Читать книгу Brickwork Projects for Patio & Garden - Alan Bridgewater - Страница 29



Sometimes the projects require you to use formwork (wooden frames) during the casting of foundations. Formwork usually consists of planks of wood laid square and level, held in place by stakes and nails (see here). A general-purpose saw (or crosscut saw) and a claw hammer are all that is needed to make it.

Simple brickwork arches are easy to build as long as you use a wooden former to establish the shape of the arch and support the bricks during the building process (see here, 136–143, 144–151, 152–157). The former is made from plywood cut with an electric jigsaw, which is a safe and easy-to-use tool. After drawing the curved shape on the plywood (you may use a trammel for this—see here), hold down the plywood on the workbench, start up the saw (don’t allow the blade to touch the wood until the motor is running) and gently guide the blade around the curve. Wear goggles and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Brickwork Projects for Patio & Garden

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