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Chapter 2. Only one main target!


Rule #2. Aim at only one main target!

If you think what to do in this life, after you have loved yourself and your life – probably the best way out is to get rich. May be to grow yourself rich, like an adult and self-confident child. And it is true.

Just know before you act – that it is best way is not to strive immediately richness-runaway and try to catch up with the millions and billions of dollars running away from you. No. Start small. But then slowly move on to the big one.

Choose for yourself only one main target to which you will “aim”. Set out to get this goal, not just dream about it. You must know the truth – the dream does not come true just like that in pretty fairytale. A dream comes true every day in your common life – day by day – step by step. The dream should get up in the morning with you, and with you it should fall asleep. No other way.

How long will it take to reach a dream? Not so much if you abide by the rule “Get up with a dream” and “Go to bed with a dream.” And if you do it every day. Everyday! It is very serious. Believe me, this is the only thing that works – setting yourself daily for your dream. Because a dream is like a balloon – it can fly away at any moment if events and circumstances distract you from your ordinary life. Do not be distracted by them. The dream actually comes true faster than you think, if you do everything right, as described above and below. If everything is so, then you have nothing to worry about!

Live with your dream. And of course do not let go your dream, believe in the dream and the most important thing is LOVING your dream. So love it. Love it as a child loves a pet and life. And keep yourself in that condition all the time. But know one more secret – you must have just only ONE dream! And not more at this current moment. One dream for certain current moment of time.

Yes, just one simple, but a big dream. If you have a lot of small desires – they will never line up in one big dream. Then forget them altogether! Go them to hell! Throw them out of your head! You don’t need small desires! You need only one big dream.

And of course do not run after someone else’s dream. Run to your personal secret dream – a dream that breaks out of your heart. After all, as you know, the heart provides you with life. So think: the heart will provide you with a dream. And it will be your’s and not someone else’s dream. Let it be very big, slow and gradual, but ONE.

And throw away many small desires from your heart. These are empty dreams. Let your head sometimes think about them. But from the heart – get them away! There they are definitely not in need.

Believe me, with ones goals and dreams – only 50 people from all over the world come in with their targets! 50 people! And this is the richest people on planet Earth! And maybe you even know them. Well, of course, you know. But if you do love them, you will know them not just on TV, you will know them personally.

After all, very SOON you will become one of them. You will become a happy and loving person, having in your pocket and on your bank account – a very decent and BIG amount of money, which will finally allow you to live the way you really want it! The main is to SEE it in your HEAD – and to FEEL it in your HEART – and only then to make a certain ACTION with your BODY. But do not worry, SOON the MONEY will come to you much more than you can imagine now.

Rule #2. Aim at only one main target!

– —

Motto intention: “I know perfectly well that in this world there are a bunch of other targets, a bunch of other goals and desires, needs and requirements. But I am an experienced hunter. I am a very skillful and patient professional. I just know for sure that there is only one single important target. And this is it where I am aiming to now. Next time there will be a new target, but this target will be a different one. And the very next time itself will be different too”…

Love and Grow Rich!

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