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Airplanes (1) is a trick game that can probably only be played once, unless you keep participants out of the room until it is their turn. Two strong players are required to hold a plank of wood at hip height a few feet above the floor. The partygoer who is playing the pilot is shown the plank then blindfolded and helped onto it. They stand there and support themselves by placing their hands on the shoulders of the two carriers, who then proceed to walk the plank around the room. These carriers then carefully kneel down so that the plank is as close to the floor as possible. To the partygoer, whose hands remain on their shoulders, it appears if anything that they are lifting him higher above the floor. The carriers then announce that the plane is about to crash and the pilot needs to parachute to safety. What feels to the blindfolded pilot to be a metre or so is merely a matter of centimetres. Will they dare to jump?

Airplanes (2) is an Inuit game of strength. In teams of four players, one forms the airplane by lying face down on the floor with their feet together and arms outstretched. The other three teammates now pick up this player, one holding his ankles, the others holding a forearm each. The airplane player must now keep their body totally rigid for as long as possible whilst teammates ‘fly’ them across the room. The team that achieves the greatest distance, before the airplane gives up and begs their teammates to stop, wins.

Montegue Blister’s Strange Games: and other odd things to do with your time

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