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From a business process perspective, one can view a process as composed of intelligence-action sequences that accomplish work. In fact, it can be viewed as state transitions between thinking (decision making) to acting and doing them successively till the work sequence is finalized and the work goal is achieved. The action itself, or at least certain part of it, does not require any thinking. Going back to our example of you deciding to turn your car right, the “decision” in this case is to turn right, but an action follows. The action itself can be broken down into states of action to turn, as brain and hand coordination maintains what turning is. Thus, decision-oriented intelligence decides to turn right, and then brain, eyes, hands, and other sensors work collaboratively to help us make the right turn. We receive feedback, and our brain processes this feedback to turn the wheel in accordance with the feedback to keep the car on the road, accident free, and make the right turn. The think-act sequence itself is the second kind of decision—i.e., doing what needs to be done or monitoring an action-neural response (feedback) sequence once an action has begun.

Clearly, the automation from artificial intelligence requires the convergence of the two types of automations: automation of thinking (synthetic, or machine, thinking) and automation of action. It is a merger of the two where artifacts can think autonomously and take actions.

The acts of action can be many. Any time information is extracted from the environment and goes into a system (artifact, entity) as input and then when the environment is acted upon by the system as some form of output, these are actions. Thus, when the machine receives market data, it can be viewed as specific steps where no thinking is required by the machine. Then the machine thinks and makes a trading decision. The decision when communicated back to the environment where a trade is made is again an action and requires execution and not just thinking.

Artificial Intelligence for Asset Management and Investment

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