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Measuring and marking during construction


The exact dimensions of brickwork projects are (or should be) governed by the proportions of a brick (see here), so you can either calculate the length and width of the first course, and mark it out on the new or existing foundation using a tape measure, straightedge and a piece of chalk; or arrange the bricks without mortar, judging the gaps between each brick, then nudge the layout straight and square and mark around it with chalk.

Once you have laid the first course of bricks, use a level to indicate the horizontal and vertical positions, and a straightedge to check for straightness. A line set (a line stretched between two stakes) is useful for guiding the courses of stone, and estimating course heights, on long lengths of wall (see here).

Leveling: Using a level to decide whether or not a structure or brick is level (horizontally parallel to the ground, or vertically at right angles to the ground), and then making adjustments to bring individual bricks into line.

Brickwork Projects for Patio & Garden

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