Читать книгу Fatal Charm - Aimee Thurlo - Страница 8

Chapter One


May—Three years later

Amanda Vila stood by her window, watching the children playing outside in the shade of the large cottonwood. The bells of St. Francis Cathedral, in the heart of Santa Fe, mingled with the happy squeals and laughter of the preschoolers outside.

Starting this day-care center had taken all Amanda’s savings, and then some. But it had been worth it. She was finally back home, her business was thriving, and for the first time in over a year, she felt on top of the world.

She watched her own daughter outside, playing with the other children under the watchful eyes of her staff. She was proud of Los Tesoros Day School. When she assured parents that her day-care center was the best around, she knew it was no idle boast. She’d worked hard to make it a place she felt safe entrusting with her own treasured child.

Hearing her door open, Amanda turned around just as her assistant and friend, Bernice Goldman, came into the room.

Bernice was fifty-five. Her salt-and-pepper hair made her look slightly older, but she refused to color it, stubbornly maintaining she’d earned each and every one of her gray hairs. Life hadn’t always been kind to Bernice, Amanda knew. A lifetime of struggles had imprinted a certain harshness on her features, but that always disappeared in a burst of warmth the second she smiled.

“Mail came,” Bernice said. “All of it is routine, except this,” she added, placing a padded envelope on Amanda’s desk. “It was marked Personal.”

Amanda glanced at the hand-lettered envelope, noting there was no return address. “Strange,” she said and started removing the staples that sealed the edge. “I hate things like this that come out of nowhere. I’m always certain it’s going to be bad news.”

“I’ve known you all your life. I even baby-sat you when you were your daughter’s age. You’re pretty tough. You’ll handle whatever life throws at you.”

Amanda extracted a small white sheet of paper and a cardboard box, the kind inexpensive jewelry comes in. Scanning the typed note quickly, she glanced up. “We’ve got trouble, all right,” she said, brushing back a strand of her shoulder-length brown hair. “You know Tony Ramos?”

“The guy who got fired from the FBI after his daughter was kidnapped a few years back?” Seeing Amanda nod, Bernice shrugged. “Of course. Everyone does. He’s some sort of self-appointed vigilante nowadays. Wasn’t he thrown in jail recently?”

“He’s been released. He must have come by here last week,” Amanda said. “I saw the updated computer-generated image of his daughter on our bulletin board, which means he found a way to get in again. You’d think he’d understand why I left word for him to simply mail the flyers and not drop them by in person. We can’t have someone like him coming around when children are here. Parents would get worried. Let’s face it, he was fired from the Bureau for excessive force, and now with that arrest for brawling in a bar, it’s obvious he’s living on the edge. His reputation is gone.”

“Maybe it’s just a matter of his wanting to pin it up there himself to make sure it’s done,” Bernice suggested. “He goes to all the area day-care centers personally, I’m told.”

“I only wish I knew how he’s getting in here. Our staff categorically denies helping him, and I believe them. On the other hand, there are never any signs of a break-in, so that’s not the answer.” Amanda sighed. “Now I’ve got to contact him. Fate’s having a laugh at my expense. Can you bring me his latest flyer?”

Bernice left the office and came back a moment later. “Here it is. What’s going on?”

“I can’t tell you yet, but I will as soon as I can. Count on it.”

Amanda waited until Bernice had left her office, then dialed Tony Ramos’s number. Ramos’s voice was gruff. From the sound of it, she was willing to bet she’d awakened him even though it was almost noon.

Amanda quickly told him about the packet she’d just received. “The note says they have news of your child, and I was to contact you but say nothing to the police. That’s exactly what I’ve done so far. I figured you’d want to handle things yourself.”

“Correct assumption.” His voice had changed and was now completely alert. “I’ll handle it my own way. Anything else?”

“There’s a small box that came in the envelope. Shall I open it?”

“No, I’ll take care of that. I’m on my way over now,” he said.

