Читать книгу Madrid: an historical description and handbook of the Spanish capital - Albert Frederick Calvert - Страница 4

Plan of Madrid 1
Arms of Madrid 2
General view of Madrid 3
View of Madrid from the Teja 4
General view of Madrid 5
View of Madrid from San Isidro 6
The Fountain of Cybele and Calle de Alcalá 7
The Northern Railway Station and Royal Palace 8
Puerta del Sol 9
Puerta del Sol 10
Calle de Alcalá 11
Calle de Alcalá 12
Calle de Alcalá 13
Calle de Alcalá 14
Carrera de San Jerónimo 15
Calle de Alcalá 16
Calle de Sevilla 17
Calle de Alcalá 18
Plaza de Castelar 19
Calle de Toledo 20
In old Madrid 21
Paseo de Recoletos 22
Paseo de Recoletos 23
Paseo de Recoletos 24
Paseo de Recoletos 25
Calle de Alcalá and Statue of Aguirre 26
Paseo de la Castellana 27
Plaza de Isabel II. 28
Plaza de Oriente 29
Plaza Mayor 30
Plaza Mayor 31
Plaza Mayor and Statue of Philip III. 32
Calle de Serrano 33
Calle de la Princesa on Good Friday 34
Entrance to the Park of Alfonso XIII. 35
Casa de Campo. The Lake 36
Toledo Bridge 37
Toledo Bridge 38
Toledo Bridge 39
Segovia Bridge 40
Entrance to the Retiro 41
Entrance to the Retiro 42
Principal Entrance to the Retiro 43
Retiro. The Parterre 44
Retiro. The Lake 45
Retiro. The Crystal Palace 46
Retiro. Arab Pavilion 47
Retiro. Arab Temple 48
Gate of Alcalá 49
Gate of Hierro 50
Gate of Toledo 51
Chamber of Deputies 52
The Cortes. Two bronze lions in front of the Palace 53
Interior of the Chamber of Deputies 54
Interior of the Chamber of Deputies 55
Reception Room at the Chamber of Deputies. Decorated by Don A. Mélida 56
Reception Room at the Chamber of Deputies. Decorated by Don A. Mélida 57
Façade of the Hospital. Calle Fuencarral 58
La Latina 59
Portal of the Hospital of the Conception or “La Latina” in the Calle de Toledo 60
Staircase of La Latina 61
Portal and Staircase of the Hospital de la Latina 62
Arabian Palace of the Prado 63
Arabian Palace of the Prado 64
Lujanes Tower 65
The Aguirre School 66
The Spanish Theatre 67
The Royal Theatre 68
The Treasury Office in the Calle de Alcalá 69
Palace of the Marqués de Portugalete 70
Palace of the Marqués de Linares 71
The Bank of Spain 72
The War Office 73
Southern façade of the Museum and the Statue of Murillo 74
The Prado Gallery. North façade 75
The Prado Gallery 76
The New Exchange 77
The Town Hall 78
The Northern Railway Station 79
Círculo de Contribuyentes 80
The Senate House 81
Hispano-American Bank 82
The Spanish Academy 83
The Atocha Station 84
National Library 85
The National Library and Museum 86
National Library. Detail of the façade 87
National Library and Museum. East façade 88
National Library. Sphinx 89
The Equitable Buildings in the Calle de Alcalá 90
Statue of María Cristina and Museum of Reproductions 91
Interior of the New Exchange 92
The Home Office 93
Astronomical Observatory 94
The Exchange 95
The War Office 96
The Town Hall 97
Ministerio de Fomento 98
Hermitage of San Isidro 99
Refuge of Our Lady of Mercy 100
Church of San Francisco el Grande 101
San Francisco el Grande. General view from the Choir 102
San Francisco el Grande. The Concession of the Jubilee of the Porciúncula 103
San Francisco el Grande. Left side of the Cupola 104
Crypt in the Almudena Cathedral 105
The Cathedral. Partial view of the Crypt 106
Church of Las Calatravas 107
Las Calatravas 108
Church of El Buen Suceso 109
General view of the Church El Buen Suceso 110
Church of San José 111
Church of San Isidro el Real 112
Interior of the Church of San Isidro 113
Church of La Virgen del Puerto 114
Church of Las Salesas. The Suffering Christ 115
Church of San Cayetano 116
Altar-piece in the Bishop’s Chapel 117
Door in the Bishop’s Chapel 118
The Bishop’s Chapel. Left side of the door 119
The Bishop’s Chapel. Right side of the door 120
The Bishop’s Chapel. Upper part of the door 121
The Bishop’s Chapel. Sepulchre of the Bishop of Plasencia 122
The Bishop’s Chapel. Sepulchre of Don Francesco de Vargas 123
The Bishop’s Chapel. Sepulchre of Doña Inés de Carvajal 124
Parish Church of St Andrew. Sepulchre of San Isidro, Patron Saint of Madrid 125
Interior of the Church of San Jerónimo. From a picture in the Prado of the Prince of the Asturias (Ferdinand VII.) taking the Oath of Allegiance in 1789 126
View of the interior of the Church of San Jerónimo 127
