed.

“Oh. All right. So you want to play,” he said to himself as he pushed himself up onto his feet and then gave chase.

She sped up, waving his underwear over her head and whooping it up.

Frankly, she looked adorable—footloose and carefree.

“Yo! Get back here!”

“You got to catch me!” the woman yelled as her long legs carried her away from the bachelor party and from shore.

They raced across the beach like children, drawing attention from the bachelor party.

“Hey, baby,” one woman hollered out. “You don’t have to chase me!”

“Me, either, with your fine ass!”

And not to be out done, a few dudes hollered out propositions to Baby Girl.

Before Jeremy knew it, he had beach full of groupies heckling and tossing their bikini tops at him.

“Damn, do you see that one brother’s pipe?” one girl shrieked.

With his ego expanding, Jeremy remained in hot pursuit of the curvy diva running off with his clothes. Three houses down, his clothes bandit disappeared. “Where in the hell did you go?”

Certain that she had ducked behind one of the smaller white houses, he raced around the entire building.

Nothing. He tried the front door, but it was locked. Next, the side door—locked. Maybe it was one of the other houses. Should he risk running to another house—naked? What if it was the wrong one and someone called the cops?

“All right,” he called out. “Very funny. Where are you?” He glanced around again and strained his ears to hear even the slightest sound. This would be the perfect time to at least have the girl’s name.

“I know you’re around here somewhere.” Jeremy smiled, still expecting her to jump out at any moment. All he could hear was the booming music from the party that he was supposed to be hosting. “All right. You’ve had your fun. C’mon out.”

No answer.

“If you’re trying to jack me, all you got is a wallet full of condoms,” he warned as he crept toward the back of the house again.

No answer.

She was still nowhere to be seen. His playful smile dropped. What the hell? He stood there for a moment and put his hands on his hips.

I should have known that she was too good to be true.

Then, the sound of running water caught his attention. He paused and tried hard to listen more closely. It sounded like it was coming from below him. He looked around and discovered a plank of wooden steps that descended and curved below the house.

“Okay.” He hitched up a smile and walked down. A few seconds later, he was able to make out that the running water was an outdoor shower. Sure enough, he found Baby Girl rinsing her lush body under the spray.

“Ahh. There you are.”

She turned and hit him with a dazzling smile. “Here I am.”

“I see you’re a woman who loves to play games.”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“How do you feel about getting my back for me?”

“Oooh.” He strolled toward her, grinning like a six-year-old on Christmas morning. “I think I can handle that, as well.”

“You’re a handy man indeed.”

Her sexy smile did funny things to Jeremy’s chest. One second it felt as if his rib cage was squeezing the life out of him, and the next his heart was melting into a pool of goo. The way the full moon’s glow shimmered made everything seem as if they were cast in a dream. It made sense; she had an ethereal Hollywood beauty and she was effortlessly seducing his mind as well as his body.

Jeremy reached for the liquid soap sitting on a wooden ledge, poured some of it into the palm of his hand. “Turn around,” he ordered.

“Yes, sir.” She followed his command, but then swept her hair over her shoulder so that she could watch him as he pressed his hands against her back and started working the soap into a lather.


Jeremy laughed. “You’re definitely a tease.”

“I’m not teasing you. You’ll get what you want in due time—especially after I had a sample out there in the water.”

“You liked that, did you?” Slowly, Jeremy’s hands moved in large circles. He couldn’t help but wonder at the softness of her skin, plus the heat that was rushing up his hands. He was experienced enough to know that this was not normal.

“Mmm. Has anyone ever told you that you have magical hands?”

“Well…I don’t want to brag.”

She laughed, and then turned around.

At the sight of her full-frontal nude body, Jeremy experienced another tightening in his chest. It took everything he had not to grab his arm like Fred Sanford and call on Elizabeth about having “the big one.”

Pleased by his reaction, Baby Girl’s smile grew as wide as the whole state of California. “What’s the matter? Aren’t you going to finish washing me?”

“I, uh…” His gaze kept sweeping up and down her body. “Uh…” Was his brain fried? How come he couldn’t think of a damn thing to say? Abandoning his verbal skills, he extended his hands instead and started soaping her breasts first. He made large circles around her globes, gently pinching them. Damn, it’s hot out here.

Never mind that they were both standing under the spray of cold, icy water, the two were as hot as if they were stranded on the Sahara Desert.

Baby Girl bit her lower lip while her eyes dropped.

“You like that?” he asked. “Mmm-hmm.”

They moved closer and Baby Girl’s eyes sprung open when Jeremy’s large cock nudged her open thighs. Their eyes locked together for a long, heated moment—each wondering and wanting to make the first move.

Just when Jeremy was beginning to conclude that his silvery beach goddess had finally lost her own swag, she boldly grabbed hold of his cock and started stroking him.

His moan rumbled through his chest before he had a chance to stop it.