“No. Let me meet you elsewhere.” Amanda’s thoughts were racing. Trouble seemed to follow Tony Ramos, and her business didn’t need his kind of publicity. “I’ll meet you in the little park north of the cathedral. How much time do you need?”

“Fifteen minutes.”

“I’ll be there.”

Amanda leaned back in the chair, trying to collect her thoughts. Why was she being used to contact Ramos? The only connection between them that she could think of was the flyer that he left here every few months. But he left an identical one at every other day-care center in the city, as well as many other places. Perhaps none of the other day-care centers could match the reputation for excellence hers had acquired. Or maybe it was just that hers was the largest ad in the Yellow Pages. At this point, it was just too hard to venture any reliable guesses.

Ten minutes later, Amanda picked up the envelope on her desk. As she started toward the door, the buzzer on her desk sounded. Ignoring it, she continued out to the reception area. “Whoever it is will have to wait, Bernice. I’ve got to leave right now.”

“No, you don’t. I’ve come to you,” a deep, masculine voice said.

Amanda saw the tall, dark-haired man stride around Bernice and come toward her. Nothing could have prepared her for the raw, muscled masculinity and vitality this man exuded when seen up close. For a moment, all she could do was stare.

“I was about to tell you,” Bernice said, “that Mr. Ramos had arrived.”

“We should talk privately,” Ramos said, then, maneuvering past Amanda, led the way into her office.

As Amanda watched, Tony stalked across the room and sat in the chair across from her desk. Anger and disbelief mingled disturbingly inside her. With great deliberation, Amanda walked around to face him but didn’t sit down. Trying to look as intimidating and commanding as he did, she leaned against her desk and regarded him boldly.

Instinct told her that he was a man who was used to getting his way. He lived in a world of violence where his wits and his fists were his two best allies. Amanda couldn’t afford to let him get the upper hand. She fixed him with an unblinking glare, and he gave her an arrogant half smile, as if he knew precisely what she was doing. Every inch of her body began to tingle. She felt as if lightning were about to strike.

“Mr. Ramos.” She forced herself to use that special tone she’d found particularly effective against people who challenged her authority.

“Please, sit down and relax,” he said cordially. “I’m really quite harmless.” Ramos’s voice was surprisingly soft. “You said you had something for me?”

“Mr. Ramos, I asked you specifically not to come here.”

“I was in the area, and I wanted to save your valuable time,” he countered evenly.

“I appreciate that, but you should have respected my position.” She slid the padded envelope over to him. “Here’s what arrived in our mail today.”

Ramos read the note, then pulled out the small package inside the envelope. As he opened the box, an infant-size gold ID bracelet slipped out. His hand shook briefly, then stopped.

The tiny bracelet had affected him, but he brought himself under control in the blink of an eye. Amanda couldn’t help wondering what kind of life would require that a man develop such complete emotional control.

“Exactly when did you get this?” His gaze was shuttered as he glanced up, his voice low and steady.

“Less than half an hour ago. I called you right after I read the note.” Amanda looked away from the coal black eyes that were now trained on her. Ramos’s attention made her feel nervous and self-conscious. She glanced back at him furtively, noting the way his shirt clung to his broad shoulders, accentuating his muscular build. Sensual awareness flickered to life within her. The unexpected reaction took her by complete surprise. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt the primitive surge of desire. She suppressed it quickly. This kind of hormonal rush was the last thing she needed now.

“Has anyone called you and followed up on the note since we spoke? I expect someone will call to confirm whether or not you received it.”

“I haven’t heard from anyone.” She could feel the anger he kept in check with his iron will. She suspected it wouldn’t take much to have it come crashing to the surface.

He studied the closed box. “This bracelet belonged to my daughter. I recognize the little nick over the letter C. My father inscribed it for her. His hands shook at the time. Parkinson’s,” he added, glancing up. His gaze drifted down her body, lingering for a moment on her throat, then her breasts, searching and gaining knowledge far too intimate for strangers.

