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Letter from Dr. H. A. Barrows. – Dr. J. M. B. Harden. – Dr. J. Porter. – Dr. N. J. Knight. – Dr. Lester Keep. – Second letter from Dr. Keep. – Dr. Henry H. Brown. – Dr. Franklin Knox. – From a Physician. – Additional statements by the Author.

During the years 1837 and 1838 I wrote to several of the physicians whose names, experiments, and facts appear in Chapter II. Their answers, so far as received, are now to be presented.

I have also received interesting letters from several other physicians in New England and elsewhere – but particularly in New England – on the same general subject, which, with an additional statement of my own case, I have added to the foregoing. I might have added a hundred authentic cases, of similar import. I might also have obtained an additional amount of the same sort of intelligence, had it not been for the want of time, amid numerous other pressing avocations, for correspondence of this kind. Besides, if what I have obtained is not satisfactory, I have many doubts whether more would be so.

The first letter I shall insert is from Dr. H. A. Barrows, of Phillips, in Maine. It is dated October 10, 1837, and may be considered as a sequel to that written by him to Dr. North, though it is addressed to the author of this volume.

Vegetable Diet: As Sanctioned by Medical Men, and by Experience in All Ages

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