San Antonio de la Florida 128
Church of San Antonio de la Florida 129
Interior of the Church of San Antonio de la Florida 130
Fresco in San Antonio de la Florida, by Goya 131
Fresco in San Antonio de la Florida, by Goya 132
Fresco in San Antonio de la Florida, by Goya 133
Fresco in San Antonio de la Florida, by Goya 134
Group of Angels in San Antonio de la Florida, by Goya 135
Group of Angels in San Antonio de la Florida, by Goya 136
Interior of the Church of San Antonio de la Florida 137
San Antonio de la Florida. Painting in the principal Chapel, by Goya 138
San Antonio de la Florida. Paintings on the centres of the intrados of the Choir and principal Chapel Arches, by Goya 139
San Antonio de la Florida. Paintings on the springings of the intrados of the principal Chapel Arches, by Goya 140
San Antonio de la Florida. Paintings on the springings of the intrados of the Choir Arches, by Goya 141
San Antonio de la Florida. Paintings on the intrados of the Chapel Arch, left side, by Goya 142
San Antonio de la Florida. Paintings on the intrados of the Chapel Arch, right side, by Goya 143
San Antonio de la Florida. Triangles formed by the Dome adjoining the principal Chapel, by Goya 144
San Antonio de la Florida. Triangles formed by the Dome adjoining the Choir, by Goya 145
San Antonio de la Florida. Paintings at the left sides of the windows of the Dome, by Goya 146
San Antonio de la Florida. Paintings at the right sides of the windows of the Dome, by Goya 147
San Antonio de la Florida. First group on the Cupola to the left of the centre, by Goya 148
San Antonio de la Florida. Second group on the Cupola to the left of the centre, by Goya 149
San Antonio de la Florida. Centre of the composition on the Cupola facing the entrance, by Goya 150
San Antonio de la Florida. First group on the Cupola to the right of the centre, by Goya 151
San Antonio de la Florida. Second group on the Cupola to the right of the centre, by Goya 152
The Prado 153
The Prado 154
The Prado Gallery 155
The Prado. The Velazquez Gallery 156
Madrid Picture Gallery. Lower plan 157
Madrid Picture Gallery. Chief plan 158
Scene in the Life of Santo Domingo de Guzman, by Pedro Berruguete. Prado 159
Ecce Homo, by Luis de Morales. Prado 160
The Baptism of Christ, by Navarrete. Prado 161
Portrait of Don Carlos, son of Philip II., by Alonso Sánchez Coello. Prado 162
The Infantas Isabel Clara Eugenia and Catalina Micaela, daughters of Philip II., by Alonso Sánchez Coello. Prado 163
Jacob receiving the Blessing of his father Isaac, by Ribera. Prado 164
Vision of St Peter the Apostle to St Peter Nolasco, by Zurbaran. Prado 165
Los Borrachos, by Velazquez. Prado 166
The Forge of Vulcan, by Velazquez. Prado 167
The Surrender of Breda, by Velazquez. Prado 168
Philip IV., by Velazquez. Prado 169
Queen Isabel of Bourbon, by Velazquez. Prado 170
Don Baltasar Carlos, by Velazquez. Prado 171
Philip IV. in Hunting Costume, by Velazquez. Prado 172
Don Baltasar Carlos in Hunting Costume, by Velazquez. Prado 173
Duke of Olivares, by Velazquez. Prado 174
Æsop, by Velazquez. Prado 175
St Antony Abbot visiting St Paul, by Velazquez. Prado 176
Las Hilanderas, by Velazquez. Prado 177
Las Meninas, by Velazquez. Prado 178
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, by Murillo. Prado 179
El Tiñoso: St Elizabeth of Hungary tending the sick in her Hospital, by Murillo. Prado 180
Father Cabanillas, by Murillo. Prado 181
The Child Jesus as Shepherd, by Murillo. Prado 182
Detail of Plate 179, by Murillo. Prado 183
The Vision of St Bernard, by Murillo. Prado 184
The Virgin of the Rosary, by Murillo. Prado 185
The Child St John, by Murillo. Prado 186
The Children, Jesus and St John, known by the name of “Los Niños de la Concha,” by Murillo. Prado 187
The Holy Family and the Bird, by Murillo. Prado 188
Head of the Holy Shepherd (fragment), by Murillo Prado 189
La Porciúncula (the Vision of St Francis), by Murillo. Prado 190
The Martyrdom of St Andrew the Apostle at Patras, by Murillo. Prado 191
The Dream of the Roman Senator and his wife, which produced the Church of St Maria Maggiore at Rome, by Murillo 192
The Roman Senator and his wife telling their dream to Pope Liberius, by Murillo 193
The Annunciation, by El Greco. Prado 194
The Holy Family, by El Greco. Prado 195