On impulse, Amanda used the silence stretching out between them to study him as thoroughly as he’d done her. She had to fight not to smile when she saw the glimmer of surprise on his face.

Ramos quickly drew back into himself, growing somber. “After all these years, the kidnappers finally get in touch. But the real bottom line is that they’ve chosen to contact me through you. Why do you think that is?”

“Maybe they want someone less...shall we say, unpredictable to deal with? I’m known in this town and have a very solid reputation as a businessperson and an active citizen.”

“Meaning I don’t.” He smiled, but it never reached his eyes.

Amanda shrugged. “You asked for a guess. I gave you one.”

Tony’s eyes were as dark as a summer storm. Finally he moved over to the window and glanced at the children playing outside. “I hope you’re playing straight with me, Amanda.” His tone made his words half prayer, half threat.

The way he said her name made a shiver course up her spine. “I am.” An unspoken challenge charged the air between them. She tried to appear in control, but her heart was racing with excitement. “I’ve told you all I know.”

“Good, because I can be very unpleasant when someone crosses me.” Ramos turned and trapped her gaze. “Given a choice, that’s not the way I’d like things to be between you and me.”

Amanda forced herself to remain very still. “Tell me, Mr. Ramos, which part of that was a threat, the first or the second?”

The corners of his mouth twitched, but he didn’t crack a smile. “You don’t rattle easily.”

“I can’t afford that luxury. I run a day-care center filled with toddlers,” she said, reminding herself to stay cool. Despite his charm and soft voice, he was a man of violence. She couldn’t allow herself to forget that.

“I wish I could tell you that I know precisely what being around toddlers is like, but I can’t. My child is gone, and that’s a situation I intend to rectify, no matter who I have to walk over or how long it takes.”

Amanda heard, as well as felt, the steel-hard determination in his voice. She was a good judge of character and, right now, all her instincts were telling her that Ramos meant trouble. He would do whatever was necessary to get his child back, regardless of the consequences. She could understand that, even support it, but she had to make sure he didn’t run roughshod over her and jeopardize everything she valued in the process.

Tony eased the note and the box back into the envelope and picked it up by the edges. “I’ll be back after I run this by a few of my sources.”

“No, you won’t. You can call me here, but I do not want you coming by again. Is that clear? I won’t refuse to help you, though your reputation precedes you. However, I cannot afford to have the parents of the children in my care getting nervous.”

“The more people I make nervous, the sooner I get my little girl back,” he said coldly.

After Tony left, the room felt oddly empty. His intensity and rough manner should have repelled her, yet she couldn’t remember ever feeling so drawn to a man. Her body was still trembling with excitement. Tony Ramos exuded an aura of supercharged maleness that practically took her breath away.

Bernice knocked and came into the office without a pause. “Well?”

“He’s a bit cool and very forceful, but not as bad as his reputation makes him out to be. But then again, in his profession, I’m sure he’s learned to wear many masks. In this particular case, too, he’s fighting to get his child back. I’m sure he’s prepared to become whatever he needs to be to get her back. If Hope was taken from me, I know I would.”

Bernice gazed at her speculatively. “I know a bit about him, but it’s mostly from newspapers and gossip I’ve picked up. Are you interested?”

Amanda nodded.

“His wife was involved in a terrible accident three years ago, killed almost instantly. Ramos was the one who found her, but by the time he reached the accident site, his daughter had already been taken. A massive search got underway, but the accident took place during a winter storm so there were almost no clues. Heavy snowfall had obscured the tracks of the person who took his child.”

“He lost his wife and daughter at the same time?” Amanda’s stomach tied itself in knots. “That certainly explains a lot about him.”

“But not everything. There have been questions about Tony Ramos for a long time. He’s been more or less unemployed for the past three years, but his style of living hasn’t noticeably changed. He’s never short of money, it seems. And he hangs out with real scum—crooks and cutthroats of all sorts.” Bernice exhaled softly. “He comes in a nice package, but he’s bad news from what I’ve heard.”

