Читать книгу Whistling as an Art - Agnes Woodward - Страница 11


(From the Mocking Bird)

Table of Contents

Hick - o - ryKill - deerYá - hoo

Dee - deeQúi - ahGed-dy up

Wér - wi - deeTúr - keyKu - dé - o

Oó - lupHić - coughPét - ty - coat

Dig - e - roWhit - tooKee - o - kúk

Héw - ooDee dee déepCheer-i - ly

E-sćare-cowHew-ah - éwUŕ - tee

Teá-ket-tle - teaDéar - ieÉ - thrup

A few sentences sung by the California Mocking Bird and easily whistled

Table of Contents

Take cáreWhat yearWho are you?

Pe - ter did itEat lit - tleLouie, eat your cookie
Whistling as an Art

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