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Pappy was still packing when someone hammered on the door.

Three a.m.

He’d read somewhere that more people die at that time than any other.

He didn’t need to open the door to know it was Black.

The only question was whether or not he was on his own, or if he’d brought his little Desert Eagle friend along to say farewell.

There was no point in delaying it. He opened the door.

Black smiled at him. “Leaving so soon?” he said as he walked inside. He didn’t wait to be invited in. He wasn’t a fucking vampire—Pappy doubted a stake to the heart would have the slightest effect on him. You had to have a heart for that to work. Fuck, Pappy was surprised he’d bothered knocking in the first place. A bullet to the lock was as good as a key.

“You knew the score,” Pappy said.

He could feel his heartbeat kick on.

They had been friends for years, but that didn’t mean he was immune to Black’s anger, only that he’d known him long enough to know to be afraid of him. “That was my last job. It’s not fun anymore, we’re into some fucked-up shit now.”

“Fucked-up shit indeed, Pap, but that don’t change things. You need a stash for that new life of yours. New living don’t come cheap. Fuck, man, we both need the cash.”

Pappy shrugged. “Not worth getting upset about.”

“Ain’t it? Tell me again why we were in that place. Oh, right, it was to give you the bucks to light out. We put our fuckin’ stones out there for you, Pap. You can’t just run out on us. Not now. You owe us. We need you with us, brother.”

“I’ve had enough. Gotta move on, make a fresh start.”

“You sound like a shit country-and-fuckin’-western song, Pap. Come back to mine for the night. Tonya’ll cook up something good. We’ll chill, shoot the shit like the old days. Make plans. Think big. The rest of the crew will be there. I’ll get a few girls over. Make it a fuckin’ party. Pretend like we’re celebrating. See you off in style. My gift to you, bro. A proper goodbye. It’s all sorted.”

Pappy didn’t want to go.

Really didn’t want to.

He knew how it would go down.

But it wasn’t a life that was easy to walk out on. They had history. They might not be blood, but they were more than just family.

He nodded.

One more night couldn’t make any real difference. He’d be gone by first light. He’d still have time to say goodbyes.

“I’ll be along later,” he said.

“Nah, man, we go together. The car’s outside, the motor’s purring, and we have a driver who’s getting to like sitting behind the wheel just a little too much and a couple of bitches in the back who can’t sit still, if you dig. You and me, brother man. One last fuckin’ time. You and me.”


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