“I don’t doubt it for a second. I still feel for him, though. What mother wouldn’t? I’ll do what I can to help, but I’ve got my own daughter to think about. I intend to keep my association with Tony Ramos as brief as I can—and as far from Hope as possible.”

Bernice stood as the phone on Amanda’s desk began to ring. “Amanda, one more thing. I’m not sure exactly what’s going on here, but I gather it has something to do with his daughter. If that’s the case, I wouldn’t wait for him to call the police if I were you. He may not, and you need to protect the center on this. If the newspapers ever get hold of this story, you’re going to want it known that you took all the proper steps.”

* * *

THE REST OF THE AFTERNOON went by with agonizing slowness. Amanda had expected to get a call from the police. The fact that none came made her think Bernice had been right to suspect Tony wouldn’t tell them. Uneasiness spread through her and she began to regret her agreement to let him handle things his own way. Tony was obviously unafraid to take the law into his own hands. The thought of him acting on his own, answering to no one and perhaps giving in to his violent side, frightened her. Foreknowledge meant she’d share responsibility for his actions.

Amanda picked up the phone ready to call the police, then set it back down. She wanted to give him a chance to play it his way. Any parent searching for his or her child deserved that much. More important, at this point, he was only checking with his sources. The police certainly hadn’t helped him much, judging by the results. Her gaze fell on the photo of Hope on her desk. She couldn’t even imagine being without her daughter, living in that uncertain limbo Tony had dwelt in all this time. She’d give him a chance, but if by tonight she hadn’t heard from the police, then she’d step in.

Several more hours crept by before Amanda finally cleared her desk, ready to leave. It was almost five, time to pick up Hope in the nursery and go home. The time she spent with her daughter in the evenings was her favorite part of the day, and thanks to Bernice, she now had even more time. Bernice had taken over the job of staying late and locking up after all the children were gone.

Amanda stepped into the outer office and spoke to the older woman. “Hope and I will be going now. We’ll see you tomorrow.” As she reached the door, the telephone rang. Amanda stopped and waited, wondering if the police had finally decided to call.

“It’s for you,” Bernice said, putting the caller on hold. “The voice sounds funny somehow. It’s a woman, I can tell that much, but she won’t identify herself. She says it’s urgent. I tried to put her off, but she says she knows you’re still here.”

“I’ll take it in my office.” Puzzled, Amanda returned to her desk and reached for the phone, identifying herself quickly.

“I’m the one who sent you the bracelet,” the woman answered, her voice pitched higher than ordinary, like an audio tape playing at the wrong speed. “Now listen carefully, because I won’t be on long. Tell Ramos I know where his kid is. I will give him the information, but first I have certain chores for him. He can start by going to the FBI office here in town and getting a copy of the file on the Henderson case.”

“But he’s not an agent anymore,” Amanda countered, wondering how any local person could be unaware of that, as she wrote the woman’s demands down on a notepad.

“He’s still got connections. He’ll manage. Just tell him he’s got two days to meet my first demand, or he can kiss his kid goodbye forever.”

“Why don’t you deal directly with him? Why are you telling me?”

“You’re our ace in the hole in case we need someone to put a leash on Ramos. You see, we know all about you, too, Ms. Vila. You’re the perfect choice, because you have a secret...and something to lose.”

“What do you mean?” Amanda silently denied the words had any connection to her life as she struggled to understand the woman, whose strange voice was clipped and harsh, probably because it was being electronically disguised.

“We know your daughter was adopted, and that you’ve tried to keep that from everyone. If you don’t do whatever we say, we’ll make sure you regret it. We can alter adoption records, even make sure that the age-progression software Ramos is using starts producing an image that looks just like your kid. We can set it up so that there’ll be no doubt in his mind that she’s his little girl. Once he’s convinced, it won’t matter what anyone else thinks or says. Official approval or not, you know he’ll stop at nothing to take her away from you.”

