Читать книгу The Shadow - Aimee Thurlo - Страница 8



Jonas Slowman —He had the power to make things happen, but what he wanted most was out of his reach.

Emily Atkins —Her hopes and dreams for the future demanded she stay strong. Yet the warrior who fought beside her was her greatest weakness.

Dinétsoh —The trusted member of the Brotherhood had disappeared with a fortune in bearer bonds that Emily desperately needed.

Robert Jefferson —A real estate lawyer about to make the deal of his life—if he lived long enough to collect.

Grant Woods —He wanted the Atkins property, and wasn’t prepared to take no for an answer.

Jen Caldwell —Not so innocent, the legal assistant was in a position to know everything…or so she thought.

Sam Carpenter —He was Grant Woods’ handyman, but who was he really working for?

The Shadow

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