The Crucifixion, by El Greco. Prado 196
The dead Christ in the arms of God the Father, by El Greco. Prado 197
Charles IV., by Goya. Prado 198
Queen Maria Luisa, by Goya. Prado 199
The nude Maja, by Goya. Prado 200
The draped Maja, by Goya. Prado 201
The Family of Charles IV., by Goya. Prado 202
Goya at the age of 80, by V. López. Prado 203
Jesus and Mary Magdalene, by Correggio. Prado 204
The Holy Family and the Lamb, by Rafael. Prado 205
A Cardinal, by Rafael. Prado 206
Madonna and Child, with St Bridget and St Hulpus, by Titian. Prado 207
The Crown of Thorns, by Domingo Tiepolo. Prado 208
Portrait of Albrecht Dürer, by himself. Prado 209
Queen Artemisia, by Rembrandt. Prado 210
Village Fête, by Teniers. Prado 211
Gallery of the Archduke Leopold in Brussels, by Teniers. Prado 212
The Three Graces, by Rubens. Prado 213
The Holy Family, by Rubens. Prado 214
Van Dyck and Count Bristol, by Van Dyck. Prado 215
The Last Supper, by Juan de Juanes. Prado 216
The Catholic Sovereigns adoring the Virgin, by Juan de Borgoña. Prado 217
A Gothic King, by Alonso Cano. Prado 218
The Water from the Rock, by Juan de las Roelas, El Clérigo. Prado 219
A Soul in Pain, by Ribalta. Prado 220
Portrait of Philip II., by Pantoja de la Cruz. Prado 221
Portrait of Pedro Berruguete. 15th century. Collection of Don José de Lázaro Galdeano 222
Architecture, Painting, and Sculpture, by G. Suñol. Allegoric group intended for the façade of the Prado 223
The Emperor Charles V. Prado Museum 224
The Empress Isabel of Portugal, wife of Charles V. The Prado 225
A Satyr and children dancing. The Prado 226
Marble relief. Life-size figures. The Prado 227
Marble relief. Bacchantes. Life-size figures. The Prado 228
Bronze heads. The Prado 229
Tapestry. The Baptist taking leave of his parents to devote himself to penitence 230
Tapestry. The Virgin enthroned, Gideon showing the lamb’s skin, and other scenes 231
Effigy of St Ferdinand, King of Spain. Chapel Royal 232
(1 to 5) Crowns and votive crosses of Guarrazar. (6) Remains of St Ferdinand’s robe. (7) Moorish spurs of St Ferdinand. Royal Armoury 233
C 1. Spanish man-at-arms, 15th century. Royal Armoury 234
C 4. Spanish crossbowman, 15th century. Royal Armoury 235
C 2. Spanish halberdier, 15th century. Royal Armoury 236
Mace-bearer of the 16th century with surcoat displaying the Arms of Castile and Leon 237
A 26. Tilting harness of Charles V. Royal Armoury 238
A 112. Armour presented to Charles V. by the Duke of Mantua. Royal Armoury 239
Armour of Charles V. made by Desiderio Colman. (1849 Catalogue.) Royal Armoury 240
A 231. Armour made for Prince Philip (II.) by Wolf of Landshut (1550). Royal Armoury 241
Armour of Charles V., Augsburg or Nuremberg make. (1849 Catalogue.) Royal Armoury 242
A 37. Tilting harness of Charles V. made by Desiderio Colman, Helmschmied. Royal Armoury 243
A 65. Tilting harness of Charles V. Royal Armoury 244
A 149. Armour of Charles V. (1541). Royal Armoury 245
A 243. Equestrian armour of Philip II. made by Sigmund Wolf of Landshut. Royal Armoury 246
Armour of King Philip II. Royal Armoury 247
Armour of Philip II., engraved with the Royal Arms of England. Royal Armoury 248
A 290. Armour of King Sebastian of Portugal. Royal Armoury 249
A 290. Armour of King Sebastian, back plate (details). Royal Armoury 250
A 291. Armour of Philip III. made by Lucio Picinino of Milan. Royal Armoury 251
Armour made at Pamplona for the Duke of Savoy (1620). Royal Armoury 252
Half armour of Philip IV. Royal Armoury 253
Milanese brigantine which belonged to Charles V. Royal Armoury 254
B 1. Boy’s half armour made in Italy for the Infante, afterwards Philip III. Royal Armoury 255
D 1. Boy’s half armour made for the Infante, afterwards Philip III. (Second view.) Royal Armoury 256
B 4. Half armour presented to the Infante, afterwards Philip III., by the Duke of Terranova. Royal Armoury 257
B 18. Boy’s half armour made for the Infante Fernando, son of Philip III. Royal Armoury 258
Half armour belonging to Prince Philip, afterwards Philip IV. Royal Armoury 259
A 434. Gorget. Subject: The Siege of Ostend, 1601. Royal Armoury 260
A 434. Gorget of Philip II. Subject: The Battle of Nieuport. Royal Armoury 261
Madrid: an historical description and handbook of the Spanish capital

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