That threat had the ring of truth. Having met Tony, Amanda couldn’t deny it. She felt her blood turn to ice. “Breaking into the state’s computers can’t be easy. How do I know this isn’t just some kind of bluff?”

“Check it out. We’ve set up a little demonstration. There is no longer any computerized record of your daughter’s adoption. We’ve eliminated it from the data banks completely.”

“I still have the original documents,” Amanda answered, unable to suppress the fear that came through in her voice.

“Nothing exists in the computer’s memory to back them up. Ramos could claim they were phony.”

“You’ve obviously been digging deeply into my life. Why? What do you want from me?”

“Just do what you’re told and don’t go to the police, not unless you want to be responsible for the death of his child, and the loss of your own. And don’t even think about running. If you do, we’ll make sure Ramos tracks you down wherever you go. In the end, we’d be off the hook, he’d have your child, and you’d have nothing.”

“Blood tests would prove my daughter isn’t his,” Amanda argued back angrily.

“And not yours, either. Are you willing to give up the girl to a welfare agency while the courts decide the case? That could take months, years maybe. I’ll bet the press would like to know about it, too. Imagine how a story like this could affect your business. Who’d trust an accused baby snatcher with their own precious darlings?”

“You’re bluffing,” Amanda uttered in disbelief.

“Check the state computer for the adoption records if you doubt us. We’re very capable of backing up our threats.” The line went dead.

Bernice walked into the office and gave Amanda a startled look. “You’re white as a sheet! What’s going on?”

Amanda’s hand shook as she hung up. “Does your friend still work for Social Services?” Amanda asked.

“Sure. She’s been there for years.”

“I need a favor. I was hoping to keep this story from you. In this situation, knowledge is dangerous, but I need your help and you have a right to know.” After telling her friend about the kidnapper’s threat, she dropped back into her chair.

“How could they know Hope was adopted? The only ones who knew were Ron, his sister, you and I, and a few clerical workers at the agency who handled the adoption. If I remember correctly, Ron made you promise never to tell anyone. He was always afraid that the child’s father would return to harass his sister about giving up Hope for adoption. Did you change your mind and confide in anyone else over the years?”

Amanda shook her head. “Of course not. I would never have risked it.”

“Maybe the birth father is behind this scam, or at least in league with the people responsible. Somebody obviously talked to the woman who called.”

“Maybe. First things first, though. Get hold of your friend and have her search the computers. See if the adoption record is still there. I have to know if it’s just a bluff.”

Bernice glanced at her watch. “I may still catch her. She usually works late. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Amanda sat down to wait, then, on impulse, decided to call Ron. She’d need to know if he’d told anyone about the adoption, and also to find out all she could about Hope’s birth father. It would definitely be tricky. She couldn’t afford to tip her hand. If Ron knew the whole story, it was possible he would insist on getting involved. Yet she knew he’d be doing it out of pride—not love for his daughter—and that meant he would be willing to take the kind of risks she’d never condone. He’d likely complicate things rather than solve them.

Gathering her courage, she dialed her ex-husband’s office. Katrina, his longtime paralegal assistant and secretary, answered the phone.

“Hello, Katrina? This is Amanda. I’d like to speak to Ron, please. It’s important.”

“He’s with a client, Amanda. I’ll take your number and have Mr. Vila return your call.” Katrina was cold and excessively polite, as she had been ever since the divorce. She made it a point to be difficult whenever Amanda called. Katrina was undoubtedly acting on Ron’s instructions.

“Sorry, Katrina, this can’t wait. Tell Ron it’s about Hope, but it doesn’t concern his money or his time. That should put his mind at ease.” Amanda couldn’t understand why Katrina was so loyal to Ron. It certainly wasn’t because of a romantic attachment. In two years of marriage, Ron had proven to be the most unemotional man Amanda had ever known.

Katrina put her on hold without another word. After five minutes, just when Amanda was getting really angry, Ron picked up the line. As usual, Ron seemed more annoyed than pleased to hear from her. After a curt greeting, he urged her to get to the point.

