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Our Artist has tastefully combined in the wreath that adorns her title page several of our native Spring Flowers. The simple blossoms of Claytonia Virginica, better known by its familiar name “Spring Beauty,” may easily be recognized from the right hand figure in the group of the first plate in the book. For a description of it see page 16.

The tall slender flower on the left side on the title page is Potentilla Canadensis, (Var simplex). This slender trailing plant may be found in open grassy thickets, by road side wastes, at the foot of old stumps, and similar localities, with the common Cinquefoil or Silver Leaf. This last species is much the most attractive plant to the lover of wild flowers. It abounds in dry gravelly and sandy soil, courting the open sunshine, rooting among stones, over which it spreads its slender reddish stalk, enlivening the dry arid wastes with its silvery silken leaves and gay golden rose-shaped blossoms.

The Potentilla family belongs to the same Natural Order, Rosaceæ, as the Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackberry and the Rose—a goodly fellowship of the useful and the beautiful among which our humble Cinquefoil has been allowed to find a place.

The little plant occupying the lower portion of the plate is Viola sagittata, “Arrow Leaved Violet.” The anthers of the stamens are flesh coloured or pale orange; the slender pointed sepals of the calyx are of a bright light green, which form a lively contrast to the deep purple closely wrapped pointed buds that they enfold. The leaves are of a dull green, somewhat hairy, narrow, blunt at the apex, not heart-shaped as in many of the species but closed at the base and bordering the short channelled foot-stalk. Among our numerous species few are really more lovely than “the Arrow Leaved Violet.” Viola ovata and Viola villosa closely resemble the above, and probably are varieties of our pretty flower.

The violet, like the rose and lily, has ever been the poet’s flower. This is not one of our earliest violets; it blossoms later than the early white violet, V. rotundifolia or than the early Blue Violet, V. cucullata, or that delicate species V. striata, the lilac striped violet, which adorns the banks and hill sides on some of our plain lands, early in the month of May. Later in this month and in the beginning of June we find the azure blossoms of V. sagittata in warm sheltered valleys, often among groups of small pines and among grasses on sandy knolls and open thickets. The plant grows low, the leaves on very short foot-stalks closely pressed to the ground; the bright full blue flowers springing from the crown of the plant on long slender stems stand above the leaves.

The petals are blunt, of a full azure blue, white at the base and bearded. Among many allusions to this favourite flower, here are lines somewhat after the style of the older poets, addressed to early violets found on a wintry March day at Waltham Abbey.


Children of sweetest birth,

Why do ye bend to earth

Eyes in whose softened blue,

Lies hid the diamond dew?

Has not the early ray,

Yet kissed those tears away

That fell with closing day?

Say do ye fear to meet

The hail and driving sleet,

Which gloomy winter stern

Flings from his snow-wreathed urn?

Or do ye fear the breeze

So sadly sighing thro’ the trees,

Will chill your fragrant flowers,

Ere April’s genial showers

Have visited your bowers?

Why came ye till the cuckoo’s voice,

Bade hill and vale rejoice;

Till Philomel with tender tone,

Waking the echoes lone,

Bids woodland glades prolong

Her sweetly tuneful song;

Till sky-lark blithe and linnet grey,

From fallow brown and meadow gay,

Pour forth their jocund roundelay;

Till ‘cowslip, wan’ and ‘daisies pied’

’Broider the hillock’s side,

And opening hawthorn buds are seen,

Decking each hedge-row screen?

What, though the primrose drest

In her pure paly vest

Came rashly forth

To brave the biting North,

Did ye not see her fall

Straight ’neath his snowy pall;

And heard ye not the West wind sigh

Her requiem as he hurried by?

Go hide ye then till groves are green

And April’s clouded bow is seen;

Till suns are warm, and skies are clear

And every flower that does appear,

Proclaims the birthday of the year.

Though Canada does not boast among her violets the sweet purple violet (Viola odorata) of Britain she has many elegant species remarkable for beauty of form and colour; among these “The Yellow Wool Violet,” the “Song Spurred Violet” and the “Milkwhite Wool Violet,” (V. Canadensis) may be named. These are all branching violets, some, as the yellow and the white, often attain, in rank shaded soil, to a foot in height and may be found throwing out a succession of flowers through the later summer months. They will bloom freely if transplanted to a shady spot in the garden.

North American Wild Flowers

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