“You like that?” she tossed back at him.

Hell, yeah. Were her hands made out of silk? Between the tightening in his chest and the tingling sensations rushing up and down his body, Jeremy was torn between plunging ahead or demanding that she call 9-1-1.

Then that beautiful laugh of hers filled the night as she leaned up on her toes and nibbled on his ear again. “Yeah, you like that.”

Jeremy turned his head and captured her lips in a kiss so powerful that he could’ve sworn the ground beneath them shook. From there, he was on a mindless roller-coaster ride that was as thrilling as it was frightening. When their lips finally pulled apart, the same question drifted through his mind: who are you?

Baby Girl wore the same dazed and confused look for a brief moment, and then that cocky, confident grin hooked the corner of her lips before her knees dipped.

His brows inched upward in surprise, but then his breath caught in his chest when she lifted his cock and eased it in the direction of her full lips. The caress of her warm breath made his toes curl. He stood transfixed while she maintained eye contact as she opened her mouth. And it was the most beautiful, glorious mouth he’d ever seen wrapped around his cock.

“Ooooh, gaaawd.” He reached out and sank his fingers into her long hair.

She moaned as her lips painted his cock with coral lipstick.

“Shhhh. Oooooh.” Jeremy was vaguely aware of the reduction in his vocabulary, but it didn’t matter. Hell, nothing in the world mattered—nothing existed other than this woman—and her wonderful mouth. With her gaze still locked on him, Jeremy found it hard to remain cool while his face twisted into a thousand expressions. Pretty soon, even his one-syllable words were incomprehensible.

He needed to sit down—or fall down. Either way, it was going to happen and he had only seconds to choose. From the corner of his eye he noticed the stall had a small bench, and he quickly and gently eased his way over to it. However, the moment he lowered himself onto the bench, Baby Girl’s head accelerated and the sound of her moans and slurps played bass to the shower’s steady spray.

He couldn’t believe what was happening. His vision blurred as the task of just keeping his mouth closed became impossible. He was putty in her hands, and she knew it. All he could hope for was that she would show mercy.

And thank God she did.

Popping her lips off his cock, she smiled as she smacked it against her closed mouth. “I’m not ready for you to come just yet, Big Daddy,” she said.

Jeremy struggled to open his eyes. Honestly, he felt as if he’d been drugged.

“I have something else in mind,” she said, winking. With that, she stood, reached over and shut off the cold water that had been pelting her back, and walked over to his clothes draped over the wall on the other side of the wooden shower stall. From there, she found his wallet and pulled out a sleeve of condoms.

“I like a man that’s always prepared.”

He smiled as he started to stroke himself. This just has to be a dream.

Less than five seconds later, he was wrapped and she was climbing up into his lap. When her knees touched either side of his hips, Jeremy held his cock straight up and then gave her the okay to slide her lush body down on him.

“Aaah,” Baby Girl moaned as she slowly eased down his shaft. Her mouth had the same trouble closing as his did a few minutes ago.

He couldn’t help but smile as the power ball zoomed back into his court. “That’s right, Baby Girl. You can do it.” He planted his hands onto her hips to help her out and when she seemed to stall three quarters of the way, Jeremy surged his hips upward and sealed the deal.


“There you go, Baby Girl.” He leaned forward and sucked one of her hard nipples into his mouth. From there, it seemed that the night was filled with the sounds of her sexy sighs and moans.

“You ready, Baby Girl?”

He waited a few seconds while she caught her breath, until she finally managed to open her eyes again, and gave a slight nod. Then it was on. Jeremy pumped his hips into her honeyed walls and watched as thousands of different expressions coursed through her face—all of them breathtakingly beautiful.

“Oh, gawd, you feel so good,” she chanted and grabbed hold of his shoulders.

Hell, the way her walls caressed and massaged his cock, she was an armful of paradise herself. As their bodies slapped together, and her honey glazed everything between, the new lovers witnessed the most earth-shattering fireworks exploding behind their closed lids.

The brief cooldown from the shower was forgotten as their body temperatures started heating up again. Wanting and needing more leverage, Jeremy grabbed Baby Girl around her ass cheeks and stood up.

She had just enough time to wrap her long legs around his waist to avoid falling. From there, Jeremy leaned her back against the stall and started hammering his hips as if the fate of the whole world depended on his making her come.

“Aah, aah, aah!”

“You want to come for me, Baby Girl?”




“What? I can’t hear you, Baby Girl.”

“Yes! Yes! Oh, God, yes!”

Stroke. Stroke.

“Give Daddy all this good candy.”



Panic started to set in when Jeremy’s toes curled and his abdominal muscles clenched. The last thing he wanted to do was come before she did. But it seemed that he was on a ride that even he couldn’t stop. Before long, their groans and moans competed for dominance, and before they knew it they hurdled toward the finish line together in one long, silent orgasmic scream.

King's Pleasure

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