“I need to get in touch with your sister,” Amanda said, “but I don’t have her telephone number.”

“Why do you want to talk to Louise?”

“Hope has a little friend who’s adopted, so Hope is now filled with questions of her own. I thought this was the perfect time to start introducing Hope to the idea that she’s adopted, too. But I don’t want to do it if there are still problems with her birth father.”

“Louise hasn’t heard from that guy in years. In fact, last Christmas when I saw her, she said he’d moved to Mexico. Louise is married now, so don’t go calling her and dredging up the past. Her husband doesn’t know about the baby. Besides, don’t you remember that you and I agreed not to tell anyone Hope was adopted? Try to keep your word for the sake of my sister, and leave me out of it, too. I’ve got important work to do.”

She heard a click, then a dial tone. Some things never changed. To Ron, Hope had never ceased to be a reminder of his inability to father a child. Frustration and anger rippled through her, making her insides tie into a knot.

When Bernice finally came into Amanda’s office twenty minutes later, Amanda scarcely dared to breathe as she waited for the news.

“There’s no record of the adoption,” Bernice said in a muted voice. “Everyone was gone, so Jenny was able to access several different data banks. She checked everything she could think of, but the adoption records are just not there. They must have been erased somehow.”

Amanda felt the blood draining from her face. “Then it’s not a bluff. They’ve tampered with the state records.”

“So what now?”

“I call Tony, pass on their demands, and keep quiet about the rest. For now, that’s the only thing I can do. I don’t want to risk losing my daughter, even if it would only be for a while.”

“You’re a fighter, Amanda. You won’t be able to stand this for long. When your patience runs out, what will you do?”

“I’m not sure, but I do know I can’t just sit back and trust this caller to keep her end of the bargain. I’ll need some leverage of my own sooner or later.”

Amanda managed to keep her hands from shaking as she finished dialing. To her disappointment, she only reached Tony’s answering machine. Frustrated, she decided to leave a sketchy message and wait to give him the details later. They were in this together now, though for different reasons; allies, yet not.

As she finished speaking to the machine, she considered giving him her unlisted home number, but then decided against it. She didn’t want him calling her at home, possibly frightening Hope. “I’ll call again later so we can discuss this at length,” she added.

Bernice watched her. “You’ve got to talk to someone...the cops or a lawyer. You can’t handle this by yourself.”

“I can’t go to anyone yet. And you can’t say anything, either. Promise me. I’ve got to have something on these people in order to safeguard Hope and myself. The only way I can get that is to play along for now.”

“I understand, but—”

“No, no buts. This is the way it’s got to be.”

Bernice nodded. “I’ll do everything I can to help you. I don’t know how much good I’ll be, but you won’t go through this alone.”

Amanda toyed with a pencil on her desk, trying frantically to get a handle on the situation. “Wait a second. Did you tell me the caller knew I was here?”

“That’s what she told me.”

“How could she know that—unless she’s watching?” Amanda walked over to the window and pulled the curtain aside to glance up and down the street. Finally she allowed the curtain to fall back into place. “There are cars parked all the way down the street as usual, but I didn’t see anyone sitting inside one.”

“Maybe they know your car.”

“I suppose that’s possible.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’m going outside to take a look around. I don’t want to leave here with Hope and have someone follow me home.”

“I’m going with you.”

Amanda nodded then changed her mind. “Maybe I’m overreacting, but I’d rather you stayed here on guard. I don’t want to take any chances with the children.”

As she walked out of the building, she looked around cautiously. There were plenty of people just getting off work. She’d be safe.

The narrow cobblestoned streets adjacent to the Santa Fe Plaza made it difficult for anyone to hide. She passed a mural of Saint Francis of Assisi painted on the crumbling wall of an old adobe building. The saint’s ability to talk to the animals was a link between Pueblo beliefs and the modern-day Santa Fe natives, who saw their city as one in perfect harmony with nature. Trouble of any kind here seemed impossible, but the facts were inescapable.

As she headed back, Amanda noticed an off-white sedan parked in the shadows of a narrow alleyway. From there, the driver would have a clear view of the day-care center. Amanda allowed herself a furtive glance. There was definitely someone in the car, but the driver’s face was masked by long, sculpted shadows that made it impossible to distinguish facial features.

Amanda slowed her steps, trying to get a better look. Suddenly, the vehicle sped out of the alley, heading north, away from the center. The license plate was from New Mexico, but Amanda couldn’t make out the letters or numbers. She hurried back to the center.

She pulled Bernice into her office. “That person was definitely watching us,” Amanda said. “I wish I’d managed to get a look at the driver’s face.”

“Maybe you’re safer not knowing who it is,” Bernice said slowly.

Amanda felt her skin prickle. What on earth had she been drawn into? She thought of Hope and her heart began to hammer. No matter what happened, she had to find a way to keep her daughter with her, out of danger.

Amanda went directly to the phone and called the police. She reported the car she’d seen watching the day-care center, but she avoided mentioning anything concerning Tony or the kidnappers.

Bernice shook her head as Amanda hung up. “You should have told them the whole story.”

“I can’t. But this way at least, the police will keep an eye on the center, and make sure that creep stays away from here.” Amanda took a deep breath and gave Bernice a worried look. “It’s getting late, but I’m still not sure it’s safe to take Hope home.”

Bernice moved to the window. “You’ll be okay. That car’s long gone. Go home. Just remember my house is less than a mile away. If there’s a problem, come over immediately. Winston’s the best guard there is. He’ll make sure everyone’s safe.”

“Winston!” Hope, a small dark-haired girl with large brown eyes, ran through the open doorway and launched herself into Amanda’s arms. “Are we going to see Winston, Mommy?”

“Hello, Peanut.” Amanda gave Doris, the nursery attendant, a nod, assuring her that Hope’s unexpected entrance was okay.

“I like Winston, Mommy! He’s my friend.”

Amanda smiled. “Yes, I know.” Winston was Bernice’s gargantuan bullmastiff. When he stood on his hind legs, he could see over the top of Amanda’s head. Nobody ever gave Winston a hard time. Though the dog rarely growled, he had a habit of standing directly in the path of anyone he didn’t know and licking his chops, as if making dinner plans.

Amanda glanced at Bernice. “I may ask to borrow Winston before this thing’s finished.”

“Yippee! Winston can sleep over.”

Bernice laughed. “You’re welcome to him anytime.”

* * *

AS AMANDA DROVE HOME, her eyes continually darted to her rearview mirror. Nobody was following her, she was certain of that. She soon let Hope’s incessant chatter divert her fears and began to relax.

As her daughter sang a nursery rhyme, Amanda’s thoughts strayed to Tony. She’d be calling him tonight after Hope fell asleep. The prospect sent a rush through her. Although she told herself quickly that it was only the product of all the extra adrenaline still pumping through her, she knew there was more to it than that. Tony’s appearance in her life had reminded her that she’d suppressed her womanly needs far too long, concentrating solely on being a mom. That aspect of her feminine side she’d so neglected was starting to demand her attention.

Forcing Tony from her thoughts, she focused on enjoying the drive with her daughter. This was their time, and she wouldn’t let anything encroach on it.

As they left the city behind, Amanda felt more of her tension melt away. She liked country living. Her house was on the southern outskirts of Santa Fe, nestled in a rural area dotted with small, territorial-style adobe houses. Here, prices were more reasonable, and she could afford to give Hope a huge yard to play in.

“Mommy, look! We have company!” Hope pointed ahead.

Amanda felt her breath catch in her throat. A pickup was parked in the shadows of the Russian olives that grew wild along one wall of her house. If the driver’s intentions had been good, he wouldn’t have been hiding there. Sensing danger, she made a sudden change of plans.

“Hang on, Peanut. We’re not going home after all.” Amanda stepped on the gas pedal, shot past her house, and sped on down the road.

Fatal Charm

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